
Zhao Benshan and his "Zhao family class" finally paid a painful price for their "greed".

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Zhao Benshan and his "Zhao family class" finally paid a painful price for their "greed".

In the vibrant and vibrant Northeast region, an ill-fated star was born in 1963, and he is Zhao Benshan. His father was an illiterate peasant, but this ordinary farmer named his newborn child "Benshan" simply because he was "born in the mountains", perhaps hoping that his son would be as resilient and standing tall as the mountains.

Zhao Benshan's childhood life was full of ups and downs and tribulations. Fate seemed to be particularly harsh on him, and when he was five years old, his mother died. The grief-stricken father also followed, and Zhao Benshan instantly became the only orphan in the village.

Since then, hunger and disease have been shadows with him.

When he was seven years old, Zhao Benshan, who was alone, could only rely on the help of the villagers to survive. Although the villagers will lend a helping hand from time to time, it is a sad situation to live on the "hundred family meals".

Zhao Benshan and his "Zhao family class" finally paid a painful price for their "greed".

In the school, which is only 20 kilometers from home, hunger lingers. Sometimes, he can't even enjoy a steaming bowl of white rice, and can only feed himself with a few sips of cold water.

In the face of such an unfair fate, Zhao Benshan seems to have insight beyond his peers. He knows that the only way to get out of this impoverished life is to change his fate with his own hands and wisdom.

In the midst of poverty and predicament, Zhao Benshan never gave up his determination to find a way out. At that time, the three northeastern provinces were the most prosperous period when artists passed on the torch. He seized the opportunity to learn artistic skills such as erhu and suona from his relatives, and even mastered the unique technique of imitating blind people.

Although this skill may seem insignificant, it has opened the door to the stage of his dreams for Zhao Benshan.

Zhao Benshan and his "Zhao family class" finally paid a painful price for their "greed".

One day a few years later, a chance chance brought a major change to Zhao Benshan's life. At that time, the Tieling Art Troupe was recruiting an actor who could perform the role of a blind man well.

Zhao Benshan knows the behavior of blind people well, he showed the director his unique blind imitation skills, the directors were amazed by his wonderful performance, Zhao Benshan successfully joined the art troupe.

In 1981, at the feast of the sketch "Three Bends", Zhao Benshan successfully created a vivid and full blind character with superb acting skills, which instantly conquered the audience and won thunderous applause! His performance skills are pleasing and convincing, and in one fell swoop he has established his unique position in the subway city of northern Liaoning - the name of "red man" came into being.

What is even more exciting is that due to the outstanding performance of this work, the local leaders personally commended and rewarded Zhao Benshan and gave him a high degree of recognition. This undoubtedly became a crucial turning point in Zhao Benshan's life journey, and he was finally able to get rid of the predicament of poverty and embark on a new and hopeful life journey.

Zhao Benshan and his "Zhao family class" finally paid a painful price for their "greed".

However, fate seems to have played a dramatic joke at this critical moment. In 1987, a well-known cross talk artist at home and abroad visited Tieling and prepared to perform here.

However, unexpectedly, the scene was deserted and the audience was silent.

Faced with such an embarrassing situation, the cross talk actor was puzzled, and after many inquiries, he learned that this "Tieling Red" was Zhao Benshan. Although this cross talk actor is already a big-name star in China, he is not prejudiced against Zhao Benshan.

On the contrary, after an in-depth conversation with Zhao Benshan, he was full of praise for the talent of the local actor.

Zhao Benshan and his "Zhao family class" finally paid a painful price for their "greed".

After the performance, the cross talk actor took the initiative to bring Zhao Benshan's video works back to Beijing, and actively recommended this talented newcomer to CCTV. In this way, Zhao Benshan got the precious opportunity to appear on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

He became an overnight hit in front of hundreds of millions of viewers with his outstanding acting skills, and quickly rose to become a high-profile national comedy superstar.

As the saying goes, behind every successful man there is an empathetic and virtuous helper. Zhao Benshan's career is in full swing, and it is inseparable from the selfless support and dedication of his wife Ge Shuzhen.

The two met by chance. In the days when Zhao Benshan had not yet emerged, someone matched him and introduced a girl named Ge Shuzhen to him.

Zhao Benshan and his "Zhao family class" finally paid a painful price for their "greed".

At that time, Zhao Benshan was poor, but Ge Shuzhen did not despise him because of this, but had deep sympathy for this young man with a rough background, because she herself had experienced the twists and turns of fate.

Perhaps it is precisely because the two have similar experiences and feelings that there is an indescribable spiritual understanding between them. Soon after, Zhao Benshan and Ge Shuzhen fell in love and walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand.

When he had just entered the palace of marriage, Zhao Benshan was deeply worried, afraid that his wife would choose to leave him because of poverty. However, soon after, Ge Shuzhen's actual actions completely broke his doubts.

As time passed, Zhao Benshan gradually realized that his wife was not a greedy and vain person, on the contrary, she was an extraordinary good wife and mother, who always cared for her father, understood his plight, and was willing to go through the difficult moments of life with him.

