
The pinnacle of Biansai's poems, the beginning is a famous sentence through the ages, and is known as the work of the seven absolute volumes of Tang poetry

author:Long Wind Literary History

Let's start with a little story.

According to historical records, in a slightly cold winter in the Kaiyuan period of the Tang Dynasty, Wang Zhilian and Wang Changling, Gao Shi and other poets came to the flag pavilion to drink.

These people are also cheerful people, and as soon as they heard that there was wine, they hurriedly came over, and they found that they didn't bring any money while drinking.

So who will pay for this meal today? Whose horse will you leave here to pay for it?

The pinnacle of Biansai's poems, the beginning is a famous sentence through the ages, and is known as the work of the seven absolute volumes of Tang poetry

Just when several people shirked each other, it happened that a group of pear garden officials and courtesans from Jingshi also gathered here.

Wang Changling looked at the troupe that spoke and sang, so he thought about it and proposed to make a bet to see whose poems they would sing. If whoever sings the most poems, who is the eldest brother, and sings the least, then I'm sorry, I have to pay for this meal!

Gao Shi and Wang Zhilian also nodded in agreement.

The hinge plucked the strings three or two times, and soon the singer began to babble and start singing. The first to sing was Wang Changling's "A piece of ice heart in the jade pot", and Wang Changling happily drew one for himself on the wall to count.

Another singer sang Gao Shi's "Tears in the Eyes", and Gao Shi also proudly painted on the wall.

After a few songs in a row, there were Taoist Wang Changling and Gao Shi on the wall, and said to Wang Zhilian teasingly: "Ji Ling, you don't have a single song, you have a meal today, hahaha!" ”

The pinnacle of Biansai's poems, the beginning is a famous sentence through the ages, and is known as the work of the seven absolute volumes of Tang poetry

I saw Wang Zhihuan drink a cup and say: The singers in front of me are very ordinary, and they are all singing songs that are not popular with the 'lower riba people', and if the most beautiful courtesan among them does not sing my poems, then I will bow down to the wind, and I will no longer compete with the two of them in this life.

After a while, the most beautiful singer began to sing, and the yellow warbler-like voice sang Wang Zhilian's "Liangzhou Ci": "The Yellow River is far above the white clouds, a lonely city and ten thousand mountains. Why should Qiang Di complain about the willows, the spring breeze does not pass the jade gate. ”

Wang Zhilian's eyebrows suddenly fluttered, and he was extremely proud, and defeated Gao Shi and Wang Changling with this poem.

This is the story of "Flag Pavilion Painting Wall".

Whether this story really happened or was made up by literati, we have no way of knowing for sure, but we can be sure of one thing.

That is, Wang Zhilian's Seven Unique "Liangzhou Ci" is really a classic, and it was already a widely circulated masterpiece at that time. Moreover, it is also highly respected by later generations, and has even been promoted as the "work of the Tang Dynasty".

The pinnacle of Biansai's poems, the beginning is a famous sentence through the ages, and is known as the work of the seven absolute volumes of Tang poetry

Today we will once again enjoy this classic work.

"Liangzhou Ci"

The Yellow River is far above the white clouds, a lonely city and ten thousand mountains.

Why should Qiang Di complain about the willows, the spring breeze does not pass the jade gate.

"Liangzhou Ci" is a popular tune name in the Tang Dynasty, similar to the word "word brand name", because of its specific style, so most of this kind of poems depict the customs of Biansai.

"The Yellow River is far above the white clouds, a lonely city and ten thousand mountains."

In the first two sentences of the poem, a panoramic shot is given, outlining the vast and magnificent geographical environment of Biansai.

Looking at the Yellow River, which is gradually moving away, it extends all the way to the horizon, as if it is flowing in the middle of the white clouds; Under the endless and dangerous mountains, a lonely city of Yumen Pass towered quietly, looking lonely and lonely.

The pinnacle of Biansai's poems, the beginning is a famous sentence through the ages, and is known as the work of the seven absolute volumes of Tang poetry

The first line of the poem describes the Yellow River, but it is different from the feeling of "the Yellow River flowing into the sea" in another of his works. Here, it is as if someone is holding a camera from the lower reaches of the Yellow River to the upper reaches of the Yellow River, and the focus of the lens slowly extends from near to far until you see that the river seems to be connected to the sky, flowing among the white clouds.

This kind of writing highlights the static beauty of the Yellow River very well, shows its idle and distant demeanor, and deserves to be a strange sentence through the ages.

As soon as he finished looking at the long-flowing Yellow River, the second sentence pulled the camera back, focusing on the background near it, the towering mountains, and the lonely city.

It was a unit of measurement at the time, and one was about the distance between an adult's hands stretched out. Here the mountain is described by ten thousand miles, which shows the danger of its high mountain.

And compared with such a dangerous mountain is the "one" lonely city. The mountain is the natural geography, and the city is built by the soldiers, so this comparison can show the harshness of the environment and reflect the greatness of the soldiers on the border.

It is not a great person who will not be far from home, come to this kind of place to eat and sleep, and fight against the enemy with nature.

The pinnacle of Biansai's poems, the beginning is a famous sentence through the ages, and is known as the work of the seven absolute volumes of Tang poetry

And this also paves the way for the next two sentences, after all, the iron man still has tenderness, and the soldiers on the border are also human beings, and they will miss their hometown, which is human nature.

"Why should Qiang Di complain about the willows, the spring breeze does not pass the jade gate."

Someone used the Qiang flute to blow a mournful willow song, which reached the ears of the soldiers and made them even more sad, but what was the use? The spring breeze can't blow the Yumen Pass!

Since it is spring that does not come, the willows outside the Yumen Pass will not be green, and I want to fold a willow to send my feelings and complain, but here it is said that the Qiang flute is telling the grievances, which is a typical image instead of emotion.

The word "why must" expresses a helpless emotion, which can better reflect the "resentment" in the heart, doubly desolate and painful.

The pinnacle of Biansai's poems, the beginning is a famous sentence through the ages, and is known as the work of the seven absolute volumes of Tang poetry

The last sentence is both an objective and subjective characteristic, indicating that the imperial court did not care much about the lives of the border soldiers.

But even so, these soldiers still defended the country without regrets.

This also makes this poem show a sad but not sad, resentful and tragic effect, which is a typical representative of the strong sound of the Tang Dynasty and has become an immortal work that has been sung through the ages.