
"Five Dragons in the Same Dynasty" is really nothing, the five emperors fought side by side, which is the rarest spectacle in history

author:Long Wind Literary History

As a history fan, when reading information on the Internet, I often brush up on the "Five Dragons of the Same Dynasty" in the early Ming Dynasty, which exhausted the luck of the Ming Dynasty, resulting in the thin heirs of the emperors in the late Ming Dynasty, and related topics such as the two dragons not seeing each other.

The Five Dragons of the Same Dynasty, referring to the Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang died on June 24, 1398, before his death Ming Huizong Zhu Yunwen, Ming Chengzu Zhu Di, Ming Renzong Zhu Gaochi, Ming Xuanzong Zhu Zhanji, these sons of heaven all existed at the same time, so it is called the Five Dragons of the same dynasty.

"Five Dragons in the Same Dynasty" is really nothing, the five emperors fought side by side, which is the rarest spectacle in history

In ancient times, there were no two days in the sky, and the phenomenon of five sons of heaven coexisting at the same time suddenly appeared, which was very shocking at first glance. But when we opened the history books, we found that there are actually a lot of such things, and we can even find examples of "six dragons in the same dynasty" and "eight dragons in the same dynasty".

And behind these examples, it is often accompanied by the scandal of brothers, uncles and nephews, or the chaos in the world, so that you can sing and I will appear on the stage, and the throne will be refreshed quickly.

For example, Wu Zetian, Li Xian, Li Dan, Li Chongmao, and Li Longji's Five Dragons of the Same Dynasty, Emperor Wu of Zhou Yuwen Yong, Emperor Xuan of Zhou Yuwen Yun, Emperor Jing of Zhou Yuwen Xian, Emperor Wen of Sui Yang Jian, Emperor Yang Guang of Sui Dynasty, and Tang Gaozu Li Yuan's "Six Dragons of the Same Dynasty".

This is really nothing, and there are many examples of this in history.

But the fact that the five emperors who fought side by side in the same war today should belong to the only spectacle in history!

This is an important battle between the Liang and Jin dynasties in history - the Battle of Desheng.

"Five Dragons in the Same Dynasty" is really nothing, the five emperors fought side by side, which is the rarest spectacle in history

Nothing can last long, in 907 AD, Tang Emperor Li Ji was forced to give the Zen throne to Zhu Wen, and the Li Tang Dynasty was declared to be destroyed in 289 years, kicking off the prelude to the five dynasties.

After all, the Tang Dynasty is orthodox in the minds of many people, and after its demise, there are still many people who miss him.

Li Keyong, the king of the Jin Dynasty, has always used the name of the Tang Dynasty, and many wars broke out with the Later Liang in the name of reviving the Tang Dynasty. It's just a pity that he died with regret the following year. Before his death, Li Keyong turned his regrets of not being able to complete them into three arrows and handed them over to his eldest son Li Cunqing, who was twenty-four years old at the time.

Li Cunmiao adhered to his father's legacy, took a truce and made great efforts, creating a new situation while continuing to confront Zhu Wen's Liang Dynasty.

At that time, the strength of the Jin and Liang dynasties was not weak, soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, and the war around Desheng (now Puyang, Henan) for the key points along the Yellow River lasted for several years, and the fighting came and went.

"Five Dragons in the Same Dynasty" is really nothing, the five emperors fought side by side, which is the rarest spectacle in history

In the eighteenth year of Tianyou (921), Zhang Wenli, the general of the Chengde army, instigated the army and killed his father-in-law, the envoy of Zhenzhou Jiedu and Wang Rong of Zhao.

Li Cunmiao and Wang Rong were in an alliance at that time, Zhang Wenli knew that he was not Li Cunmiao's opponent, on the one hand, he showed weakness to Li Cunmiao and tried his best to curry favor, but behind his back, he colluded with Houliang and Liao.

Li Cunqiao wanted to solve this trouble after freeing his hand, so he sent a large army to conquer Zhenzhou, Zhang Wenli was shocked when he heard the news, and all important military affairs were taken over by his son Zhang Chujin.

Later Liang also wanted to take advantage of Li Cunmiao's division of troops in Zhenzhou to take advantage of the weakness to counterattack Desheng City, so as to cross the Yellow River and go straight to Li Cunmiao's nest east of the river.

