
The "most unpopular" luxury fruit sold for more than 40 yuan a pound this year, and it is the only unpopular fruit in Thailand

The "most unpopular" luxury fruit sold for more than 40 yuan a pound this year, and it is the only unpopular fruit in Thailand

Farm Planet

2024-06-30 17:20Creators in the field of agriculture, agriculture and agriculture

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01 As a luxury fruit imported from Thailand, the price of Thai Longgong fruit has reached more than 40 yuan a catty in supermarkets this year, which is higher than the price of Thai durian.

02 Longgong fruit is similar in appearance to longan or loquat, the flesh tastes like lychee, and the taste is sweet and slightly sour, but it lacks significant characteristics.

03 Although the price of Longgong fruit is high, its popularity in the market has not been high, and it is a very niche personalized consumption.

04 According to expert analysis, the reason why Longgong Guo failed to catch fire is that its appearance is mediocre and lacks unique highlights.

05 Overall, Longgong Fruit does not have an advantage in competition, and the possibility of a fire in the future is small.

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When it comes to fruits imported from Thailand, the first thing that comes to most people's minds is "durian"; The second one that comes to mind should be mangosteen; The third one that comes to mind should be Thai ruby green pomelo; The fourth thought should be the strange-looking rambutan.

Among the fruits imported from Thailand, durian and mangosteen are popular fruits; Thai ruby green pomelo is a small popular fruit; Rambutan is a little deserted, and not many people have eaten it, but fortunately, its appearance has left a deep impression, and it has become familiar in recent years.

There is only one fruit imported from Thailand, which has been fried for many years, but it has been very unpopular, and it is the only unpopular luxury fruit imported from Thailand over the years.

This fruit is the Thai Dragon Palace Fruit.

The "most unpopular" luxury fruit sold for more than 40 yuan a pound this year, and it is the only unpopular fruit in Thailand

A fruit that is available in many supermarkets, but many people don't care much about it.

This year, it sold for more than 40 yuan a catty

This year, Thailand's dragon palace fruit is on the market. Like other Thai fruits, they are basically "luxury fruits" in supermarkets.

Although the Dragon Palace Fruit is very unpopular at the moment, everyone doesn't seem to "pay much attention" to this fruit. But its price is not low at all.

At present, the price of Longgong fruit in supermarkets is about 40 yuan a catty, which is more than 10 yuan higher than the price of Thai durian.

The "most unpopular" luxury fruit sold for more than 40 yuan a pound this year, and it is the only unpopular fruit in Thailand

Supermarket prices are real

There could be two reasons for the high price. First, many of the current Longgong fruits are transported by air, and the transportation cost is high, and the cost of preservation is also very high; The second is that the consumption of Longgong fruit is too low, it is difficult to "make small profits and quick turnover", and it is a very niche personalized consumption, which can only increase the profit point to sell. It's not as fast as durian and mangosteen.

The price is a little higher, and a little lower is actually good, but the bad situation is that the Dragon Palace Fruit has not been very popular. In the past, many people had great hopes for the dragon palace fruit, thinking that it could be "Thailand's second durian".

It's a pity that after being fried for so long, Longgong Guo has not been able to get up, and it has always been very unpopular.

When Thai durian just entered the mainland, it was actually a very unpopular fruit, which was only sold for 6-8 yuan a catty before, compared with the current price, it is simply an underground and a sky.

The "most unpopular" luxury fruit sold for more than 40 yuan a pound this year, and it is the only unpopular fruit in Thailand

And when durian entered that year, many people were not optimistic about durian, thinking that the smell of this fruit was so rushing, they might not be able to stand it when they smelled it, how could it be popular?

As a result, durian slapped many people in the face, took off directly in a wave, and gradually became popular. Later, it almost became the king of prices among fruits.

perfectly staged a wave of "old hen into phoenix".

On the other hand, Longgong Fruit does not have this fate.


What kind of fruit is Ryugong fruit?

Ryugong fruit is a very strange fruit. In terms of appearance, it looks like longan or loquat on the surface, and the appearance of the flesh looks a little like mangosteen, the flesh is petal-by-petal, and the taste is a little like lychee, and the taste is sweet and slightly sour.

Many people also call Thai dragon palace fruit "Thai loquat". But it really has nothing to do with loquat, and it has little to do with lychee and longan.

The "most unpopular" luxury fruit sold for more than 40 yuan a pound this year, and it is the only unpopular fruit in Thailand

In the past, when Longgong Fruit had just entered the mainland, it had a very fashionable marketing concept for Longgong Fruit, called "Fruit of Love", saying that Longgong Fruit symbolized love. The reason is that the kernel inside the dragon palace fruit is bitter, and the flesh wrapped outside is sweet, and when the flesh of the dragon palace fruit is eaten, if you accidentally bite through the core, you will taste bitter.

They say that it is like love, which is sweet at the beginning and bitter when it is sweet.

That's probably what it means.

I don't know much about these loves, it's just a marketing point anyway. In the past, many high-end luxury fruits loved to be marketed like this.

Why is the durian on fire, but the dragon palace fruit is not on fire?

But whether the dragon palace fruit is popular or not has little to do with its marketing. Probably the main reason is that the fruit is too "mediocre" and does not have a very bright spot. Just like durian, the characteristics of durian are very obvious, and this characteristic may be difficult to accept at the beginning. But it also leaves a taste memory.

And in terms of appearance, the dragon palace fruit does not have much of a bright spot, it is even more mediocre. At first glance, it looks like a dragon's eye, and it is difficult to leave a great visual memory for consumers in terms of appearance. It's not like rambutan, you can't forget it after you see it.

The "most unpopular" luxury fruit sold for more than 40 yuan a pound this year, and it is the only unpopular fruit in Thailand

The launch of Longgong fruit is also in June and July, which is the time when other fruits such as lychee, durian, and mangosteen are on the market in large quantities. If Longgong fruit tastes like lychee, then why not eat it directly? And the price of lychee is still low, and the price of Longgong fruit is still so high.

Therefore, in terms of competition, Longgong fruit is indeed the most uncompetitive luxury fruit.

As a luxury fruit, it did not find a good positioning.

It is not something that makes a difference.

It can only exist as a very unpopular luxury fruit.

For most people, there should be a lot of people who have never eaten Longgong fruit, like other fruits, they may also want to be curious to taste it, but for Longgong fruit, this curiosity is really not strong. It feels like it looks like a big dragon's eye......

What do you think of the dragon palace fruit? Do you think this fruit will catch fire in the future?

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  • The "most unpopular" luxury fruit sold for more than 40 yuan a pound this year, and it is the only unpopular fruit in Thailand
  • The "most unpopular" luxury fruit sold for more than 40 yuan a pound this year, and it is the only unpopular fruit in Thailand
  • The "most unpopular" luxury fruit sold for more than 40 yuan a pound this year, and it is the only unpopular fruit in Thailand
  • The "most unpopular" luxury fruit sold for more than 40 yuan a pound this year, and it is the only unpopular fruit in Thailand
  • The "most unpopular" luxury fruit sold for more than 40 yuan a pound this year, and it is the only unpopular fruit in Thailand

Personal opinion, for reference only

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