
In the 40th year of the Spring Festival Gala, the "funniest" sketches were ranked Zhao Benshan's three works were on the list, and Shen Teng did not enter the top five

author:A good man has a safe life

The Spring Festival Gala, an indispensable cultural feast for the Spring Festival every year, has been deeply rooted in the hearts of hundreds of millions of Chinese. The Spring Festival Gala sketches, as an important part of it, also reflect the development of Chinese society and the evolution of people's aesthetics.

Let's go back to the early days of the Spring Festival Gala, the sketches at that time were really a breath of fresh air. Remember Chen Peisi and Zhu Shimao's "Eating Noodles"? It was a classic that made countless people laugh. and Zhao Lirong's "Part-time Job Adventure", her unique performance style is still unforgettable. Zhao Benshan's "Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow" brought the humor of the Northeast to the whole country, allowing the audience to feel the true meaning of life in laughter.

These sketches are not only for amusement, they also carry profound social significance and humanistic care. Through humor and witty, it reflects some social phenomena at that time and arouses people's thinking. At that time, the sketches were full of innovation, and each work was like a bright pearl, shining with a unique light.

In the 40th year of the Spring Festival Gala, the "funniest" sketches were ranked Zhao Benshan's three works were on the list, and Shen Teng did not enter the top five

However, with the passage of time, the Spring Festival Gala sketches seem to have entered a bottleneck period. The current sketches, although they are still lively, always feel that something is missing. The phenomenon of stereotyping is becoming more and more serious, and many sketches have begun to rely on online jokes, trying to amuse the audience with these jokes that have been widely circulated on the Internet. But this effect is often counterproductive, because the audience is already familiar with these jokes, and when they hear them again, it is difficult to feel fresh again.

In addition, the current sketches are also a bit overdone in deliberately setting off the atmosphere. In pursuit of the enthusiastic response of the scene, exaggerated performances and language are sometimes used excessively, which can feel a little unnatural. This kind of excessive "liveliness" sometimes does not really touch the hearts of the audience, but makes people feel a kind of aesthetic fatigue.

Of course, we can't generalize. On the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, there are still some sketches that can surprise us. They may be innovative in form, or they may have breakthroughs in content, but in any case, they are trying to find points that resonate emotionally with the audience.

In the 40th year of the Spring Festival Gala, the "funniest" sketches were ranked Zhao Benshan's three works were on the list, and Shen Teng did not enter the top five

The changes in the Spring Festival Gala sketches are a microcosm of the development of the times. It tells us that art needs to keep pace with the times, and it needs to constantly innovate and break through. Only in this way can we leave a deep impression in the hearts of the audience and leave our own footprints in the long river of history. And for us viewers, perhaps what we are looking forward to is not only a skit that makes people laugh, but also an artistic experience that can touch the heart.

The Spring Festival Gala sketch, an indispensable program form at the Chinese New Year Gala, can be said to be a history full of fun and exploration in its origin and early development.

We have to go back to 1982, when the Spring Festival Gala was not as well-known as it is now, but it was that year that the form of sketch appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala for the first time. At that time, the sketch was brought by the students of Zhongyang Drama Academy, and their performance of "The Girl Who Sold Peanut Kernels" not only won the love of the audience, but also marked the first appearance of the art form of sketch in the Spring Festival Gala. With its vivid performance and content close to life, this sketch made the audience feel a new artistic charm, and also laid the foundation for the development of later sketches.

In the 40th year of the Spring Festival Gala, the "funniest" sketches were ranked Zhao Benshan's three works were on the list, and Shen Teng did not enter the top five

Immediately after 1983, the Spring Festival Gala ushered in an important turning point - the first national live broadcast. This year, many memorable sketches appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, such as "Camel Xiangzi" and the pantomime "Eating Chicken". With its profound social significance and superb performance, "Camel Xiangzi" gives the audience a deeper understanding of the art form of sketches. The pantomime "Eating Chicken" shows the artistic effect of silence over sound with its unique performance method, allowing people to see another possibility of sketches.

These early sketches were not only for entertainment, but also carried the mission of transmitting positive energy and reflecting social reality. Through humorous and witty ways, the sketch can make the audience think in laughter and feel the true meaning of life. This kind of entertaining and educational characteristics have made the sketch quickly become one of the most popular programs of the Spring Festival Gala.

Moreover, most of the early sketch actors came from professional art academies and had solid performance skills and a deep understanding of art. Their performances are natural, sincere, and able to penetrate people's hearts. This is in stark contrast to the phenomenon of some later sketches that excessively pursue jokes and ignore artistic connotations.

