
"It's so sweet to even fall out of love!" Her mental state was a hundred years ahead of mine

author:Youth Digest
"It's so sweet to even fall out of love!" Her mental state was a hundred years ahead of mine

Author: Xiao Mei

What happens to you when you fall out of love?

Everything sucks......

Just kidding~

Everything was amazing!

"It's so sweet to even fall out of love!" Her mental state was a hundred years ahead of mine


The first time I saw Mire, it was in this cute video.

The sweet real person and the exaggerated comics are seamlessly connected, accompanied by a cheerful and playful BGM, a quirky and energetic girl rushes to the face, which makes people exclaim "Even the lovelorn is so sweet"!

One second I was still thinking about it, and the next second I was ready to meet a new life. Hey, isn't life going around and around because of joy and sorrow?

"It's so sweet to even fall out of love!" Her mental state was a hundred years ahead of mine


With 11 million fans on the whole network and more than 100 million likes for her works, this girl who is always full of healing smiles on her face is evaluated by fans as "Hans Christian Andersen lives inside".

Because of her videos, each one can make people feel warm and beautiful, full of fairytale appeal and healing power.

"It's so sweet to even fall out of love!" Her mental state was a hundred years ahead of mine

Image credit: @米雷-RayDog


"It's so sweet to even fall out of love!" Her mental state was a hundred years ahead of mine

In fact, when it comes to painting, Miree is "halfway home".

Thanks to the relaxed family atmosphere, she loves to play and make trouble since she was a child, and she is interested in the same things, including dance, swimming, and taekwondo.

At first, Mire wanted to follow the path of dance, and she aspired to become a good Chinese dancer.

"It's so sweet to even fall out of love!" Her mental state was a hundred years ahead of mine

Image credit: @米雷-RayDog

However, after a long period of study, Mirei had to face the reality that his congenital conditions may not be up to the standards of a top dancer. As the college entrance examination approaches, she re-examines her future, and if she takes the art exam through dance, she may not be able to get into the university of her dreams.

What to do?

Miré made a big decision on the spot.


Painting is also one of Mire's wide range of hobbies, and in middle school, she "contracted the blackboard newspaper for a long time". So, with the spirit of a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, she devoted herself to the world of painting.

From dancing to painting, this span requires a lot of courage, and it also makes Mirei suffer a lot.

After entering the professional study, she realized that she "couldn't even hold a pen". There is a huge gulf between hobbies and professions. Starting from scratch, if you want to catch up with the progress, the hard work is self-evident.

If there are no conditions, create conditions and use the time of others to eat and sleep and keep practicing; There are no shortcuts, just painting day and night.

Fortunately, Mire has not lacked the courage to change himself. In her sophomore year, she didn't choose a major she liked, so she went to other majors such as animation and graphic design to "skip classes" and learn a little more. In graduate school, at the suggestion of her teachers, she tried to learn visual development, but she found that she didn't like it.

One day, Mirei saw the girl sitting next to him concentrating on her homework, and the picture was a small grid after a small grid.

A curious Mirei stepped forward to talk and learned that it was called a "storyboard".

Mire's eyes lit up, isn't this the direction he has been looking for?

"It's so sweet to even fall out of love!" Her mental state was a hundred years ahead of mine

Sunset Boulevard storyboard pull-up

Image credit: @米雷-RayDog

What's the difference between storyboarding and drawing? That is, the storyboard does not pursue the gorgeousness and beauty of the picture, but emphasizes the clear expression of ideas, just like daily communication.

This way of communicating and expressing the picture deeply attracted Mire. So in her second year of graduate school, she once again decided to change her major and do storyboards to pursue her interests and passions.

"I want to communicate with the world." Storyboards allow Miree to tell stories that are buried in her heart to more people.

Miré has never been afraid of change. The process of her continuous experimentation is essentially a process of clarifying her inner needs, which makes her more determined in the choices she makes.

"It's so sweet to even fall out of love!" Her mental state was a hundred years ahead of mine

Short videos were originally an attempt made by Mire.

During the pandemic, Mire's company arranged for employees to work from home. After saving a lot of commuting time, I have more time for myself. Mire, who wears pajamas every day, looked at the beautiful dress that was "hidden" in his closet, and thought to himself, "do something".

Putting on good-looking clothes and putting on a delicate makeup, after Mi Lei photographed himself, he had an idea and added some effect.

I saw the beautiful girl in the video winking at the camera, concave posture, and she suddenly became an illustration during the transition.

In this way, the cool and sweet "Laser Girl" series has met with netizens one after another and is liked by many people.

"It's so sweet to even fall out of love!" Her mental state was a hundred years ahead of mine

Image credit: @米雷-RayDog

With the increase in traffic, Mire's fans are increasing. She likes to communicate with everyone, and also has a painting class to teach the knowledge and skills of human body sketching.

Mire's work is also constantly seeking new changes, in addition to boldly experimenting with a variety of painting styles, and constantly adding innovative elements to his videos. She went to great lengths to borrow Hanfu and shoot a series of cross-dressing videos that she had been waiting for.

