
Tomorrow Xiaoman, heavy rain in the south is coming, and it will also rain in the north, will there be a big flood? Look at the agricultural proverb

author:Popular science of agriculture and agriculture

Introduction: Tomorrow Xiaoman, heavy rain in the south is coming, and it will also fall in the north, will there be a big flood? Look at the agricultural proverb

Today is May 19 of the Gregorian calendar, the twelfth day of the fourth month of the lunar calendar, and tomorrow, May 20, will usher in the Xiaoman solar term. According to the experience summed up by the ancients, "the rivers are gradually full." Before and after Xiaoman, thunderstorms in the southern part of the mainland increased, and the peasants should make good preparations for flood control.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, heavy rain in the south is coming, and it will also rain in the north, will there be a big flood? Look at the agricultural proverb

Although the 24 solar terms were invented by the ancients and are a long time away from us, they are still very accurate.

In fact, the 24 solar terms are quite accurate even now. Take the Xiaoman solar term as an example, the ancients concluded that the temperature has risen and precipitation has increased, which is quite accurate from the current weather conditions.

For example, today (early morning of May 19), it rained heavily in the Nanning area of the mainland, accompanied by lightning and thunder, and waterlogging on urban roads. In addition, today, the Nanning Meteorological Observatory also hung a red warning for heavy rain, which means that the heavy rain is coming!

Tomorrow Xiaoman, heavy rain in the south is coming, and it will also rain in the north, will there be a big flood? Look at the agricultural proverb

It is expected that there will be 30~50 mm of heavy rainfall of more than 60 mm locally in most areas of Nanning urban area today, accompanied by thunder and lightning, short-term gales, local hail and other weather processes.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, heavy rain in the south is coming, and it will also rain in the north, will there be a big flood? Look at the agricultural proverb

In addition, on May 20, the day of the Xiaoman solar term, the southern part of the mainland will experience heavy rainfall, and there will be a weather process of heavy rain in some areas. Also, there is rain in the north. The details are as follows:

Judging from the forecast, moderate to heavy rain occurred in the Ili River Valley of Xinjiang, southern Sichuan, southeastern Yunnan, western and southern Hubei, southern Hebei, Tianjin, Liaodong Peninsula, most of Jilin, southern Heilongjiang, central and southern Fujian, southern Jiangxi, southern Hunan, most of Guangdong, western Guangxi and most of Hainan Island.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, heavy rain in the south is coming, and it will also rain in the north, will there be a big flood? Look at the agricultural proverb

Among them, parts of southeastern Guangxi and southeastern Guangxi have been hit by heavy rainfall, and the cumulative rainfall may even reach 200 mm. In particular, the southern coastal areas of southern China, such as Guangdong, have become the center of heavy rainfall.

So, will there be a major flood in the coming summer? Look at what the "Xiaoman" agricultural proverb left by the ancestors says!

First, the sun is full of sun, and the stones are broken

This agricultural proverb means that if Xiaoman has a sunny day, then it indicates that the following weather will be hot, dry and rainless.

Second, the small pond is full of ponds, and the mangs are planted all over the river

This agricultural proverb is relatively easy to understand. It is to the effect that if there is more rain before and after Xiaoman, and the pond is filled, then there will be more rain after the rain, and this weather will continue intermittently until around the solar term.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, heavy rain in the south is coming, and it will also rain in the north, will there be a big flood? Look at the agricultural proverb

Third, Xiaoman does not rain, and the sun kills people in the sky

This agricultural proverb means that if it doesn't rain on this day, it will indicate that the dog days of the year will be hot and dry.

Fourth, the head is drenched, and the Fuli River is full

This agricultural proverb means that if it rains on the day of Xiaoman, it means that there will be more rain during the Futian period, and the rivers will be filled.

Fifth, there is no rain in Xiaoman, and there is no rain in Fuli

This agricultural proverb means that if there is no rain in Xiaoman and it is a sunny day, then it indicates that the number of rainy days during the next dog days will be relatively small, and there may even be drought and no rain.

In general, according to the above agricultural proverb, if it rains before and after Xiaoman, there will be more rain in the later period. On the contrary, if it is a sunny day on the day of Xiaoman, it indicates that there will be drought and little rain in the future.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, heavy rain in the south is coming, and it will also rain in the north, will there be a big flood? Look at the agricultural proverb

In addition, according to the latest forecast of the Central Meteorological Observatory, the southern region will experience continuous heavy to heavy rain in the next few days. Among them, from the 19th to the 20th, heavy rain will occur in parts of South China, and the eastern and southern coasts of Guangxi, the central and western parts of Guangdong and the southern coastal areas are more likely to encounter extremely heavy rains.

Not only that, around the 23rd-24th and the 26th, there will be two precipitation processes in the south, indicating that the rainfall in the south will continue during this period, which may have a great impact on people's daily life and agricultural production.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, heavy rain in the south is coming, and it will also rain in the north, will there be a big flood? Look at the agricultural proverb

What do you think about this? Do you think there will be a big flood this year? Looking forward to your predictions, thanks for reading.
