
Recently, there has been a high incidence of herpangina, which may develop into hand, foot and mouth disease! Attached is a comprehensive strategy for parents to deal with

Recently, there has been a high incidence of herpangina, which may develop into hand, foot and mouth disease! Attached is a comprehensive strategy for parents to deal with

Xiaoxiang Morning News

2024-05-29 19:44Posted on the official account of Hunan Xiaoxiang Morning News

Recently, many parents have been feeling anxious about their children contracting herpangina. Herpangina occurs in April to July and September to January every year, affecting the lives of many children. In the children's outpatient emergency department of Hunan Provincial People's Hospital, Xiaoyue's mother asked worriedly: "Doctor, is this disease so contagious?" My brother has herpes, and now my sister also has herpes, what should I do? ”

Recently, there has been a high incidence of herpangina, which may develop into hand, foot and mouth disease! Attached is a comprehensive strategy for parents to deal with

What is the difference between herpangina and hand, foot and mouth disease?

Herpangina and hand, foot and mouth disease are both caused by enteroviruses. Since they are caused by the same type of virus, there is a close relationship between them, like twins, but the symptoms and location of the infection are different.

The most common causes of herpangina and hand, foot and mouth disease are coxsackievirus A16 and echovirus 71 (EV-A71). After enteroviruses enter the body through the mouth and nose, they first infect cells in the pharynx and intestines. If the virus is confined to the pharynx, it may present only as symptoms of herpangina. However, if the virus spreads further to the skin, especially in the hands and feet, hand, foot and mouth disease can develop.

The location of herpes is different: Herpangina only has herpes in the mouth, while hand, foot and mouth disease can cause herpes in the mouth, hands, feet, and buttocks.

The risk varies: Herpangina generally does not cause very serious complications and sequelae, but hand, foot and mouth disease does not. According to the statistics of relevant departments, patients with hand, foot and mouth disease have a 1% chance of infection complications, especially children under the age of five, and myocarditis, pulmonary edema, aseptic meningitis, etc., sometimes often life-threatening.

How can I tell if my child needs medical attention as soon as possible?

Hand, foot and mouth disease and herpangina are self-limiting, and they will recover on their own in about a week. However, if the following high-risk factors appear, we must pay attention to them and seek medical attention in time:

Suspicious neurological symptoms, such as listlessness, frequent startles, weakness of hands and feet, eye rolling, nystagmus, convulsions, etc.;

Suspicious circulatory abnormalities, such as pallor, recurrent vomiting, low or high blood pressure, rapid heart rate, etc.;

Persistent hyperthermia with a body temperature greater than 39°C, and the conventional antipyretic effect is not good.

Herpangina in children, how can I relieve the pain?

Although HFMD and herpangina are both self-limiting conditions and do not require special treatment. However, there are still some symptoms that are unbearable after infection. For example, in the blistering stage of herpangina and hand, foot and mouth disease, children with oral herpes will have sores throughout the mouth. How can I relieve my pain?

Eat a low-temperature diet and don't let your child eat too hot food to stimulate blood vessels. Foods that need to be cooled or frozen, such as frozen milk, ice cream, etc., can help reduce your child's throat pain.

Moderate sweets that can relieve sore throat.

Is herpes contagious? How long can I go out?

Herpangina is mainly transmitted through the respiratory tract and contact, and is highly contagious among children, which is why kindergartens and preschools often cluster infections. The isolation time is generally to wait until the child's herpes, fever, cough and other symptoms have subsided, and then the child can be exposed to isolation after two days.

How can my child prevent it?

Herpangina is highly contagious and should be prevented.

Prevent infection. Herpangina is mainly transmitted through fecal-oral or respiratory tract, which is highly contagious and spreads quickly, pay attention to hand hygiene, and wash hands frequently.

Improves the body's resistance. It is necessary to take adequate rest, pay attention to warmth and appropriate physical exercise to enhance physical fitness, improve one's own immunity, and help prevent the invasion of the virus.

Frequent ventilation. Pay attention to the hygiene of the family, open the windows frequently for ventilation, and keep the room clean and the temperature and humidity appropriate.

Early vaccination is recommended for school-age children. Although HFMD is caused by a variety of enteroviruses, EV-A71 is still the main culprit in severe cases and deaths, and vaccination with EV71 can effectively reduce the occurrence of severe HFMD. Children aged 6 months to 5 years are advised to complete HFMV vaccination as soon as possible.

How to disinfect my child's home after being infected with herpangina?

Dispose of utensils and cups using the boiling sterilization method;

Choose medium or high-efficiency disinfectants such as chlorine (bromine) disinfectants for disinfection, such as: use chlorine-containing disinfectants (such as 84 disinfectant) to disinfect toys and frequently touched surfaces, 75% ethanol and 5% lyssos are ineffective against enteroviruses;

Disinfect clothing, towels and quilts with ultraviolet light from sunlight.

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Ren Wanwan correspondent Huang Li

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  • Recently, there has been a high incidence of herpangina, which may develop into hand, foot and mouth disease! Attached is a comprehensive strategy for parents to deal with

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