
One Piece Chapter 1114: Luffy eats the mother fire and becomes the real sun god Nika, and the five old stars are all destroyed

author:The little spider next door

Hello everyone, I'm Little Spider.

As Vegapunk opened the world live broadcast and announced the truth about the world, saying that the world would be submerged by the sea, it also shocked people all over the world for a while.

Of course, not everyone believed what Vegapunk said, and there were still those who did not believe it, and even ridiculed it. At the same time, Vegapunk also mentions an important person 900 years ago, he is called [Joey Boy], who has the same abilities as the sun god Nika, and is the first pirate.

One Piece Chapter 1114: Luffy eats the mother fire and becomes the real sun god Nika, and the five old stars are all destroyed

In addition to the information mentioned by Joey Boy in Chapter 1114, there is also an energy source that can instantly destroy a country, [Mother Flame] (Virgin Flame), which also appears in this episode, and it is the word that Vegapunk wants to release information about Joy Boy.

It shows that there must be some connection between them, and this energy source is obviously a special energy source restored by Vegapunk 900 years ago, and with Imna's aerial weapons, it was able to destroy a country in an instant, causing earthquakes around the world, and the sea level rose by one meter, which was closer to the world sinking into the sea.

One Piece Chapter 1114: Luffy eats the mother fire and becomes the real sun god Nika, and the five old stars are all destroyed

Im has a king! The mother flame is the energy source of everything

It is highly likely that Imu has mastered the Heavenly King, and Imu has stored it in the first half of the Great Passage, near the kingdom of Lulucia, so this is why Im wants to use Vegapunk's Mother Flame, as it is uncertain if he has the ability to [Close].

One Piece Chapter 1114: Luffy eats the mother fire and becomes the real sun god Nika, and the five old stars are all destroyed

In addition to the Heavenly King, I personally prefer that the mother flame comes from the history of 900 years ago, for example, the moon mural has a pattern that is almost exactly the same as the mother fire. It shows that Vegapunk has been trying to restore the highly developed technology of 900 years ago, whether it is the mother fire, pacifists, giant robots, etc.

The energy required by ancient robots must also be the mother fire. Of course, he is a little special, and he must have the Drum of Liberation (Heartbeat) of the Sun God Nika to activate and revive him, and then use this energy to resurrect him with full blood and fight completely.

One Piece Chapter 1114: Luffy eats the mother fire and becomes the real sun god Nika, and the five old stars are all destroyed

Mother Flame = Artificial Sun! Luffy can absorb or eat the mother fire to become the real sun god Nika

Everything on Egghead Island runs on fire, and this fire is the [mother fire] created by Vegapunk, which is what we often call an artificial sun.

This fire must have some connection with the flames of the [Lumaria] race, after all, this race is called [God], and it can survive no matter what the weather conditions, but unfortunately it was finally extinguished by the Draconians, and only Ember remains, and he is also waiting for Joey Boe's return.

One Piece Chapter 1114: Luffy eats the mother fire and becomes the real sun god Nika, and the five old stars are all destroyed

And Luffy's Nika form is called [Sun God], which must have something about the power of flames, otherwise it would be impossible to call him that way for no reason.

Since the appearance of [Mother Tinder] is related to the lunar mural, and the Nika form is too special, it is very likely that Joey Boy 900 years ago secretly devoured the flame of the Mother Tinder, making his Nika form extremely bright, and the whole person is like the sun coming in person, which may be the special feature of Nika's form, not the rubber ability.

One Piece Chapter 1114: Luffy eats the mother fire and becomes the real sun god Nika, and the five old stars are all destroyed

Therefore, Luffy can also become stronger, that is, devouring the mother fire to let himself enter the real sun god Nika form, his hair turns golden white, his whole body is glowing and hot, and he can use ultra-high temperature fire abilities, such as the enhanced version of the karmic fire pistol, the sun ape divine spear, and so on.

One Piece Chapter 1114: Luffy eats the mother fire and becomes the real sun god Nika, and the five old stars are all destroyed

This is all the content of this issue and the personal opinion of the little spider, and fans who have different opinions on this can also leave a message to discuss. I'm a little spider.,A lover who likes to talk about anime and collect figures.,Follow me if you like.,We'll see you next time! Text: Little spider