
Netizens picked up Wang Xiaofei's wife's early remarks: I am Chinese

Netizens picked up Wang Xiaofei's wife's early remarks: I am Chinese

Entertainment Ada

2024-05-29 19:15Published in Guangdong

Recently, some netizens picked up the early remarks of Wang Xiaofei's wife Mandy Ma Xiaomei.

It is reported that on July 30, 2021, Ma Xiaomei posted photos on social media, and some netizens in the comment area said that she looked like a Thai beauty and thought she was Thai. Mandy Ma Xiaomei replied to the netizen after seeing it: "But I am Chinese."

Netizens picked up Wang Xiaofei's wife's early remarks: I am Chinese
Netizens picked up Wang Xiaofei's wife's early remarks: I am Chinese

It is reported that Ma Xiaomei is a medical aesthetic consultant from Taiwan, China, and a few days ago, Wang Xiaofei released the news that she and Ma Xiaomei received the certificate through her personal social account. In the photo of the marriage certificate, the two are wearing white shirts and smiling brightly. Wang Xiaofei also revealed in the live broadcast that she would take her son and daughter to the homestay with Mandy to celebrate.

Netizens picked up Wang Xiaofei's wife's early remarks: I am Chinese
Netizens picked up Wang Xiaofei's wife's early remarks: I am Chinese

Some netizens commented, not to mention anything else, at least Wang Xiaofei's wife Ma Xiaomei's position is no problem, in Taiwan's environment, can still maintain a correct ideological position, this point is worth affirming, after all, the remarks have not been widely concerned by the public has been published, in the comments when someone asked if she is Chinese, she also directly answered in the affirmative.

Netizens picked up Wang Xiaofei's wife's early remarks: I am Chinese
Netizens picked up Wang Xiaofei's wife's early remarks: I am Chinese
Netizens picked up Wang Xiaofei's wife's early remarks: I am Chinese

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  • Netizens picked up Wang Xiaofei's wife's early remarks: I am Chinese
  • Netizens picked up Wang Xiaofei's wife's early remarks: I am Chinese
  • Netizens picked up Wang Xiaofei's wife's early remarks: I am Chinese
  • Netizens picked up Wang Xiaofei's wife's early remarks: I am Chinese
  • Netizens picked up Wang Xiaofei's wife's early remarks: I am Chinese
  • Netizens picked up Wang Xiaofei's wife's early remarks: I am Chinese
  • Netizens picked up Wang Xiaofei's wife's early remarks: I am Chinese

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