
闭眼也能AI修复?OPPO Reno12系列值得期待

闭眼也能AI修复?OPPO Reno12系列值得期待

Android China

2024-05-21 11:53Posted on the official account of Guangdong Edge Technology

On May 21, @老师好我叫何同学 showed a photo with the cat on Weibo, saying that he finally photographed the cat opening his eyes, but he closed his eyes; There is also a photo of a tourist, and when I look back, I find that the tourists behind me are very conspicuous. The blogger also said that in the past, these situations could only be done with the help of PS, but there will be a simpler solution with the OPPO Reno12 series.

闭眼也能AI修复?OPPO Reno12系列值得期待

According to this information, the OPPO Reno12 series is likely to be able to achieve closed-eye repair, and the principle may be to use live photos to find the frame with the eyes open as the cover, so as to save the "waste film"; And passers-by behind the tourist photos can use the same AIGC elimination function of the OPPO flagship, which also means that the Reno12 series supports the same AI function of the flagship.

闭眼也能AI修复?OPPO Reno12系列值得期待

The previously released flagship OPPO Find X7 series has added a lot of powerful AI functions, just like the AIGC elimination mentioned above, you can circle the part that needs to be eliminated, and the system can intelligently identify passers-by or debris and eliminate them, and there are basically no traces of modification after elimination. There are also features such as voice call summaries, Wensheng diagrams, etc., to solve your problems in all aspects.

闭眼也能AI修复?OPPO Reno12系列值得期待

The AI features of these flagships may be devolved to the upcoming OPPO Reno12 series, and there may be special new features added for taking photos with eyes closed. Combined with the millennial trend design and six trendy style colors released on OPPO's official Weibo account, the OPPO Reno12 series is indeed very worth looking forward to.

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  • 闭眼也能AI修复?OPPO Reno12系列值得期待
  • 闭眼也能AI修复?OPPO Reno12系列值得期待
  • 闭眼也能AI修复?OPPO Reno12系列值得期待

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