
College Entrance Examination Candidates' Parents Collection - Literacy! A few questions you must know to fill in the college entrance examination volunteering!

author:Political outlook: the masses

The college entrance examination is coming, there may be some parents who still know little about the relevant rules of college entrance examination admission, the following is a "literacy" for "white" parents, and share a few questions that parents should know about college entrance examination admission.

1. The undergraduate line is only the qualification line, and it is not possible to study for an undergraduate degree if you reach the undergraduate line!

Every year, each province of the college entrance examination will announce the admission score line of the province, such as the special control line, the undergraduate line, the junior college line, or the first line, the second line, and the college entrance examination admission mode is different in different ways.

Regardless of the mode of crossing, the score line is only the qualification line, not the admission line. For example, only candidates who have a score in the college entrance examination that reaches the undergraduate line are eligible to fill in the undergraduate application, but reaching the undergraduate line does not mean that they can be admitted to the undergraduate program. Under normal circumstances, it is normal for public undergraduate colleges to have a few points higher than the provincial undergraduate line, while private undergraduate colleges will be lower, or even admit to the line.

Therefore, some candidates who have just passed the undergraduate line should be cautious when filling in the volunteers, and if they do not want to study in private undergraduates, they should choose junior colleges and higher vocational colleges in advance to avoid undergraduate admissions and no books to read.

2. Approval in advance: do not report or report? What are the implications of early approval or not?

According to the admission rules of the college entrance examination, after the early admission is approved, you cannot participate in the admission of other batches, because each candidate can only participate in the admission once, and no change of admission is allowed. If you are not admitted in the early batch, it will not affect the admission of the next batch.

Some parents think that if they don't report in advance, they won't be admitted anyway, and it won't affect the admission of the ordinary batch. There is some truth in this idea, but there should be a premise, that is, the volunteers filled in in the early approval are acceptable to the candidates, because the early approval has obvious professional characteristics

If you just hold the attitude of "taking advantage", the candidates who fill in the school and major do not like it, or even resist, and once you are admitted, it may bring irreparable regrets to the candidates.

Therefore, early approval is a favorite for candidates who like it, and a bad fate for candidates who don't like it!

3. Do you obey the adjustment? If I choose to obey the adjustment, but the major is full, will I be deregistered?

Whether to obey the adjustment in the college entrance examination is a problem that some candidates are more entangled, because once they are adjusted, it means that they may be admitted to less popular majors, but it is still recommended that candidates choose to obey the adjustment. Of course, some candidates do not study at a certain university, or do not study in a certain major, and they are already mentally prepared to repeat.

How to avoid being transferred? First of all, it is necessary to understand the admission data of the target school in previous years, and reserve a certain amount of score space when filling in the volunteer to reduce the risk of being adjusted.

In addition, it is necessary to understand the school's transfer rules. Some colleges and universities are adjusted within the professional group, and some are adjusted within all the enrollment majors. Take a look at the relevant enrollment majors to see if there are any majors that candidates resolutely do not read, and if so, fill in the application carefully. If the majors are acceptable, the loss will be minimal for the candidates even if they are adjusted.

In recent years, many colleges and universities will promise in the enrollment regulations: "When all the majors filled in by the candidates cannot be satisfied, they will obey the adjustment of majors, meet the admission conditions, and will not retreat". Colleges and universities with such commitments will not be withdrawn as long as the candidate meets the prescribed conditions.

If the institution does not have such a commitment, under the premise of obeying the professional adjustment, the general school will try its best to adjust, but there is a possibility of being withdrawn when the adjustment cannot be made without a plan. Therefore, it is very important for candidates to carefully study the admissions regulations of colleges and universities when filling in the volunteers!

4. If a candidate is not satisfied with being admitted to a university, can he withdraw from the next batch of admission?

It's impossible! According to the admission rules of the college entrance examination, each candidate can only participate in the admission once and is not allowed to be replaced. Once a candidate has been admitted, he or she will not be allowed to participate in subsequent applications.

5. If you do not reach the first university's application line in the parallel application, will it affect the admission of other colleges and universities in the future?

The answer is yes, no!

Parallel volunteers are submitted in accordance with the principle of "score priority, follow volunteers, and one round of submission". When submitting the file, the batch of online candidates will first line up according to their scores, and when it is the turn of a candidate, the computer will retrieve the candidate's preferences one by one. If you meet the conditions of school A and school A has a plan balance, you will be transferred to school A; If it does not meet the filing conditions of school A, it will search for school B, if it meets the application conditions and school B has a planned balance, it will be submitted to school B, if it does not meet the requirements, it will continue to search until the search of the candidate fills in the desired university. Therefore, if the first school does not reach the submission line, it will not affect the continued search for other voluntary colleges and universities.

Of course, if all the candidates' wishes are not admitted, this is a slippage, which is a very serious consequence. Candidates can only continue to fill in the application when soliciting volunteers, or participate in the next batch of admission. Therefore, it is recommended that the volunteers filled in by candidates should be stepped, that is, the mode of "rushing, stabilizing, and protecting", so as to minimize the risk of slippage.

6. If I am withdrawn from the parallel volunteer and then withdrawn, can I still vote for a college?

The answer is no! Because the admission rule of parallel volunteering is to implement one round of submission. When the candidate's file is cast, it means that this round of submission has ended. Therefore, if you enter the file and then withdraw the file, it is impossible to apply for other volunteers in this batch, and you can only participate in the solicitation of volunteers or the admission of the next batch.

This requires candidates to carefully and carefully understand the admission conditions of colleges and universities when filling in the volunteers. Such as eyesight, height and other physical conditions, single subject score requirements, foreign language requirements, etc.

8. What is the call for volunteers? What should I pay attention to when filling in the report?

Solicitation (solicitation) of volunteers means that after the end of each batch of admissions, the provincial recruitment office will announce the number of colleges and universities that have not yet been admitted and the number of remaining vacancies to the public, so that candidates who have not yet been admitted and meet the score requirements will be selected. To put it bluntly, for candidates, soliciting volunteers is not only the last straw, but also the most helpless choice!

When they are not admitted in the same batch, candidates must pay attention to and understand the solicitation information announced by the Provincial Education Examination Institute in time, and must complete the application within the specified time.

The application for volunteers should also be filled out with caution. Whether to obey the adjustment is a key issue for candidates to consider, and if the solicitation of volunteers can no longer be admitted, the result will be more serious.

In addition, when soliciting volunteers, many candidates want to seize the last opportunity, and often "get together" to fill in, and the competition is very fierce, so the scores of many colleges and universities will be higher than the regular record, and candidates should focus on stability when filling in the application to avoid losing opportunities.

[To be continued]

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