
After the college entrance examination, they earned hundreds of millions of dollars in 3 hours

author:Open-minded and enthusiastic lucky stars

In 2024, the number of applicants for the national college entrance examination will be 13.42 million, a record high.

Because of the unfamiliarity with the rules and majors of the pitch, in the past two years, the "voluntary filling industry" generated around the college entrance examination has also developed in full swing, which has derived a new profession: "college newspaper teacher".

We chatted with two high reporters, who not only refer to the candidates' grades, but also their personalities, interests, family economic situation, professional future possibilities, etc., putting a person and a family in a 360-degree view, but even if a more perfect plan is given, many times, reality is the problem they can't avoid.

Here's what they had to say.

"Gao Bao often steps on pits, it's a pity"

After the college entrance examination, they earned hundreds of millions of dollars in 3 hours

▲ In the documentary "College Entrance Examination", a high school girl is reading in the morning

@志愿填报王老师, Henan, has been engaged in high reporting for nearly 10 years

I was originally a high school English teacher, and in 2014, I began to contact the college entrance examination volunteer filling thing, and I have been doing it intermittently for almost ten years.

There is basically no career threshold for a high-level reporter to enter the industry, but to really be a high-level reporter, you need to master a lot of knowledge. For example, the concept of batches, the marking rate, the acceptance rate, the rank, the equivalent rank, the equivalent score, the number of the same score, the delineation of the undergraduate line, the enrollment plan, etc., many parents have studied it for several months, and it is still like a blind man touching an elephant. It's important to volunteer to fill in this matter, but if you don't know it, you will definitely be anxious.

For example, in order to prevent some students from missing from having low scores or failing to reach their academic level, there are some early approval majors with sequential and parallel volunteer rules, which makes it particularly easy for parents to misunderstand.

After the college entrance examination, they earned hundreds of millions of dollars in 3 hours

▲ Mr. Wang is explaining the rules of high reporting in the office

There are also some colleges and universities that will mix these admission rules, for example, some majors are based on the results of a single subject, for example, if your total score is higher than mine, but my English is higher than yours, you may be admitted first. There are also all kinds of low-level mistakes, such as slippage caused by disobedience to adjustments, color blindness and color weakness mistaken to restricted majors, and female students applying for mining engineering majors that are limited to male students, etc.

The rules of high reporting are very complicated, not just check on the Internet, and the difference between ordinary parents and high newspaper teachers is the difference between the Mariana Trench and Mount Everest.

Even the intellectuals are sometimes helpless.

I met a professor before, when the child applied for the exam, the professor felt that he had a strong learning ability, and he raided for a few days in a row, learned all kinds of application information, and finally enrolled the child in the computer major, but I didn't expect to figure out the rules of the file, and finally was transferred to the nursing major, which was a boy, which is really a pity. And that's what 80% of parents are likely to do.

In recent years, the employment situation has not been particularly good, and the situation is even more unfavorable for many candidates in the middle and low segments. Every family, each child's situation is different, and the choices are also different.

For example, some families with good family conditions have slowly changed their thinking.

I came into contact with a child who was in a big city and his family was financially well-off. Now the estimated score is around 650 points, and there is a lot of choice. But his eyes are myopic of more than 800 degrees, and he is a little hunchbacked, so the parents' appeal is relatively simple, that is, they want to study the most relaxed major, and they can have a bite to eat in the future, not to let their children soar. In the end, I chose a liberal arts major that was more relaxed.

After the college entrance examination, they earned hundreds of millions of dollars in 3 hours

▲ Part of the contract signed by the consulting agency and the parents

There are also some families with better family resources and conditions, whose children have high scores in the exam, and can choose popular majors in science, but children feel that studying science is very tiring, so they will also choose to sprint to a good college and choose an easy or even unpopular major. In fact, some parents have begun to realize that people's happiness is the first, wealth, status, these things will be lighter than before.

Ordinary families are more pragmatic.

I remember a child from a rural family, who scored more than 650 points in the college entrance examination, and his parents proposed that he should be employed after graduating from a bachelor's degree, and the first choice was electrical engineering, and the target was the State Grid. There is also a candidate, who has a score of 40 points above the first grade, in order to get a good job in the future, there is a establishment, and finally chooses to go to the specialized police academy.

At that time, I wanted to engage in the industry of high newspapers, because I saw too many parents of students stepping on the pit, and everyone studied hard for more than ten years, because it was a pity that I volunteered to fill in the report and took a detour.

For example, in the military and police majors approved in advance, some candidates' parents only see the advantages and do not consider whether they are suitable for their children's physical and psychological qualities, etc., so there are examples of choosing to drop out after being admitted every year.

There is also a publicly-funded normal student major, after the candidate signs a tripartite agreement, he or she has to serve in the secondary school in the targeted place for 6 years, during which he cannot be admitted to graduate school, and these 6 years are a critical period for personal growth, involving love, forming his own small family, etc. If nothing else, there is a good chance that some people will stay in the local area. There have also been attempts to default, but the financial and integrity costs are somewhat high, so I usually recommend caution, especially for high-scoring candidates.

