
"Xiaoman is in the middle, and the dog days are wearing jackets", tomorrow Xiaoman, is it hot on the dog days this year? Here comes the answer

author:Popular science of agriculture and agriculture
Introduction: "Xiaoman is in the middle, and the dog days are wearing jackets", tomorrow Xiaoman, is it hot on dog days this year? Here comes the answer

This year's May 20 of the Gregorian calendar will be a special day, because this year's 520 and 24 solar terms happen to be on the same day! The Gregorian calendar and the lunar calendar, the modern and the old-fashioned romance collide. What's more coincidental is that this year's "520" and "521" correspond to the "13, 14" of the lunar calendar. Therefore, this year's Xiaoman day is a real 5201314 (I love you for a lifetime), and you should cherish it.

"Xiaoman is in the middle, and the dog days are wearing jackets", tomorrow Xiaoman, is it hot on the dog days this year? Here comes the answer

Xiaoman is the second solar term in summer, and the explanation of Xiaoman in the ancient book "Seventy-two Candidate Explanations of the Moon Order" is: "In April, the small full, the things are so small and full." ”

The April of the "middle of April" here does not refer to the fourth month of the lunar calendar, but refers to the "巳月" in the Ganzhi calendar, which is the "巳" in the twelve earthly branches (Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu, and Hai).

"Xiaoman is in the middle, and the dog days are wearing jackets", tomorrow Xiaoman, is it hot on the dog days this year? Here comes the answer

By the time of the middle of the moon (Xiaoman), everything in nature has grown to the stage of "small to win full" and not yet "full". The yang energy between heaven and earth is already very strong, but there is no full yang, and the yang energy can be full when it reaches the summer solstice, so it is called "Xiaoman".

"Xiaoman is in the middle, and the dog days are wearing jackets", tomorrow Xiaoman, is it hot on the dog days this year? Here comes the answer

The ancients invented the 24 solar terms to guide the labor and production of farmers, and it is the time coordinate of the agricultural era. With the 24 solar terms, people can arrange sowing, ploughing, harvesting, and winter storage between every two winter solstices. Corresponding agricultural activities can be arranged in every two solar terms, without missing the agricultural time. The Xiaoman solar term is the solar term that reflects the phenological phenomenon, which refers to the filling of wheat and other summer crops, and the grains have begun to be full, but they are not yet mature.

"Xiaoman is in the middle, and the dog days are wearing jackets", tomorrow Xiaoman, is it hot on the dog days this year? Here comes the answer

According to the ancients, when it is ripe, it should reach the "Great Man", why did it change to the mangzhong solar term?

In the ancient book of the Ming Dynasty, the "Seven Cultivation Manuscripts" gave an explanation: "The one who is easy to be full of mangs." Because of the time, things and personnel, to establish righteousness. Covered with the seed valley of mangs, so far to grow up, people should be diligent. At this time, the small is full, so the mango is easy to be big and full of ears. ”

"Mango seed" is not only a ripening season, but also a sowing season, which is a busy time for farming. Therefore, the ancients called this period of time "mango seed", not Daman, to remind people to be diligent in farming, not just planting and not harvesting, not sitting and eating empty mountains.

"Xiaoman is in the middle, and the dog days are wearing jackets", tomorrow Xiaoman, is it hot on the dog days this year? Here comes the answer

Xiaoman is the second solar term in summer, 15 days later is the mango solar term, and then 15 days is the summer solstice, as the old saying goes, "the summer solstice is three Geng several heads", and it will enter the hottest period of the year. So, is it hot during dog days this year? Xiaoman has a foreshadowing on this day!

"Xiaoman is in the middle, and the dog days are wearing jackets", tomorrow Xiaoman, is it hot on the dog days this year? Here comes the answer

As the old saying goes, "Little man is at the end, May sauna; Xiao Man is in the middle, and he wears a jacket", what does it mean? Where is Xiaoman this year? Is it hot during dog days? Let's take a closer look!

"Xiaoman is in the middle, and the dog days are wearing jackets", tomorrow Xiaoman, is it hot on the dog days this year? Here comes the answer

First of all, let's talk about what is "the beginning of the month", "the middle of the month", and "the end of the month".

"Moonhead" refers to the first 10 days of a lunar month (early month), "middle of month" refers to the middle 10 days of a lunar month (mid-month), and "tail of the month" refers to the last 10 days of a lunar month (late month).

Knowing the above content, let's look at this agricultural proverb again to understand, which means that if the Xiaoman solar term is in the last 10 fields of a lunar month, then it indicates that it is already very hot in the fifth lunar month of that year; If the Xiaoman solar term is in the middle of the 10 days of a lunar month, then it indicates that the dog days of the year will be relatively cooler.

This year's Xiaoman solar term is the festival on May 20 of the Gregorian calendar, the thirteenth day of the fourth month of the lunar calendar, therefore, it is in the "middle of the month". According to the experience of the ancients, this year's dog days will be cooler than usual.

"Xiaoman is in the middle, and the dog days are wearing jackets", tomorrow Xiaoman, is it hot on the dog days this year? Here comes the answer

Dog days are cool, which may be a good thing for people's daily lives, but not necessarily for crops. As the old saying goes, "the heat is not hot, the grains do not bear fruit", crop growth not only needs sufficient water, but also needs sufficient light, with light and accumulated temperature, crop grains are full and mature. Therefore, if it rains a lot in the hot summer, farmers have to worry about the harvest.

In addition, dog days are not hot but cool, mostly because of rainfall, therefore, farmers should be prepared for flood control.

For example, according to the predictions of some previous institutions, the overall trend of drought and flood in the Yangtze River basin in 2024 is more waterlogging, and the overall deviation of climate and annual scenarios is biased. In terms of precipitation, there is more normal precipitation throughout the year, but the spatial and temporal distribution of precipitation is uneven.

"Xiaoman is in the middle, and the dog days are wearing jackets", tomorrow Xiaoman, is it hot on the dog days this year? Here comes the answer

Specifically, the precipitation in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River is basically normal, and the precipitation in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is relatively high. Among them, the precipitation in the main flood season (June to August) is on the high side, and the precipitation near the main stream in the middle reaches may reach more than 2%.

It's time for the Little Full Solar Term, do you think it will be relatively cool during the dog days this year? Looking forward to your review! Thanks for reading.

#突然发现今年 "520" makes sense##明日小满##今日小满##头条创作挑战赛#