
Do you have to yell at your child to be obedient? Try these 3 tips

Do you have to yell at your child to be obedient? Try these 3 tips

Ting Ma Alan

2024-05-28 17:12Posted in Guangdong parenting field creators

Hello everyone, I'm Ting's mother.

Parents often leave me messages in the background, saying that their children don't listen to them when they talk well, and they have to yell before they listen, which makes the family very tired.

It has to be said that on the road of parenting, parents often face a variety of challenges, the most common of which is how to make their children obedient.

Do you have to yell at your child to be obedient? Try these 3 tips

Many parents believe that harsh reprimands or even yelling will make their children obedient. However, does this approach really work?

Yelling is not a good way to do it, and in the long run, it can even have a negative impact on a child's mental and emotional development.

So, is there a better way to guide your child's behavior?

Below, Ting's mother shares 3 tips to help parents educate their children in a more scientific and reasonable way.

Tip 1: Set clear expectations and rules

Clear expectations and rules are the foundation of a child's behavior management.

When children know what behaviors are allowed and what are not, they are more likely to make the right choices.

Do you have to yell at your child to be obedient? Try these 3 tips

For example, Tingting and I have always had an agreement that we should write our homework first after we get home from school and have dinner, and we must have more time to play games after completing our homework.

This rule is very clear, Tingting knows what to do first after eating, if you want to play more games, then you have to speed up your progress when writing homework.

This avoids disputes and confusion due to unclear directives.

Tip 2: Use positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is when children show good behavior by giving rewards or praise as a way to encourage them to continue the behavior.

This reinforcement not only makes children feel fulfilled and happy, but it also boosts their self-confidence and sense of self-worth.

Do you have to yell at your child to be obedient? Try these 3 tips

I also often use positive reinforcement to encourage Tingting. Whenever Tingting takes the initiative to help with housework, I will recognize her efforts in a timely manner, and sometimes give some small rewards.

Tip 3: Provide options and consequences

Giving children choices can make them feel respected and controlled. At the same time, allowing children to understand the consequences of their choices can help them learn to take responsibility.

On Friday nights, I usually allow Tingting to play mobile games for a while, but I give her two options: either give me back the phone at 10 o'clock or give it back to me at 10:30. If you choose to return it to me at 10:30, then tomorrow you will have to play half an hour less.

Do you have to yell at your child to be obedient? Try these 3 tips

In this way, the child can make decisions within a certain range and bear the consequences accordingly.

Not only does this enhance your child's decision-making skills, but it also allows them to learn to weigh the pros and cons.

In addition to these 3 tips, there are some other details to look out for:

1. Stay calm and patient

This is crucial. When we are emotional, it is difficult to convey information effectively and communicate with our children.

2. Parents' opinions are consistent

Parents should maintain consistent attitudes and rules to avoid confusing their children about who to listen to.

When our parents educate us, they often sing white face and red face, which is no longer suitable for the present.

Do you have to yell at your child to be obedient? Try these 3 tips

3. Lead by example and match words with deeds

Parents are their children's first teachers, and they will secretly observe their parents' words and actions, and if there is a discrepancy between words and deeds, they can easily detect it, which may weaken their trust in their parents.


Educating a child is not an easy task, and we can guide the child's behavior in a more harmonious and effective way, rather than simply relying on yelling or reprimanding.

Moms, try these tips! You will find that using scientific and reasonable methods, there is no need to shout, the child can become obedient and sensible, and the process of raising the child will become more enjoyable.

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I am @婷momalan, a nationally certified nursery teacher, family education lecturer, committed to sharing parenting experience in small stories, welcome to follow me, and accompany children to grow up together.

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  • Do you have to yell at your child to be obedient? Try these 3 tips
  • Do you have to yell at your child to be obedient? Try these 3 tips
  • Do you have to yell at your child to be obedient? Try these 3 tips
  • Do you have to yell at your child to be obedient? Try these 3 tips
  • Do you have to yell at your child to be obedient? Try these 3 tips

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