In the past two years, there are many highly-reported live broadcast rooms that often recommend navigation majors. Because for many low- and middle-score candidates whose economic conditions are not very good, this major is relatively easy to employ in the future, and the salary is also very good, and many high-level applicants are very recommended.

After the college entrance examination, they earned hundreds of millions of dollars in 3 hours

▲ The test delivery team of Maotanchang Middle School in the documentary "College Entrance Examination".

But I usually advise cautiously. Because the navigation major, if it is not a research nature, there is a high probability that it will go to sea in the future. The work environment can bring some occupational diseases, such as rheumatism. They may also be separated from their families. Work is a part of life and you shouldn't put the cart before the horse. But when it comes to choosing a major, many people don't think about it so much.

So this is also a phenomenon, we choose a major will be a bit utilitarian, parents and students only pay attention to the present, only see the good side, but they do not know the specific work content and possible drawbacks, if you don't like it after participating in the work, you may be in a semi-flat state.

So I'll tell them all about these possible situations in the early stage, but I won't interfere. Good or bad, let them make their own choices. Because no matter how you choose, regret will always exist, and people can only live in a single dimension.

I wouldn't recommend it strongly for the choice of major, but it should be based on each person's specific situation.

But sometimes parents will be obsessed with certain majors, for example, there is a candidate from Hunan Province, whose parents work in the banking system, and they want their children to study accounting, but the children want to study applied psychology. After I learned about it, I realized that this child has been suffering from depression intermittently since high school, so he is interested in psychology on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is also a need for self-healing.

I introduced popular psychology, social psychology, and some schools of psychology in detail, and finally he found that if he wanted to heal himself, there was no need to take this major.

And because applied psychology involves the content of statistics, there is a high probability that he will continue to study mathematics, but his math performance has not been very good, and finally this idea was dispelled.

When choosing a major, I can often hear parents say, "I'm here for your good", in fact, you can only accompany your children for one stage, children are not a tool to achieve your ideals for you, nor is it a guarantee for your future life, let alone a debt repayer. For children, it is good to have ideals, but they must be based on practical understanding, not on utopia.

After the college entrance examination, they earned hundreds of millions of dollars in 3 hours

▲Urban white-collar workers on the streets of Beijing

Many people also have some misunderstandings about the major. For example, people are more inclined to science and engineering than liberal arts. But in fact, literature, history and philosophy are the spiritual soil of human civilization. As Professor Deng Xiaomang said, it is not only difficult to recruit liberal arts students, but also teachers. The talents of literature, history and philosophy are not prosperous, and there is no continuity, which is not a good thing after all.

Before everyone discussed a certain teacher, his influence is too great, and a sentence in the live broadcast room can make a certain college and a certain professional extinct, or because of a sentence, a college or a certain major can become popular.

There was a discussion about whether journalism was necessary. I think journalism and communication should not decline, because communication still has a strong practicality, and at the beginning of its creation, it was to let everyone have the right to know, which is the basis of social operation, and I think it is impossible for this major to disappear.

At present, some high-level reporting institutions have too strong guidance for choosing majors, such as popular and new engineering majors, such as flexible electronics, microelectronics, optoelectronic information, etc. As a result, many high-level candidates are now involved in these majors.

The number of applicants for other science majors, such as geography, astronomy, and geology, has dropped sharply, but science is the cornerstone of the country's scientific research strength, and there is too much unified guidance, which is easy to cause such results.

I think that the responsibility of the senior reporter should be limited to the interpretation of the framework of the application rules, the objective evaluation of colleges and majors, the personal subjective tendency to weaken, let parents vote with their feet, because the number of students enrolled in various colleges and majors is relatively fixed every year, and praising and stepping on some colleges or majors will only lead to involution and stock games, which is a typical artificial anxiety.

"High reporting is a complex system of engineering"

After the college entrance examination, they earned hundreds of millions of dollars in 3 hours

▲Teacher Zixia has to broadcast live almost every day, with an average of thousands of people watching each game

@子夏老师, Xiamen, Fujian, engaged in high reporting for two years

In fact, the high report is equivalent to putting the problem of college students' employment in the forefront. Parents often come to me and say that they hope that their children will choose a good major, and that they will not waste any points, and that every point can be used. They are very serious and calculating in choosing their majors.

The outside world may think that the high school is to recommend the right school and major based on the grades, which is not so simple.

I think filling in the application is a bit like finding a partner, marriage is the goal, and having feelings is the foundation, so when I give advice to my child, I will also look at the match between the child and the major, because this determines how much he can invest after he enters college.

Specifically, when we communicate in the early stage, we will understand what the candidate's interests are, and in addition, we will also ask the TA to do a personality test to understand the child's personality characteristics and see which careers can be matched, for example, if there is a child who is very outgoing and social, it is more suitable for education and other jobs that deal with people, and if the test is more rigorous, we will recommend accounting and finance.

