
After reading today's important news in three minutes, the news summary on June 30, the Zhongxing 3A satellite was successfully launched

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After reading today's important news in three minutes, the news summary on June 30, the Zhongxing 3A satellite was successfully launched

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Today is June 30, 2024, Sunday, the 25th day of the fifth lunar month

1. At 19:57 on June 29, 2024, the mainland successfully launched the Zhongxing-3A satellite using the Long March-7 carrier rocket at the Wenchang Space Launch Site, and the satellite successfully entered the predetermined orbit, and the launch mission was a complete success. The Zhongxing-3A satellite is a communication and broadcasting satellite, which will provide users with voice, data, broadcasting and other services. The launch marks another major breakthrough in the mainland's space technology.

After reading today's important news in three minutes, the news summary on June 30, the Zhongxing 3A satellite was successfully launched

Second, the Guangzhou property market ushered in a wave of recovery, with the average daily transaction volume increasing by 30% month-on-month123. Since May 17, after the introduction of policy "combination punches" by multiple departments, the popularity of typical real estate in Guangzhou has rebounded, and the number of visits and subscription data have risen for 4 consecutive weeks. From June 1 to 25, 5,469 first-hand houses were sold in Guangzhou, which was the best month this year. This wave of recovery will help boost market confidence and boost economic development.

After reading today's important news in three minutes, the news summary on June 30, the Zhongxing 3A satellite was successfully launched

3. China's electric vehicle exports have reached more than 180 destinations. In 2023, China's NEV exports reached 1.203 million units, up 77.6% y/y. Chinese brand electric vehicles are very popular in emerging markets such as Brazil and Thailand. These cars have won the favor of consumers around the world due to their high cost performance and advanced technology. Chinese companies are also building new production lines in many countries to promote local employment and the development of new energy industries.

After reading today's important news in three minutes, the news summary on June 30, the Zhongxing 3A satellite was successfully launched

4. On June 29, 2024, the second phase of Beijing Gas' Tianjin Nangang LNG Emergency Reserve Project was officially put into operation. After the second phase of the project is put into operation, the overall natural gas storage capacity of Tianjin Nangang LNG terminal will be increased to about 1 billion cubic meters. This will further improve Beijing's natural gas storage peak shaving and emergency supply guarantee capacity, and alleviate the pressure on natural gas supply and demand in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region in winter.

After reading today's important news in three minutes, the news summary on June 30, the Zhongxing 3A satellite was successfully launched

5. In 2024, Foshan plans to invest more than 100 billion yuan in technological transformation. At the Foshan New Quality Productivity Investment and M&A Conference, it was announced that more than 1,200 enterprises would be promoted to carry out technological transformation. The goal is to achieve the digital and intelligent transformation of 65% of enterprises above the designated size. This measure will enhance the competitiveness of enterprises and promote high-quality economic development.

After reading today's important news in three minutes, the news summary on June 30, the Zhongxing 3A satellite was successfully launched

6. According to the Blue Book of Internet Helping Digital Consumption Development released by the China Internet Network Information Center, there are more than 900 million online shopping users in China. Digital consumption has become an important engine for expanding domestic demand, promoting the expansion of consumption scenarios from offline to online. New consumption growth points such as domestic "trendy products", green consumption, and healthy consumption are constantly emerging. Digital consumption not only improves the consumer experience, but also promotes high-quality economic development.

After reading today's important news in three minutes, the news summary on June 30, the Zhongxing 3A satellite was successfully launched

7. The Ministry of Finance, the General Administration of Customs, and the State Administration of Taxation announced that from July 1, the duty-free quota for luggage and articles carried by Hong Kong and Macao resident passengers will be increased from 5,000 yuan to 12,000 yuan. This measure will boost tourism consumption and benefit small and medium-sized enterprises. The governments of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and the Macao SAR (Macau) expressed their gratitude for the new policy, which will boost economic development and attract more tourists.

After reading today's important news in three minutes, the news summary on June 30, the Zhongxing 3A satellite was successfully launched

8. On June 29, 2024, Huawei was approved by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development as the Key Laboratory of Whole House Intelligence at the 21st Housing Expo. The lab is the first large-scale open laboratory for spatial intelligence in China, and is jointly built by the government, Huawei, and enterprise partners. The laboratory will promote the development of the whole-house intelligent industry, improve the intelligent level of building space, and promote high-quality development.

After reading today's important news in three minutes, the news summary on June 30, the Zhongxing 3A satellite was successfully launched

9. On June 22, 2024, Sany Silicon Energy launched a 260MW photovoltaic power generation project in Pinglu District, Shuozhou City, Shanxi Province. The project is located in Xishuijie Township, covering an area of 7,181 acres, using 660Wp monocrystalline silicon bifacial cell modules. It is expected to be completed in October 2024, with an annual power generation capacity of about 396,868,200 kWh12. The project will significantly save energy and reduce environmental pollution.

After reading today's important news in three minutes, the news summary on June 30, the Zhongxing 3A satellite was successfully launched

10. Recently, the main body of the AKK natural gas pipeline project in Nigeria undertaken by the China National Petroleum Pipeline Bureau was completed. The project is Nigeria's first large-diameter, long-distance, high-standard natural gas pipeline, connecting the southern gas source and the northern gas consumption unit. The successful completion of the project will significantly increase Nigeria's energy transmission capacity and boost the local economy.

After reading today's important news in three minutes, the news summary on June 30, the Zhongxing 3A satellite was successfully launched

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After reading today's important news in three minutes, the news summary on June 30, the Zhongxing 3A satellite was successfully launched

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