
25 points, 8 rebounds and 7 hats, Yao Ming smiled, if it is cultivated properly, the 17-year-old will be in the NBA in the future

author:Qichuan Basketball Collection
25 points, 8 rebounds and 7 hats, Yao Ming smiled, if it is cultivated properly, the 17-year-old will be in the NBA in the future

In the group stage of the U17 Men's Basketball World Cup, the Chinese men's basketball team lost to Guinea 92-101. Obviously, this is an uncomfortable result, after all, Guinea is not a world powerhouse.

However, although he lost, there was one person's performance that still deserves everyone's praise. He is Xun Sinan, in the whole game, he played 26 minutes, shot 8 of 15, got 25 points and 8 rebounds, and of course, there were 7 very powerful blocks.

25 points, 8 rebounds and 7 hats, Yao Ming smiled, if it is cultivated properly, the 17-year-old will be in the NBA in the future

Xun Sinan was born in 2007, he is only 17 years old this year, his height is 2.13 meters, it should be said that there is still a lot of potential, normally speaking, the height will continue to grow.

Obviously, this is a good seedling for the future of the Chinese men's basketball team, his biggest strength is defense, and being able to have such a block performance in the World Series undoubtedly proves his strength and potential.

25 points, 8 rebounds and 7 hats, Yao Ming smiled, if it is cultivated properly, the 17-year-old will be in the NBA in the future

Last year, he received invitations from the University of Alabama, Mississippi State University, the University of Florida, the University of Illinois and other schools. If he can go to these schools in the United States to play, it will undoubtedly be a great thing for him to improve his strength.

Seeing such Xun Sinan, the happiest is obviously the NBA legendary superstar Yao Ming, at present, Xun Sinan should have no problem growing to more than 2.20 meters tall, he has an advantage in height, and the rest is technical training. If he can play in the United States, he will have a better chance of staying in the NBA in the future.

25 points, 8 rebounds and 7 hats, Yao Ming smiled, if it is cultivated properly, the 17-year-old will be in the NBA in the future

Of course, Yao Ming should also pay attention to training, after all, some of our local players, in their youth, can play well by relying on their height advantage, but when they become adults, they don't seem to have improved much. For example, the two CBA superstars like Zhou Qi and Wang Zhelin are somewhat similar. They were all top stars in their youth, but they had a feeling that they were at the top of their debut and made little progress in the later stages. Therefore, for Yao Ming, it is still necessary to pay attention to cultivating Xun Sinan's basic skills, especially dribbling, free throws and shooting skills.


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