A parent told me that his child was a boy who didn't like to talk or socialize, so he wanted to do his job quietly. This information will be sorted out and archived in advance, and then combined with the results after the scores come out.

Because we have so many years of work experience and know that in the same industry, there are always very few people who can do the top, and to a greater extent, because TA is suitable and interested, so that we can have motivation, a sense of achievement, and form a positive cycle.

And our information base is also constantly updated, every year we will go to different colleges and universities to learn about the specific study and employment situation of students in different majors, such as what majors, which jobs to find after graduation, what is the salary level, and what is the working environment...... These data and information will be counted to provide reference for parents. So Gao Bao is a very complex and systematic project.

The biggest need and anxiety of parents now is that they are eager to know some true and accurate information.

Two days ago, when a parent connected with us, he said that his child wanted to study pharmacy or pharmacy, and asked us for our opinion.

There is also a parent's child who wants to apply for medical imaging, but there is only the major of "medical imaging technology" in the target college, so he mistakenly thinks that he can take the medical practitioner exam after graduation, but in fact, no, medical imaging can be admitted as a licensed physician. Subtle differences can lead them down very different paths in the future.

In addition, one of the underlying psychology of parents who come to consult is to seek a sense of certainty, and if the goal is clear, they hope to get our professional recognition and make him feel more at ease. More often than not, though, they're confused and keep asking questions. You can tell from the look on their faces that we have filled a big gap in his knowledge.

After the college entrance examination, they earned hundreds of millions of dollars in 3 hours

▲ The volunteer form that the institution requires students to fill out

Sometimes, because parents do not understand the major, they often hope that the major chosen by their children can inherit the family business.

For example, a parent came to consult, saying that he was a soldier, and the child's grandfather was also a soldier, and they hoped that their daughter could also choose a military school or become a teacher when choosing a major, hoping that the child's future would be relatively stable.

Generally speaking, when the child has a low score and few choices, there is relatively less disagreement between parents and children. If the child has a high score and the family conditions are relatively good, there is a high probability that there will be some contradictions.

This child is a bit idealistic, she doesn't want to go to military school, she wants to go to Soochow University to study "fashion design and engineering". Although in this university, this major is relatively strong, but in fact, the employment direction of the "fashion design and engineering" major is mainly light industry, and on the whole, the development market in China is not very good.

This type of parents generally cares about their children's future working environment, pressure, etc., but they have little understanding of their children's real career development and interests.

There are also some parents who have unrealistic needs, and we will also give some suggestions.

I remember a parent who came to consult, claiming to be a production worker on the front line of the factory, and had been like this all his life. He doesn't want his children to work in factories like him after graduation, but to master a skill and start a small business on his own after graduation, and start a business as a boss.

According to his requirements, I recommended e-commerce and logistics management, although they are more suitable for freelancing, but in fact, the professional barriers are very low.

After the college entrance examination, they earned hundreds of millions of dollars in 3 hours

▲ The documentary "The Way Out" filmed the fate of children from different classes

Left: Ma Baijuan, a girl from Gansu Province, reads a book after doing farm work

Right: Yuan Hanhan, a girl from Beijing, dropped out of school and traveled to Europe with the help of her parents

More often than not, Gao Pao has to take into account some realistic factors.

If the family conditions are good, the score is high, and the bird flies that day, there are so many 985 universities in China, you can give it a try.

However, if the score is relatively low, and you may return to your hometown to work in the future, we generally do not recommend candidates to apply for schools outside the province. First of all, if you have a low score, it is difficult to choose a better school than in the province. For example, in Fujian Province, the planned enrollment of universities outside the province in Fujian is sometimes one or two. It's easy to slip into gear.

This is a problem, if the school itself is not very good, the major is not very good, it is difficult to stay in other provinces for employment after graduation in the future, you go back to Fujian Province, many local companies may not have heard of this school, and it will be difficult to find employment. It's all very realistic.

However, unlike in previous years, only a small number of people attach importance to undergraduate degrees, and for many candidates in the middle and low segments, the tuition fee is low and there are more practical considerations for good employment.

There was a mother who came to consult, saying that the score was relatively low, the candidate was a girl, and basically could only go to a private undergraduate university, but the tuition fees of these schools were generally very expensive, about 30,000 to 40,000 a year, and the cost was too high for them. In the end, they chose a medical college to study stomatology, and whether they went to a hospital or a private outpatient clinic in the future, they would be more likely to find employment.

After the college entrance examination, they earned hundreds of millions of dollars in 3 hours

▲ Stills from the movie "Hot Girls at the Bottom".

In fact, I think that as a high-level reporter, what we should provide to parents is the integration of information and data, which is not suitable for outputting too many of our views, changing the direction chosen by parents, and letting them follow our ideas, but should help them choose the most suitable direction for them.

In addition, we do not have the right to make a final judgment on the development of any industry, and any profession and industry will have updates and iterations, which does not mean that it will be completely eliminated. We should look at a profession and industry more dialectically and rationally, including the industry of high newspapers.

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