
Yang Di's pet dog was euthanized! has been with him for 14 years, Yang Di suddenly heard the bad news and burst into tears at the shooting scene

author:Xiao Hao chatted about interesting things


Recently, a scene in a variety show made the audience teary-eyed, it turned out that the host of the show, Yang Di, received a phone call and learned the news of the death of his dog. After 14 years of companionship, Yang Di broke down emotionally, and finally he made a difficult decision to euthanize his dog. Such a decision also made many people feel distressed, but Yang Di said in an interview that this is a relief for the dog and a gratitude for 14 years of companionship. He also called on everyone to treat pets rationally, emphasizing that dog owners should be responsible, and they also need to have enough courage in the face of the death of their pets.

Yang Di's pet dog was euthanized! has been with him for 14 years, Yang Di suddenly heard the bad news and burst into tears at the shooting scene

1. After 14 years of companionship, Yang Di had an emotional breakdown

Yang Di's pet dog was euthanized! has been with him for 14 years, Yang Di suddenly heard the bad news and burst into tears at the shooting scene

In a recently aired variety show, Yang Di received a phone call during the recording of the show and learned the news of his dog's death. The sudden news made Yang Di's emotions uncontrollable, he burst into tears on the spot, and the whole person fell into extreme grief. For many viewers, it may be impossible to understand why Yang Di is so sad because of the death of a pet, but for Yang Di, the dog Budai is not only a pet, but also a family member in his life, with an unparalleled emotional bond.

Yang Di's pet dog was euthanized! has been with him for 14 years, Yang Di suddenly heard the bad news and burst into tears at the shooting scene

In the past 14 years, whether it is work or life, Budai has always been by Yang Di's side, it is unknown, but it has given Yang Di great comfort and support. Whether it is the pressure of work or the troubles of life, with the company of the cloth bag, Yang Di can always regain his strength in the worst time. When he learned the news of Budai's death, the whole person seemed to have lost the focus of his life, and his grief could not be described in words.

Yang Di's pet dog was euthanized! has been with him for 14 years, Yang Di suddenly heard the bad news and burst into tears at the shooting scene

2. Make a difficult decision to euthanize your dog

It is understood that Budai already suffered from paralysis before his death, and it was also accompanied by the appearance of tumors. After learning such news, Yang Di also sent Budai to the hospital for treatment, hoping to alleviate its pain as soon as possible. After a detailed examination by the doctor, they gave a very heavy conclusion to Yang Di, that is, Budai no longer has much hope for treatment, and the only thing that can be done is to euthanize it as soon as possible.

For ordinary people, it may be very difficult to accept such a decision, after all, no one wants to see their loved one or animal leave them. For Yang Di, his heart has also experienced a great struggle and suffering, but he still chooses to believe in the doctor's decision, giving Budai a kind of relief, and also a gratitude for 14 years of companionship.

Yang Di's pet dog was euthanized! has been with him for 14 years, Yang Di suddenly heard the bad news and burst into tears at the shooting scene

3. Treat pets rationally, and dog owners should have a sense of responsibility

In the face of doubts and criticism from the outside world about his decision, Yang Di also admitted in an interview that he understands everyone's feelings very well, after all, every pet owner hopes that their beloved pets can live a healthy and happy life. But he also hopes that through his own experience, he can call on everyone to treat pets rationally, whether it is birth, old age, sickness or death, you need to have enough courage to face it.

In his opinion, having a pet is not only an emotional sustenance, but also a responsibility and obligation, and dog owners should have enough sense of responsibility to give their pets the best care and companionship. When pets are sick, they need to be treated and cared for in a timely manner, and when their condition can no longer be effectively relieved, perhaps euthanasia is the best choice for them.

Through such a public appeal, Yang Di also hopes to arouse more people's conjectures about pet protection and upbringing, so that everyone can treat this matter more rationally, and also give more care and care to the pets around them.

Yang Di's pet dog was euthanized! has been with him for 14 years, Yang Di suddenly heard the bad news and burst into tears at the shooting scene

Fourth, bravely face death and believe that pets live happily in another world

Although Budai has left him, deep in Yang Di's heart, he still believes that maybe in another world, Budai can get rid of all illnesses and live happily. This kind of parting is certainly extremely painful, but it can also be viewed from another angle, that is, a kind of relief, a relief from illness, and an end to endless pain.

Perhaps in another world, Budai can regain his happiness and play with other pets without any illness, which also gives Yang Di great comfort and comfort. Parting in life is certainly heart-wrenching, but it can also make people learn to cherish the people in front of them and love life more, because only in this way can they give the best blessings to the people or pets who leave.

Yang Di's pet dog was euthanized! has been with him for 14 years, Yang Di suddenly heard the bad news and burst into tears at the shooting scene


Every parting is a fulfillment, whether it is a person or a pet, their departure is not the end, but the beginning of another. Yang Di's experience also makes us understand that in the face of parting in life, we need to have enough courage to accept all this, and we must also learn to bless others and cherish the people in front of us with a tolerant heart, because only in this way can we love life more and move forward bravely.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, Yang Di is just a public figure in the entertainment industry, but his words and deeds have touched the hearts of countless audiences, and also gave everyone a lot of inspiration and touch. I hope that in the future life, no matter what kind of difficulties and challenges we encounter, we can be like Yang Di, bravely face and move forward firmly, because every fall in life will usher in more determined growth.

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