"It's so sweet to even fall out of love!" Her mental state was a hundred years ahead of mine

Image credit: @米雷-RayDog

In 2023, Mire's selection as the tourism image spokesperson for her hometown made her surprised, but she couldn't help but feel a little trepidation.

Mi Lei has always been happy to introduce his hometown of Yuncheng, Shanxi Province to fans in live broadcasts, but often finds that many people know little about this place. This made her even more eager to let more people know about the unique charm of this land.

As an artist, Miré also has her own concerns: she worries about being held back by outside expectations and responsibilities and not being able to create freely. Fortunately, the local bureau of culture and tourism gave Mire great creative freedom, allowing her to depict the scenery of her hometown and tell the story of her hometown with a pure heart.

In the process of creation, Mirei felt unprecedented joy and ease.

"It's so sweet to even fall out of love!" Her mental state was a hundred years ahead of mine

Image credit: @米雷-RayDog

In this creative process, she completed the image of "Jin Shang Young Grandmother" that she had been thinking about for a long time, and turned the mural of Yongle Palace, a national treasure that fell in love at first sight, into "life"!

"It's so sweet to even fall out of love!" Her mental state was a hundred years ahead of mine


Netizens followed Mi Lei's camera and shuttled between the two worlds of myth and reality: the Houtu Niangniang in the Houtu Temple will "say hello", what is the elegant and mysterious fire in Xihoudu, and what is the experience of traditional Pu opera "singing" in anime language......

"It's so sweet to even fall out of love!" Her mental state was a hundred years ahead of mine


In December last year, Mi Lei held a fan meeting of "Take You to Know My Hometown" at the Yuncheng Museum in Shanxi Province to promote the cultural and tourism resources of his hometown, attracting "rice fans", comic lovers, and travel experts from all over the country to check in.

"It's so sweet to even fall out of love!" Her mental state was a hundred years ahead of mine


Mire in the video is full of energy like a little sun, but in fact, outside the screen, she, like many young people, has times of exhaustion. Once she falls into a bottleneck, she will be decadent, her brain will be wooden, she will not want to cook, she will not want to paint, she will not want to do anything.

But she doesn't ask herself to "get better right away." Mirei said she disagrees with the idea that "pressure is productivity", for her, motivation is motivation, pressure is pressure, motivation is driven by interest, and enthusiasm leads to motivation.

"It's so sweet to even fall out of love!" Her mental state was a hundred years ahead of mine

Image credit: @米雷-RayDog

What to do when you are anxious? Soak up the sun, listen to music, draw sketches – of course, you can not draw or not, just observe the world with your eyes, see the sky, see the green grass, see the flowers bloom in the field. If you can't go far, reading is also excellent, "books can take me to any corner of the world".

Mirei believes that a person who is full of love and curiosity about the world can burst out with endless inspiration.

"It's so sweet to even fall out of love!" Her mental state was a hundred years ahead of mine

When he first graduated, Mire's career was under a lot of pressure.

At that time, her dream job was to join an animation company to focus on storyboard painting, but it backfired, and her position was far from her expectations, and she had to work and see opportunities at the same time. Although the number of followers and broadcasts on her Douyin account was slowly increasing at that time, she seemed to have fallen into an obsession of "I must find a perfect job".

On the busiest days, she worked four jobs at the same time: going to work, updating short videos, working part-time, holding painting classes, and only taking half a day off a week, and she was tired and anxious. At that time, she was very envious that some of her friends could find satisfactory jobs, and her mother comforted her and said that everyone was envious of others, and at the same time, they were envied by others.

One day, an anxious and painful Miley watched a movie: "Journey of the Soul".

In the movie, a small fish swims up to the old fish and says, "I'm going to find what they call the ocean." ”

The old fish said, "The ocean? But you're in the ocean right now. ”

Xiao Yu said, "Here? It's water. What I want is the ocean. ”

When he saw this episode, Mirei suddenly realized: Am I not like this little fish? Work is a means of earning a living, and it is not contradictory to achieving dreams. I've been chasing something called "the sea", but I've always been in the "sea"!

In 2022, she quit her original job and began to devote herself to the operation of her short video account.

Negative emotions inevitably arise in life, and Mire, driven by his mother, learns to face them calmly. She said that whether it is positive or negative emotions, it is the perception of the world, and these unique and real experiences are very important materials for any creator.

When you look back, the old days were all good days.

"It's so sweet to even fall out of love!" Her mental state was a hundred years ahead of mine

Image credit: @米雷-RayDog

Today's Miley no longer envies others, she faces life with a more relaxed attitude. She firmly believes that as long as her heart is full of love, she can keep her thinking alive.

Mirei hopes that he, a small fish in the sea, can swim in the wider world.

She encourages herself, as well as others: loving one thing doesn't mean rejecting the other. Life is colorful, and it's always worth exploring and experiencing more possibilities.

"It's so sweet to even fall out of love!" Her mental state was a hundred years ahead of mine

This article was written by the author

"It's so sweet to even fall out of love!" Her mental state was a hundred years ahead of mine