
Taking the college entrance examination "second line" is a hurdle that many people can't cross


The college entrance examination is over, and the college entrance examination has been almost 20 years away from me, but I still want to talk to you.

I have a feeling that the "second line" of the college entrance examination is the dream of many people, but the wings of the dream are broken in the end.

Taking the college entrance examination "second line" is a hurdle that many people can't cross

Come on for the college entrance examination


The college entrance examination is over, and most of the news about the college entrance examination in our field of vision is how high the online rate of the college entrance examination is in a certain region, how many people have a score of more than 600, how many people have a score of more than 700, how many people can go to Peking University Tsinghua University, Peking University Tsinghua University is pinching the top and grabbing students everywhere, and so on.

I have a relative who is studying in the best private school in our city this year, a science student, and the college entrance examination score has exceeded 650 points, which is placed in our Shaanxi, looking at the whole country, and there are really many opportunities to choose a good school and a good major.

My relatives and family are all happy, and my relatives are also happy, and they are all preparing for the college entrance banquet.

However, while we are happy and excited, have we paid attention to those students who have not even had the opportunity to go to the second book?

Hehe, most students, parents and your relatives are like this, but you don't want to mention it.

Let's calculate the score for the college entrance examination

In our Shaanxi college entrance examination, Chinese, mathematics, English, and comprehensive, the full scores are 150 points, 150 points, 150 points, and 300 points respectively. Take a liberal arts student as an example, if he wants to score 600 points in the college entrance examination, his college entrance examination score in each subject should be like this:

Chinese: 120 points, 120 points in mathematics, 120 points in English, 240 points overall.

To be honest, it is very difficult for a student not to be biased, and the average score of Chinese and English is 120 points, which is a result against the sky. If one or two of them are biased, in order to achieve the goal of 360 points in language, mathematics and English, some candidates have to score 130 points in one of the subjects, or even 140 points or higher.

Taking the college entrance examination "second line" is a hurdle that many people can't cross

2024 Shaanxi College Entrance Examination Liberal Arts Control Line

Liberal arts students can achieve a comprehensive score of 240, and I personally feel that this is a god-like existence.

I will give you this calculation, the purpose is to show that a college entrance examination candidate in Shaanxi to take the college entrance examination, the total score can exceed 600 points, that is already the outstanding kind of students who study well.

Of course, there are very few such students.

I am a partial candidate

Partial subjects are the biggest problem for college entrance examination candidates. When I took the college entrance examination, I scored 142 points in Chinese and 268 points in liberal arts, but my math and English scores did not exceed 100 points.

My comprehensive scores in Chinese and liberal arts can enter the top 10 in the city, but mathematics and English are a mess, and the score control line of the college entrance examination that year has been raised.

Of course, there is no choice in the second school.

Partial subjects are the most difficult problems to solve, and if the partial subject problems are not solved, after the disciplines that have been learned well have broken through the limits, there will be no room for improvement, which is very difficult to do.

I'm luckier than a lot of people because I'm on the "second line"

Even so, I think I'm still very lucky, because I'm on the "second line". Although I later went to a junior college, more than 90% of the students admitted to the junior college I attended were candidates who had passed the second line or above, and the rest were below the second line.

The quality of teaching and family support in the rural high school where I am located cannot be as good as in a town or a big city. The ultimate goal of most of the students around me is to be able to get on a "second book", as for the "second book" to be on the "second line" is not important, the important thing is to be able to go to the "second line".

Crossing the second line is a goal, a pursuit, and even a belief

Being able to go to the "second line" became the dream of all the students around me at that time, and even in the entire third year of high school, but in the end, less than one-fifth of them came true, and the rest of them went to general junior colleges, as well as private colleges at that time, such as Xi'an Foreign Affairs College, Xijing University, Xi'an Translation Institute and other schools, and after finishing school, they all went to the factory workshop in Guangdong to make screws. The other part went to three books, which is a very expensive school, so I won't mention it here.

I remember very clearly, I have a classmate, the year we took the college entrance examination together, he has been repeating for 4 years, he was admitted to the second line in the first year, and applied for the Shaanxi Institute of Technology (Hanzhong locals are called Han University), his relatives are high school teachers in the school, and encouraged him to repeat the exam, and take a test next year, and the result was several years later, so that I later went to college, and he is still repeating, but the results of the exam are not as good as a year, and finally I learned to cook in our county, and it is a pity to think about it now.

The biggest problem of my classmate is still partial to the subject, the comprehensive test of liberal arts can score 270 points, and the Chinese and English are good, but the mathematics degree simulation is sad to score 50 points, and there is no way to mix it at all.

A little insight, a little advice

Don't think how easy it is to take one or two books in the college entrance examination, after all, more than two books are a minority, and the college entrance examination candidates with less than two books are the army of Wuyang and Wuyang. I remember that the standard for measuring the success or failure of a person's college entrance examination at that time, and the standard for a person's study is actually one: whether or not he can get into the second line.

Taking the college entrance examination "second line" is a hurdle that many people can't cross

2024 Shaanxi College Entrance Examination Control Score Line

As a person who has passed the college entrance examination, I also have some advice for the children who are about to take the 2025 college entrance examination:

1. We should attach great importance to the problem of partial subjects, and in order to make up for the gap between partial subjects, we do not hesitate to find tutors and teach one-on-one until we significantly improve our grades.

2. The learning environment is very important, and it is necessary to pursue better results in a better learning environment.

3. Be diligent, especially in learning English. There is a doctor who speaks very well, English is the best subject to learn, and there is only one reason why English is not good, and that is laziness.

4. You must be clear in your heart and not be confused. The most important thing is to learn mathematics, ask if you don't understand, ask questions repeatedly if you don't understand, and practice again and again until you figure it out.

5. Language needs to be accumulated too much. The first thing to write is to write well, the logic must be clear, and the poems and verses of the predecessors must be quoted.

[I'm @年素纨, I'm glad we met, follow me! ] 】

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