
He was crowned king at the age of five, became a prime minister at the age of eight, and was executed by his brother at the age of nine

author:Long Wind Literary History

After the Yongjia Rebellion, the Jin Dynasty crossed to the south, and Sima Rui rebuilt the Jin court with the support of the family, which was known as the Eastern Jin Dynasty in history.

"The royal industry is not partial", and there was no shortage of heroes who wanted to unify the Central Plains in the Eastern Jin Dynasty court, and they also organized the army to the north many times.

However, the entire Eastern Jin Dynasty was established by relying on the support of everyone in the world, and there was great competition within it from the beginning, which seriously hindered military operations. Therefore, there was a Jin dynasty, Zu Ti, Yu Liang, Huan Wen, Yin Hao and others went on a northern expedition, but did not achieve much significant results.

He was crowned king at the age of five, became a prime minister at the age of eight, and was executed by his brother at the age of nine

Until Liu Yu, who took advantage of the situation, first pacified the internal forces of the Jin Dynasty and grasped the power of the court, in order to strengthen himself and gain immortal fame, he set his sights on the north.

Jin Ge Iron Horse, Liu Yu, who went north, swallowed like a tiger, destroyed several countries in a row, and his status and prestige continued to improve, becoming the most beautiful hero at that time, which made everyone in the world look sideways.

In the second year of Yuanxi (420), Liu Yu officially became the emperor on behalf of Jin, established the "Song" Dynasty, changed the name of the year to "Yongchu", and was known as "Southern Song Dynasty" and "Liu Song" in history.

The Liu Song dynasty was the first dynasty of the Southern Dynasty during the Northern and Southern Dynasties of China, although several emperors worked hard to create a period of prosperity. But in that time of great controversy, that didn't last long.

In the later period of the Liu Song Dynasty, the emperors changed frequently, the government was chaotic, and many of the children of the clan often treated their siblings ruthlessly for the sake of the emperor's position.

He was crowned king at the age of five, became a prime minister at the age of eight, and was executed by his brother at the age of nine

Liu Song had a five-year-old king, Liu Ziluan, who was a seven-year-old prime minister, was executed by his elder brother who was the emperor when he was only nine years old.

Before Liu Ziluan died, he said a word full of emotion, but he didn't expect that his dying words would become a famous saying that has been passed down to this day!

What is Liu Ziluan's story like, and what is his sentence? Let's move on.

Liu Ziluan was the son of Liu Jun, the fifth emperor of the Liu Song dynasty. Liu Jun's previous emperor was his elder brother Liu Shao. Liu Shao's throne was obtained by killing his father, so many people were not convinced, and Liu Jun was also one of them.

After Liu Jun successfully united all military towns to defeat Liu Shao, he became the emperor himself. After Liu Jun became emperor, he implemented a series of commendable reforms, which was not bad as an emperor, but his private life was particularly disorderly.

Liu Jun's harem is full of beauties, but he fell in love with his cousin, and regardless of the usual ethics, he forcibly married his cousin. He still has to nod face, and before marrying, he changed his cousin's surname from Liu to Yin.

After entering the palace, the Yin family was awarded the special favor, and was first named Shuyi, and later was named a nobleman. A year later, Yin gave birth to a boy, Liu Ziluan.

He was crowned king at the age of five, became a prime minister at the age of eight, and was executed by his brother at the age of nine

Liu Ziluan miraculously avoided the evil consequences of the marriage of close relatives, but was smart and clever since he was a child, which made his father Liu Jun, who originally loved the house and Wu, very favored.

At the age of five, Liu Ziluan was named the king of Xiangyang, and later changed the title to the king of Xin'an, and added the title of Southern Xuzhou Thorn History, Lingnan Lang Evil Taishou, etc. His father almost rewarded Liu Ziluan with almost the richest land in the country at that time.

After Yin's death, Liu Jun poured all his love for his concubine into the common child of the two, so that Liu Ziluan received much more love than other brothers and sisters at that time.

It is said that the courtiers of the Song Dynasty at that time, if they wanted to be reused, there was no one who did not devote themselves to Liu Ziluan's mansion or feudal country.

In the seventh year of the Ming Dynasty (463), Liu Ziluan went further, and at the age of seven, he was ordered by his father to add a Chinese book to lead Situ, which is equivalent to the official position of the prime minister. In the following year, he concurrently served as the general of the Fujun Army, and served as the assassin of Qing and Hebei Prefectures, and the scenery was unique for a while.

But while this made Liu Ziluan out of the limelight, he was also blushed by his brothers, laying the groundwork for his future ending.

He was crowned king at the age of five, became a prime minister at the age of eight, and was executed by his brother at the age of nine

In that era of primogeniture, Liu Ziluan was the king and worshiped the prime minister, but after all, he was young and had no scheming to fight for and consolidate his position of power.

Maybe the situation will be different when he is older, but at this time he is completely protected by his father. Not long after, Emperor Xiaowu Liu Jun fell ill and died, and the throne was inherited by his eldest son, Liu Ziye, who was 16 years old when the crown prince of the dynasty.

Liu Ziye was suppressed on the throne of the crown prince for a long time, and after ascending the throne, he was very crazy, and gradually couldn't control his emotions and became cruel and tyrannical.

He has long been jealous of everything about his younger brother Liu Ziluan, so once he is in power, of course he will not easily let go of this brother who has always robbed him of his scenery.

Not long after Liu Ziye came to power, he issued an order, took away Liu Ziluan's official position, and soon after, he gave Liu Ziluan, who was only 9 years old, to death on the charge of rebellion.

And Liu Ziye hated the house and Wu, and even his younger brother's mother Yin Shufei and the children she gave birth to, and after Liu Ziluan was killed, he also ordered Yin Shuyi's grave to be dug up, and all the children born to Yin Shuyi were also killed.

He was crowned king at the age of five, became a prime minister at the age of eight, and was executed by his brother at the age of nine

It's just that poor Liu Ziluan, who is only 9 years old, can't help but sigh for a lifetime in the face of the poisonous wine handed by his biological brother: "I wish I would not be able to resurrect the Wang family."

It means that I hope that I will not be reborn in the emperor's house in the next life.

This accusation of blood and tears reflects how many cruel struggles of the royal family, which can be described as touching.

Therefore, this sentence has become a famous saying for the ages, and it has been repeated in history that has been repeated and passed down to this day.