In the 40th year of the Spring Festival Gala, the "funniest" sketches were ranked Zhao Benshan's three works were on the list, and Shen Teng did not enter the top five

Of course, the early Spring Festival Gala sketches also have their limitations. Due to the limited technical conditions and means of communication at that time, the creation and performance of sketches were still in the exploration stage, and the form and content were not mature enough. But it is these explorations and attempts that have accumulated valuable experience for the development of later sketches.

In general, the origin and early development of the Spring Festival Gala sketches is a process full of challenges and opportunities. It not only enriches the program content of the Spring Festival Gala, but also promotes the development of Chinese sketch art. And these early sketches are still talked about by people today and have become classics in the history of the Spring Festival Gala.

On the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, sketches are always one of the most eye-catching programs, and the combination of those classic sketches and star effects makes this program form glow with unique brilliance.

Take Chen Peisi and Zhu Shimao, the golden pair, for example, their "Eating Noodles" can be said to be a household name and has become a classic of the Spring Festival Gala sketches. With its humorous and witty performance, this sketch vividly shows the little anecdotes of an ordinary person in his daily life. Chen Peisi's exaggerated expressions and movements, and Zhu Shimao's witty and humorous lines, all made the audience laugh. Their works are not only for amusement, but also through these short stories, reflecting the living conditions and psychological changes of ordinary people, so that the audience can resonate with laughter.

In the 40th year of the Spring Festival Gala, the "funniest" sketches were ranked Zhao Benshan's three works were on the list, and Shen Teng did not enter the top five

And the two actresses, Zhao Lirong and Song Dandan, are also iconic figures in the Spring Festival Gala sketches. Zhao Lirong has won the love of the audience with her unique performance style and friendly image. Her sketches "The Adventure of a Part-time Worker" and "Packaged Like This" not only make people laugh, but also make people feel the bitterness and hardship of working as a worker. Song Dandan, with her changeable roles and superb acting skills, shows the diversity of sketch art. Her performance in "Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow" is impressive, and her humorous language and vivid expressions have become a beautiful scenery of the Spring Festival Gala.

The addition of these stars not only improved the artistic level of sketches, but also promoted the development of sketch art. Their performances gave the audience a deeper understanding and expectation of the sketch. Whenever the Spring Festival Gala is approaching, people are always full of anticipation to discuss what kind of new works these stars will bring and whether their sketches can become classics again.

Moreover, the effect of these stars is also reflected in their innovation and exploration of sketch art. They are not satisfied with the status quo, and are always trying new expressions and creative ideas, so that the art form of sketches is constantly rejuvenated. Their efforts and explorations provided valuable experience and inspiration for the creation of later sketches.

In the 40th year of the Spring Festival Gala, the "funniest" sketches were ranked Zhao Benshan's three works were on the list, and Shen Teng did not enter the top five

Of course, stardom comes with some challenges. With the enhancement of star effect, some sketches began to rely too much on the fame of the star, ignoring the quality and depth of the work itself. This phenomenon is worth pondering, how to maintain the star effect while ensuring the artistic quality of the sketch is a problem that we need to continue to explore and solve.

In general, the combination of classic sketches and star effects has injected a strong impetus into the development of Spring Festival Gala sketches. They let us see the charm and potential of sketch art, and also make us full of expectations for the future of sketches in the Spring Festival Gala.

The Spring Festival Gala sketch, an indispensable program at the Spring Festival Gala, has reached one peak after another, but with it, it also has its bottlenecks and challenges.

Let's first review those classic sketches in the history of the Spring Festival Gala. For example, Zhao Lirong's "So Packaged", with its unique humor and irony, makes the audience feel the absurdity of social phenomena in laughter. The word "packaging" in the sketch not only refers to the packaging of goods, but also alludes to the excessive packaging and false propaganda of certain phenomena in society. Zhao Lirong's exaggerated performance and witty lines made this sketch a classic of the Spring Festival Gala.

In the 40th year of the Spring Festival Gala, the "funniest" sketches were ranked Zhao Benshan's three works were on the list, and Shen Teng did not enter the top five

Another example is Zhao Benshan's "Selling Abduction", this sketch with its ingenious plot design and profound social implications, let the audience not only laugh, but also reflect on integrity and morality. Zhao Benshan's unique Northeast accent and humorous performance made this sketch a signature program of the Spring Festival Gala.

The reason why these classic sketches can become classics is because of their profound social significance and humanistic care on the one hand, and because of their uniqueness and innovation in artistic expression on the other hand. These works are not only for amusement, but also for the sake of humor and wittyness, allowing the audience to think in laughter and feel the true meaning of life.

