
Beat Bahrain and Indonesia, the national football team is expected to advance, and the three naturalizations are already on the way, and they can play in the round of 18

author:Ah Gang said entertainment

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In the changing world football, the Chinese men's football team has always been the focus of attention of the Chinese people.

Now, the group draw for the top 18 matches in the Asian region of the World Preliminary Championship has been settled, and the Chinese men's football team is deeply trapped in the "group of death" and its future is uncertain.

The glimmer of hope does not seem to have been completely extinguished.

Beat Bahrain and Indonesia, the national football team is expected to advance, and the three naturalizations are already on the way, and they can play in the round of 18

In the face of strong opponents such as Japan, Australia and Saudi Arabia, the road to the national football team seems to be full of thorns, but a blockbuster news came at this time.

In order to turn the situation around, the Chinese Football Association is intensively running a major plan.

This plan may become the key to the national football team's breakthrough in the predicament.

What kind of initiative exactly? Is it a mysterious tactical adjustment, or is it a surprising personnel change? It is said that they are closely related to the three mysterious figures, who are they? And how will it turn the tide?

Beat Bahrain and Indonesia, the national football team is expected to advance, and the three naturalizations are already on the way, and they can play in the round of 18

Oops, national football fans, this time we have to keep our eyes open! The curtain of the top 18 matches in the Asian region of the World Preliminary Championship is about to kick off, and the journey of the Chinese team is full of unknowns and expectations.

Facing tough bones such as Japan, Australia, and Saudi Arabia, as well as Bahrain and Indonesia, two seemingly "soft persimmon" opponents, the national football team's road to promotion is destined to be extraordinary.

But hey, don't forget, the expansion of the World Cup has given us extra hope, and we have to fight for 8.5 places in Asia!

In the final analysis, if the national football team wants to fight its way out of the strong enemy, in addition to doing its best, it has to have some new tricks.

Beat Bahrain and Indonesia, the national football team is expected to advance, and the three naturalizations are already on the way, and they can play in the round of 18

At this time, the Chinese Football Association's plan for naturalized players is particularly important.

I heard that there are 18 "foreign aid" candidates, and this lineup is simply eye-catching.

Oscar, Tianle, and Serginho, the three buddies, are the "secret weapons" that are expected to be.

Yo, when it comes to the promotion of our national football team, it is really sweaty and full of expectations! Do you know that the grouping of the top 18 matches this time is simply a big challenge, Japan, Australia, Saudi Arabia, all of them are hard stubble, but hey, we can't underestimate Bahrain and Indonesia, although these two teams are not top teams in international football, but their unyielding energy is really enough for the national football team to drink a pot.

Beat Bahrain and Indonesia, the national football team is expected to advance, and the three naturalizations are already on the way, and they can play in the round of 18

Having said that, our national football team came prepared this time, especially the naturalization policy, which is simply a stroke of genius! Let's talk about Oscar first, this guy has been in the Chinese league for many years, and his muscles and confrontation ability are simply "black and hard".

His joining is like installing a turbocharger on the front line of the national football team, and no one is missing in terms of speed and explosiveness.

Imagine when Oscar is rampage in the opposing half, that scene, tsk, is simply a visual feast.

Look at Tianle again, this young man is from the Ajax Academy, which is the Whampoa Military Academy in European football! Midfield control, that's leverage, passing, scheduling, everything is proficient.

Beat Bahrain and Indonesia, the national football team is expected to advance, and the three naturalizations are already on the way, and they can play in the round of 18

With him in the midfield, the offensive organization of the national football team has the backbone, just like the band has a conductor, the melody is natural and smooth, beautiful!

As for Serginho, although he will not be officially put on the field until January 2025, the performance of this buddy's midfield master is definitely a catalyst for the tactical upgrade of the national football team.

His addition is like adding a super brain to the national football midfield, analyzing, judging, and executing, everything is under his control.

Once a player of this level is integrated into the team, it is not only the technical level that will be improved, but also the overall tactical literacy and psychological quality of the team.

Beat Bahrain and Indonesia, the national football team is expected to advance, and the three naturalizations are already on the way, and they can play in the round of 18

In the final analysis, the addition of these four new signings is like replacing the national football team with a high-performance engine, full of power and confidence.

The four matchups with Bahrain and Indonesia are not only for the ranking in the standings, but also a comprehensive test of the team spirit and fighting will of the national football team.

