
The teacher also told lies: 49 people had average grades when they entered the school, and 48 of them scored 600 points in the college entrance examination

author:Sister said education

The quality of students is the first, the learning atmosphere is the second, and the faculty is the third.

There are 49 people in the class, 48 of whom have scored 600 points in the college entrance examination, and the students are bullish, and they have little to do with the teacher. This kind of class is the top among the top, and it is difficult to pass the test. The teacher just followed the light, the famous teacher produced the high apprentice, have you ever seen the famous teacher accept the apprentice?

The teacher also told lies: 49 people had average grades when they entered the school, and 48 of them scored 600 points in the college entrance examination

The school gathers the whole grade of 1.8 meters into a class, is it because this class is well nourished and has a total length of 1.8 meters?

On June 24, the results of the 2024 college entrance examination in Guizhou Province were released, and 49 students in the third (1) class of Liupanshui No. 2 Middle School had an average score of 640 points in the college entrance examination, the highest score of 694 points, and the lowest score of 598 points, of which 48 students had a college entrance examination score of more than 600 points, and only one student did not score more than 600 points!

It is not a strange thing that 49 students in the class have passed 600 points in 48 college entrance examinations, and this situation abounds in the top classes of good schools! Half of the first two classes of the third year of the high school affiliated to the National People's Congress are Qingbei! The whole school is one hundred and seventy-eight Qingbei! This year, the whole class of Guangxi Quanzhou High School Class 1 has exceeded 600 points! The lowest score is 608 points!

It's not a spray teacher, what the teacher said is not logical, it's a lie, and everyone thinks it's impossible.

The head teacher said: Most of the students come from mountain villages, and their grades are average when they go to high school, and they also take the initiative to ask for no holidays!

The teacher also told lies: 49 people had average grades when they entered the school, and 48 of them scored 600 points in the college entrance examination

Question 1: Most of the students in this class are children from mountain villages, it is unlikely, a county is so big, there are no good grades, and how many children are there in mountain villages?

Question 2: When I entered the school, my grades were average, and I didn't engage in pinching the top classes, and the only ones who could improve the grades of each subject were the gods, and everyone knew that which school didn't engage in top classes?

Question 3: Will the student take the initiative to ask for no holidays? This is a bit self-deceptive, play is the nature of children, even if children are sensible, they will not be stupid enough not to take the initiative. This is like the principle of voluntary school uniforms: school uniforms are voluntary, you can not buy school uniforms, but you must wear school uniforms at school!

Spotting the lie: You should pay attention to the scores of other classes in the school, if none of the other classes have a score of 600, only this one class has a high score, then it is easy to explain.

There is no teacher in the world who can teach a poor student to become a top student!

Not to mention China, there is no such teacher in the world, just like the little shunzi of Liupanshui, if he doesn't have a natural singing voice, does Teacher Li, who accompanies him, have this ability? Why hasn't he cultivated a second little straight until now?

The teacher also told lies: 49 people had average grades when they entered the school, and 48 of them scored 600 points in the college entrance examination

The model of high school education in China is the same, that is, all good grades are placed in one class. This kind of class is to concentrate the best students in the whole school in one class, and carry out the so-called dynamic management from the beginning of high school, that is, to supplement the good students who take each semester exam, and the students who are poor in this class are withdrawn to other classes. There is a class in the No. 1 middle school in my county with an average score of 641.2 and a minimum score of 602.

I still remember that we were like this when we were in junior high school, and there were 9 classes in the first and second years of junior high school. There are six classes in the third year of junior high school. Because there are a lot of students who have not finished junior high school in our area, there are 50 or 60 students in each class at the beginning of the semester, and it is the second semester of the second year of junior high school. There are only more than 30 to 40. Then, when I was in the third year of junior high school, I remember that when I was in the first and second years of junior high school, I was 5th or 6th in the class. By the time I was in the third year of junior high school, I could only count the middle. Sometimes I get up early and read books and memorize everything, and I can't catch up with others, and some people go out to play after school with good grades. Some people have good brains, and they don't need to study much to be better than us studying hard every day.

There is no point in this kind of propaganda reporting!

This result has no meaning, it is not worth rejoicing, why do the top students get together to take a gimmick?

Teachers who can make students with mediocre grades and mediocre qualifications of 400-500 students also get 600+ grades through study, are worthy of congratulations, such teachers are really powerful!


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