However, as time went on, the Spring Festival Gala sketches also faced some challenges. First of all, the lack of innovation has become a prominent problem. Many sketches began to become stereotyped, lacking novelty, and it was difficult to surprise the audience anymore. Secondly, some actors were busy with other activities, which led to a decline in the quality of the Spring Festival Gala works. This phenomenon not only affected the artistic quality of the sketches, but also reduced the audience's expectations for the Spring Festival Gala sketches.

In the 40th year of the Spring Festival Gala, the "funniest" sketches were ranked Zhao Benshan's three works were on the list, and Shen Teng did not enter the top five

In addition, with the development of society and the improvement of the audience's aesthetics, people's requirements for the Spring Festival Gala sketches are getting higher and higher. Audiences are no longer satisfied with simple jokes and superficial hilarity, they are looking forward to deeper and more meaningful works of art. This requires the sketch creators to pay attention to the depth and connotation of the work while maintaining humor and wittyness.

In the face of these challenges, the Spring Festival Gala sketches need to continue to innovate and make breakthroughs. Creators need to go deep into life, dig out more creative materials, and at the same time, dare to try new forms of expression and techniques, so that the sketch art can be rejuvenated. At the same time, the actors also need to focus more on the creation and performance of the Spring Festival Gala to ensure the quality and standard of the works.

In short, the peak and bottleneck of the Spring Festival Gala sketch is an inevitable phenomenon in its development process. Only by constantly innovating and making breakthroughs can the Spring Festival Gala sketches continue to shine at the Spring Festival Gala and become the focus of the audience's expectations.

The Spring Festival Gala sketch, forty years of ups and downs, it has witnessed the development of Chinese comedy art, and also carried the laughter and expectations of countless audiences. Today, let's talk about the sketches of the Spring Festival Gala in the past 40 years, from the tenth to the first, each work has its unique charm and profound connotation.

In the 40th year of the Spring Festival Gala, the "funniest" sketches were ranked Zhao Benshan's three works were on the list, and Shen Teng did not enter the top five

No. 10, we give "Selling Abduction", Zhao Benshan's work with its unique Northeast humor and deep-rooted irony, let the audience feel the importance of integrity in laughter. No. 9, Zhao Lirong of "So Packaged", her exaggerated performance and witty lines made people laugh at the same time, but also made a deep reflection on social phenomena.

No. 8, Song Dandan of "Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow", this work makes the audience feel the flow of time and the changes of life with its content close to life and humorous and witty performances. Seventh place, Chen Peisi and Zhu Shimao of "Eating Noodles", the performance of the golden pair, makes people laugh, and also makes people feel the ups and downs of life.

Sixth place, Zhao Lirong of "The Adventure of a Part-time Worker", this work is based on its real working life, showing the bitterness and hardship of working as a worker. Fifth place, the student of Zhongyang Drama Academy of "The Girl Who Sold Peanut Kernels", this work has laid the foundation for the development of the Spring Festival Gala sketches with its fresh performance and content close to life.

In the 40th year of the Spring Festival Gala, the "funniest" sketches were ranked Zhao Benshan's three works were on the list, and Shen Teng did not enter the top five

Fourth place, the early work of the Spring Festival Gala of "Camel Xiangzi", with its profound social significance and superb performance, let the audience have a deeper understanding of the sketch. Third place, the pantomime performance of "Eating Chicken", which shows the artistic effect of silence over sound with its unique performance method.

second place, Zhao Benshan of "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow", this work has become a landmark program of the Spring Festival Gala with its profound social meaning and humorous performance. First place, we give the sequel to "Selling Abduction", "Selling Cars", Zhao Benshan's work with its ingenious plot design and profound social implications, let the audience laugh and reflect on integrity and morality.

Each of these works is a treasure of the Spring Festival Gala sketches, they not only represent the peak of Chinese comedy art, but also carry the laughter and expectations of the audience. They let us see the charm and potential of sketch art, and also make us full of expectations for the future of sketches in the Spring Festival Gala.

In the future, we hope that the new generation of comedians will inherit the spirit of the old artists and create more "genuine" works. They need to go deep into life, dig out more creative materials, and at the same time, dare to try new forms of expression and techniques, so that the art of sketches can be rejuvenated. We look forward to them being able to bring us more surprises and laughter on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, so that the Spring Festival Gala sketches will continue to be the most dazzling stars at the Spring Festival Gala.

In the 40th year of the Spring Festival Gala, the "funniest" sketches were ranked Zhao Benshan's three works were on the list, and Shen Teng did not enter the top five

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