Scoring all three points and sitting firmly in the top four of the group, this goal is full of enthusiasm when you hear it, but to achieve it, you have to rely on the strength of real knives and guns.

Every pass, every shot, and every defense is a demonstration of the spirit of the national football team.

Beat Bahrain and Indonesia, the national football team is expected to advance, and the three naturalizations are already on the way, and they can play in the round of 18

The joining of these three naturalized players is like a shot in the arm for the morale of the national football team, making them more confident and fighting on the field.

This kind of mental change is often more important than the improvement of the technical level, it can stimulate the potential of the national football players, so that they dare to stand up at critical moments, and become the key to changing the direction of the game.

Although the road to the promotion of our national football team is full of unknowns and challenges, with the injection of these fresh blood, everything becomes possible.

Every game is a double test of the strength and spirit of the national football team, and these naturalized players are like "boosters" on the journey of the national football team, giving the team the greatest support at critical moments.

Beat Bahrain and Indonesia, the national football team is expected to advance, and the three naturalizations are already on the way, and they can play in the round of 18

Let us look forward to and witness every wonderful moment of Chinese football, and I believe that no matter what the result is, this experience will be a valuable asset in the development of Chinese football.

The charm of the game of football lies in its uncertainty, any team can become a dark horse, and any game can change the fate.

For the national football team, in the face of challenges, only by going all out can we be worthy of our hearts.

Let's cheer for the Chinese men's football team together, no matter what the result is, the spirit of fighting for the dream will always deserve our respect and applause.

Beat Bahrain and Indonesia, the national football team is expected to advance, and the three naturalizations are already on the way, and they can play in the round of 18

Speaking of the top 18 tour of our national football team, it is really a trip full of stories! Think about it, from the fight in the group stage to the top 18 today, every step has been solid, and every drop of sweat has witnessed growth.

Facing old opponents such as Japan and Australia, as well as Saudi Arabia, an old friend, as well as Bahrain and Indonesia, the two new faces, this lineup, this configuration, is simply the football version of "Huashan Sword", the excitement can be imagined.

Our national football team is not a vegetarian, and the experience over the years has made the team more mature and tenacious.

You see, every training, every tactical exercise, is for the arrival of this moment.

Beat Bahrain and Indonesia, the national football team is expected to advance, and the three naturalizations are already on the way, and they can play in the round of 18

The eyes of the players are full of a spirit of not admitting defeat, and that hard work seems to be able to penetrate the screen and infect every fan who pays attention to them.

The top 18 matches are not just a game, it is more like a microcosm of the development of Chinese football, recording every progress and every breakthrough.

Every touch of the ball, every run, carries the dreams and expectations of countless fans.

This is also the charm of football, it can connect everyone's hearts and let everyone find resonance on the green field.

Beat Bahrain and Indonesia, the national football team is expected to advance, and the three naturalizations are already on the way, and they can play in the round of 18

The addition of naturalized players is like injecting fresh blood into the national football team, making the team have a qualitative leap in technology and tactics.

Oscar, Tianle, Serginho, these buddies, their arrival not only strengthened the strength of the team, but also gave great encouragement to their teammates at the spiritual level.

This transmission of positive energy is sometimes more precious than winning a game.

Let's say that football is round, and anyone can be that shining star.

Beat Bahrain and Indonesia, the national football team is expected to advance, and the three naturalizations are already on the way, and they can play in the round of 18

Every step forward of the national football team is an exploration and attempt for the future of Chinese football.

Whatever the end result, the experience itself is already a great asset.

It teaches us perseverance, it teaches us unity, and it teaches us to find hope in the face of adversity.

Let's cheer for the national football team together! In this journey full of challenges and opportunities, every wonderful moment is worth remembering.

Beat Bahrain and Indonesia, the national football team is expected to advance, and the three naturalizations are already on the way, and they can play in the round of 18

Whether it is the cheer of victory or the reflection after defeat, it is an indispensable part of the growth of Chinese football.

Let us look forward to and witness every wonderful moment of Chinese football, because this is football, this is life, full of unknowns and hopes.

The journey of the national football team in the round of 18 is like a wonderful story, waiting for us to write and sing.

Let us take our love for football and the pursuit of our dreams to accompany the national football team through this unforgettable journey.

No matter the wind and rain or the sunshine ahead, we will be here, cheering for you and applauding you, because you are the pride of Chinese football!

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