Zhao Benshan and his "Zhao family class" finally paid a painful price for their "greed".

Since then, Ge Shuzhen has become Zhao's staunchest supporter. She silently took on the tedious housework and the responsibility of educating her children at home, creating a warm and comfortable family environment for her husband, so that Zhao Benshan could devote himself wholeheartedly to the acting career he loved.

However, good times are always short-lived, and as Zhao Benshan's career is booming, cracks begin to appear in the lives of the two. The once loving couple finally drifted apart under the pressure of cruel reality and came to the brink of rupture.

With the well-known sketch "Blind Date", Zhao Benshan instantly became a well-known star in the country. When he was talking and performing on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, the audience was deeply attracted by his humorous words and exaggerated and vivid performances, and they were crazy about it.

Zhao Benshan's unique comedy style and extraordinary acting skills have fascinated countless audiences.

Zhao Benshan and his "Zhao family class" finally paid a painful price for their "greed".

This is undoubtedly the most brilliant moment in Zhao Benshan's artistic career. After years of hard work, he finally relied on his wisdom, talent and perseverance to successfully get rid of the fate of poverty and climb to the top of his life.

After becoming famous, he did not hesitate to form his own team, personally created and starred in many popular sketches, and also served as the director of many TV series, which can be described as promising and famous.

However, for Zhao Benshan, who was born poor and has experienced the bitterness of the world, personal achievements are not all he pursues, and he has a more ardent and sincere desire in his heart.

It is about helping poor children who are in a similar situation to them, so that they too can acquire the survival skills to change their own lives.

Zhao Benshan and his "Zhao family class" finally paid a painful price for their "greed".

With such a lofty idea, Mr. Zhao Benshan founded his own "Zhao Family Class", which is the crystallization of his painstaking efforts, bringing together those children who cannot get a good education due to their poor family background.

He personally preached and taught them, laying a solid foundation for them with his excellent comedy performances and two-person skills. At the same time, he encouraged the children to create wealth and improve their lives through stage performances, and the most famous of them was the world-famous little Shenyang!

Mr. Zhao's generous gift undoubtedly shows his strong goodwill, and he hopes that with the help of this platform, more children like him who have experienced hardship can get rid of poverty and master a skill.

However, who could have predicted that this once hopeful "Zhao Family Class" would gradually fall into the predicament of "black smoke miasma", which seriously damaged its own reputation and brought an indelible shadow to the respected master Mr. Zhao Benshan.

Zhao Benshan and his "Zhao family class" finally paid a painful price for their "greed".

As the master of the "Zhao Family Class", Mr. Zhao Benshan naturally cannot escape the blame. Many of his disciples broke out a series of scandals one after another, seriously damaging the image and reputation of the "Zhao Family Class".

The first to fall into the turmoil was his disciple Liu Xiaoguang. A jaw-dropping photo was exposed by the media, in which Liu Xiaoguang and a scantily clad young woman hugged intimately, and the two bodies fit together closely, even openly in public.

In the face of such a behavior that violates the demeanor of the teacher, Liu Xiaoguang tried to quibble: "It was just hugging a fan, and we did not go beyond the boundaries of friends" However, the facts presented in the photo speak for themselves, and he did have dereliction of duty.

He was followed by his disciple Cheng Ye. Some netizens happened to meet Cheng Ye at the airport and found that he was wearing a vulgar T-shirt printed with four eye-catching characters "I am cheap", and raised his middle finger to others without any scruples, acting arrogant and rude.

Zhao Benshan and his "Zhao family class" finally paid a painful price for their "greed".

This naked vulgar behavior immediately caused an uproar on the Internet, and the majority of netizens accused him of shameless and indecent behavior, which seriously damaged the reputation of the teacher.

What's even more shocking is that even the female disciples of the "Zhao Family Class" are deeply involved in breaking the law. A female disciple was reported by netizens for selling three no products online, which in turn attracted the attention and investigation of the police.

Although it was eventually confirmed that this was just a false alarm, it still raised questions about whether "Zhao Jiaban" really focused on art.

After witnessing the "Zhao Jiaban" exposing various scandals one after another, as a godfather-like existence, Zhao Benshan naturally found it difficult to protect himself, beyond all this. As an influential artist and educator, there is no doubt that he had the wrong ways and inadequacies in teaching his disciples, which led to the worrying situation he is in.

Zhao Benshan and his "Zhao family class" finally paid a painful price for their "greed".

Zhao Benshan's disciples once climbed to the top of their lives with their talents and efforts, but now they have fallen into the trough of life again. In their pursuit of fame and fortune, they apparently behaved too greedily and neglected the most basic moral cultivation, which ultimately led to serious damage to their personal reputation.

As the mentor of these "greedy" disciples, Zhao Benshan naturally could not escape his responsibility, and he must have had serious negligence in imparting skills and moral concepts to cultivate such indulgent and uninhibited "betrayers".

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