Li Cunqiao saw that the Liang army was attacking in a big way, and although the army in his hand was far less than that of the other party, he still calmly dispatched troops. He led the Chinese army himself, and sent the generals Li Siyuan to command the left army and Fu Cun to command the right army to resist the invading enemy.

At that time, there were several people who performed exceptionally well in this war.

"Five Dragons in the Same Dynasty" is really nothing, the five emperors fought side by side, which is the rarest spectacle in history

When the Later Liang army retreated, Li Siyuan's adopted son and fierce general Li Congke led more than a dozen people under his command, put on the clothes of the Liang army and blended into the enemy team to retreat together.

When he arrived at the camp of the Later Liang army, he suddenly attacked, and Li Congke took the opportunity to shout and shout to kill, cut down the enemy's flagpole, so that the Liang army, which was full of soldiers, thought that the enemy army was killed and scattered, and the army was defeated, with heavy casualties, and the Jin army covered up the past and won a complete victory. Later, Li Cunqiao rewarded Li Congke, who returned to the barracks safely, and personally poured him wine as a praise.

Li Siyuan's son-in-law, Shi Jingjiao, also performed remarkably in this war.

At that time, in the melee between the two armies, Shi Jingjiao, who led the cavalry to follow Li Cunmiao's attack, was once surrounded by the Later Liang army, and even the armor of his mount was cut off in the melee, and he also fell off his horse.

At this critical moment, Liu Zhiyuan, under his command, fought desperately to relieve the siege, and helped Shi Jingjiao onto his war horse, while he covered his retreat. The two fought and retreated, and finally escaped after nine deaths.

The war broke out very suddenly, and the battle was also very tragic, and in the end, the Liang army was defeated by the Jin army and annihilated more than 20,000 people.

"Five Dragons in the Same Dynasty" is really nothing, the five emperors fought side by side, which is the rarest spectacle in history

After the war, the relevant personnel were rewarded.

In April 923, Li Cunqiao proclaimed himself emperor in Weizhou, and established the Later Tang Dynasty with "Tang" as the national name, which was known as Zhuangzong of the Later Tang Dynasty in history. At the end of the same year, Zhuang Zong destroyed the Liang Dynasty. In 925, he destroyed Qianshu and obtained the land of Hanzhong and Liangchuan.

However, in the later period, Li Cunmiao lay on the merit book to live, becoming more and more arrogant, suspicious of the heroes, and favored the servants, which made the world complain, and finally died in the change of Xingjiaomen.

In 926, Li Siyuan was proclaimed emperor, and was known as Later Tang Mingzong in history. At the end of the reign of Tang Mingzong, he was mean and suspicious, causing the ministers to be separated, and the father and son were suspicious, so in 933, he heard that his son Li Congrong rebelled and died.

Li Conghou, the successor of Emperor Min of the Later Tang Dynasty, regarded Li Congke, the then king of Lu as a thorn in the side of Li Siyuan's son, and gave him small shoes everywhere, Li Congke rebelled under the instigation of his subordinates, and established himself as the emperor in 934, known as the late emperor of the Later Tang Dynasty.

Li Congke was very suspicious of Shi Jingjiao and treated him as the biggest threat.

Shi Jingjiao, who had been pretending to be a grandson for two years, simply lifted the table and rebelled, and founded the Later Jin Dynasty in Taiyuan, that is, the Later Jin Dynasty Gaozu, and said that "the emperor asked the Khitan for help and borrowed troops, destroyed the Later Tang Dynasty, and Li Congke also committed suicide."

Shi Jingjiao did not hesitate to cede the sixteen states of Yanyun to the Khitan, which caused many people to disdain, and he died as emperor for six years.

"Five Dragons in the Same Dynasty" is really nothing, the five emperors fought side by side, which is the rarest spectacle in history

In 947, Shi Jingjiao took advantage of the chaos to proclaim Liu Zhiyuan emperor and established the Later Han Dynasty, known as the Later Han Gaozu in history.

In a war, there were 5 emperors fighting side by side at the same time, and there should be no second case in all the past history.

Although they are all military leaders, they are indeed emperors with an orthodox status. This is also an unprecedented historical spectacle!