
The Chinese Kaigui giant ship, with a loading capacity comparable to 6,000 trains, does not need to be refueled for 1 lap around the equator

author:Oranges play balls


As China's first "100,000-ton" bulk carrier, the "Kaigui" can carry a huge amount of cargo, comparable to the loading capacity of 6,000 trains, the work efficiency is also very high, and it is also very fuel-efficient, and it can still run fast without refueling in a circle around the equator.

The core technology of this giant ship is developed by China itself, and "shipbuilding" has become a new industry in recent years.

The Chinese Kaigui giant ship, with a loading capacity comparable to 6,000 trains, does not need to be refueled for 1 lap around the equator

China's giant ships have become giants of maritime transportation.

What is the power of the giant wheel, and what are the hidden dangers?

Why are China's giant ships fuel-efficient?

What exactly is the core technology?

China's giant ship.

There are a total of 17 Chinese giant ships built by China, which can be called the "king of ships", and with the continuous expansion of globalization, maritime trade has developed rapidly.

In order to meet the needs of countries around the world for the transportation of goods, in order to better develop, China's shipbuilding industry is also developing.

The Chinese Kaigui giant ship, with a loading capacity comparable to 6,000 trains, does not need to be refueled for 1 lap around the equator

When manufacturing a new type of giant ship, Chinese enterprises will use the superior technology of all countries in the world, integrate the advantages of each country's technology, and improve it, so that they can develop a giant ship with unique advantages and breaking technical barriers.

Among the world's giant ships, China's giant ships are not only large in size, but also very good at running, and China's giant ships attract many countries to order all kinds of cargo ships from China with their excellent performance.

China's own research and development of giant ships, with better sailing performance, the maximum power of each engine is explored, which can not only maintain the operation of the ship, but also maintain the economy of the ship.

The Chinese Kaigui giant ship, with a loading capacity comparable to 6,000 trains, does not need to be refueled for 1 lap around the equator

In the manufacturing process of giant ships, the stronger the thrust of the ship, the more the propulsion performance of the ship can be guaranteed, so that the ship can resist different wind and waves, which can ensure the stability of the ship.

Giant ships are also widely used in ports around the world in order to meet the transportation needs of different countries in the world.

With the use of giant ships, the economy can be better developed, and even more transportation solutions can be provided for human beings.

In recent years, the number of ships in various countries around the world has increased to a certain extent, and the global shipping industry market is becoming more and more favored by people.

The Chinese Kaigui giant ship, with a loading capacity comparable to 6,000 trains, does not need to be refueled for 1 lap around the equator

Under such a general trend, the giant ship has gradually begun to move towards a more intelligent, more energy-saving and environmentally friendly direction.

China's giant ship is actually a huge transport plane, which can carry a lot of cargo, and each giant ship has a very large loading capacity and can load a lot of cargo.

"Kaigui" is China's first "100,000-ton" bulk carrier, the biggest feature of this cargo ship is that it can carry a huge amount of cargo, comparable to the loading capacity of 6,000 trains.

Not only is the load capacity of the Triumph very large, but the efficiency of the ship is very high and it is also very fuel-efficient.

The Chinese Kaigui giant ship, with a loading capacity comparable to 6,000 trains, does not need to be refueled for 1 lap around the equator

Once the cargo ship "Kaigui" is full, it can go around the equator without refueling, and can always run at the fastest speed.

This can also reflect the advantages of this giant ship, which is very convenient to use and very efficient.

The benefits of the Chinese giant ship.

In the past, after the trade war, countries around the world raised tariffs on China at high prices, which led to a certain decline in China's foreign trade volume, and at home, exports were also affected.

In order to solve this problem, China has quickly implemented the "One Belt, One Road" strategy to promote the development of global trade.

The Chinese Kaigui giant ship, with a loading capacity comparable to 6,000 trains, does not need to be refueled for 1 lap around the equator

As maritime trade continues to increase, countries around the world are planning to realign their ports.

Under the attention of various countries, many countries also have their own giant ships, which has led to the rapid growth of shipbuilding demand, and the global industry attaches great importance to the shipbuilding industry.

One of the great advantages of China's giant steamers is that they are cheap and easy to use.

The first giant ships were bought from the Netherlands, and in the last decade, China's giant ships have become a global hot seller.

It is reported that a Chinese fuel carrier needs 450 million yuan, while ordering the same ship from the Netherlands costs 750 million yuan.

The Chinese Kaigui giant ship, with a loading capacity comparable to 6,000 trains, does not need to be refueled for 1 lap around the equator

At the same time, China's giant ships also have obvious advantages, and can be delivered within 200 days at the earliest.

Under the influence of the trade war, China's shipbuilding output value has risen from 21.1% in 2007 to 42% in 2019.

The proportion of Chinese giant ships ordered for the world will only increase, and many countries are ordering large giant ships from China in order to better develop maritime trade.

The Chinese Kaigui giant ship, with a loading capacity comparable to 6,000 trains, does not need to be refueled for 1 lap around the equator

As a business card of China, the giant ship has a world-class level and is favored by various countries around the world.

In terms of the manufacturing technology of giant ships, China's technology is gradually approaching the forefront of the world's giant ships, and there is no gap in the economic field at all.

Every enterprise has a unique shipbuilding technology in the manufacturing process of giant ships, and now Chinese shipbuilding enterprises are gradually going overseas, not only into the world, but also into the pulse of every port.

China's wheel-making technology is so good.

China's wheel-making technology is based on "mixing and matching", and only in this way can the technical aspect be further improved.

In the development of giant ships, many enterprises will also blast out the world's high-end technology, and then according to China's national conditions, the high-end technology is mixed with China's characteristics, and after improvement, the developed giant ship technology will be upgraded to a new height.

In the process of developing the giant ship, the researchers improved the plate of the giant ship and strengthened the material, which greatly increased the thrust of the giant ship, so as to ensure that the giant ship can maintain good driving performance in the harsh marine environment.

Improving giant ships is undoubtedly a huge revolution for the global shipping market.

The Chinese Kaigui giant ship, with a loading capacity comparable to 6,000 trains, does not need to be refueled for 1 lap around the equator

In port jobs around the world, it is very easy for employees to work on giant ships because they can do a lot of work.

Under the trend of globalization, the transportation demand of countries around the world is increasing, and every day there are many cargo ships and giant ships waiting to load goods and trade at sea.

The Chinese Kaigui giant ship, with a loading capacity comparable to 6,000 trains, does not need to be refueled for 1 lap around the equator

When many African countries are in dire need of giant ships, many countries already have giant ships, but there are also many countries that are still building giant ships with the times.

In the manufacturing process of China's giant ships, they combine the technical advantages of various countries around the world to create easy-to-use and cheap giant ships, which is also an important reason for many countries to order cargo ships from China.

China's giant steamships have solved the problems of port construction in all countries around the world, which has also caused many countries to change their port construction that has been backward.

With the development of science and technology, giant ships will enter more ports and make the trade routes of countries around the world smoother.

The Chinese Kaigui giant ship, with a loading capacity comparable to 6,000 trains, does not need to be refueled for 1 lap around the equator

The ports established by all countries in the world can only be made more brilliant by the emergence of giant ships.

The emergence of giant ships has indeed brought more convenient trade methods to countries around the world, and also met the needs of countries around the world for giant ships, which can also prove that China's giant ships have irreplaceable advantages.


It is based on this that the giant steamship made in China has achieved the world's leading position in the giant steamer, and the sailing performance of the giant ship is also reflected in this reason, making it a giant ship among the giant ships, and has won the favor of many countries around the world to buy the giant ships made in China.

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