
Faxingbao has joined hands with public welfare organizations to build a solid legal barrier for the growth of minors

author:Information drawing

On this Children's Day, Fa Xingbao, together with the Working Committee for the Protection and Development of Minors on the Internet of the Internet Society of China, the Third Branch of the Beijing Municipal People's Procuratorate, the Fourth Branch of the Beijing Municipal People's Procuratorate and other institutions, jointly launched a public welfare activity of great social significance - the "Guardian Program for Minors". In the context of the general increase in the rate of juvenile crime and abuse, and in the face of the growing social malignant incidents such as school bullying and domestic violence, Fa Xing Bao launched this activity on the occasion of Children's Day, aiming to build a solid legal barrier for the healthy growth of minors through scientific and technological innovation and legal popularization.

Faxingbao has joined hands with public welfare organizations to build a solid legal barrier for the growth of minors

Faxingbao cooperated with public welfare organizations to hold the "Guardian Program for Minors" public welfare activities

The infringement of minors has aroused heated discussions, and Fa Xingbao calls on parents to protect their children and pay attention to the legal issues in their children's growth. On the one hand, Faxingbao continues to collect and answer legal questions about children's growth online, and promotes the popularization of legal education; On the other hand, on-site activities such as public welfare flash mobs and Children's Day performances will be held offline. Through diversified legal popularization publicity, Faxingbao and various public welfare organizations have opened a new attempt to popularize law.

From June 1st to June 2nd, offline flash mob activities were held in Wanda Plaza Dongba Store, Gate 4 of Garden Expo Park, and Qianmen Youth Bookstore as scheduled. In the Garden Expo Park, many public welfare organizations and media guests such as the Working Committee for the Protection and Development of Minors on the Internet of the Internet Society of China, the Psychological Emergency Volunteer Service Team of the China Association for Science and Technology and many other public welfare organizations and media guests attended the launching ceremony of this public welfare activity, and also played games and communicated face-to-face with the children. At the event site, the Fourth Branch of the Beijing Municipal People's Procuratorate and the Beijing Railway Transport Procuratorate popularized the knowledge of the rule of law to parents and children.

Faxingbao has joined hands with public welfare organizations to build a solid legal barrier for the growth of minors

The surprise performances brought by the participating units and teachers and students from different schools added fun and vitality to the event, and also added to the happy festive atmosphere of Children's Day, so that the guardian plan could be carried out smoothly in the sea of joy.

Faxingbao has joined hands with public welfare organizations to build a solid legal barrier for the growth of minors

The highlight of this activity is that at the major event sites, the prosecutors of the procuratorate's unprosecuted case handling team, national second-level psychological counselors, and professional lawyer teams are on duty to provide free legal consultation public service for everyone throughout the day, providing professional legal knowledge answers for children and parents in the fields of psychological counseling and game irrational refund consultation, and jointly promoting public welfare education for minors with Fa Xingbao. Among them, in Wanda Plaza, four prosecutors from the non-prosecution team of the Third Branch of the Beijing Municipal People's Procuratorate used easy-to-understand, lively and vivid language to popularize the knowledge of safety and self-protection and crime prevention to parents and children, and guide minors to improve their awareness of law-abiding and enhance their ability to use the law to protect their own rights and interests.

Faxingbao has joined hands with public welfare organizations to build a solid legal barrier for the growth of minors

Launched the "Special Topic on the Guardian Plan for Minors" on the legal safety of minors

From now on, Faxingbao will also launch the "Special Topic on the Guardian Plan for Minors" in response to the recent legal safety issues of minors, and users can search for "Faxingbao" on Baidu for Q&A experience. The purpose of this topic is to provide comprehensive and in-depth legal information and guidance, and to improve minors' awareness and ability to protect themselves through various channels such as education and guidance, family education and social education. Faxingbao is committed to creating a safe and secure environment where every minor can grow up healthily under the protection of the law.

Faxingbao has joined hands with public welfare organizations to build a solid legal barrier for the growth of minors

Baidu's AI native application products adhere to the concept of science and technology for good

In this public welfare activity, Faxingbao has demonstrated its unique brand depth value in the field of legal services, and firmly carried forward the concept of science and technology for good and science and technology serving people. With the continuous development and popularization of artificial intelligence technology, the legal service industry will usher in more opportunities and challenges. We will continue to leverage our advantages in technology, data and brand, and continue to explore and innovate new models and applications of legal services. At the same time, it will continue to uphold its original intention of social responsibility and public welfare, and provide high-quality, free and fast legal services and support for more groups in need.

Faxingbao has joined hands with public welfare organizations to build a solid legal barrier for the growth of minors

Adhere to the concern of social responsibility and convey the warmth and strength of the brand

In this festival full of laughter and laughter, the "Guardian of Minors Program" public welfare project launched by Fa Xingbao has taken firm steps with the original intention of protecting the healthy and happy growth of children and helping to create a better environment for children to popularize the law, and interprets care and responsibility with practical actions. At the same time, Faxingbao has always practiced the brand concept of "protecting everyone's justice and rights and interests, promoting social fairness and progress", providing legal public goods and services for the public, hoping to better promote the positive development of society through continuous efforts. We hope that under the guidance of Faxingbao, the "Guardian Program for Minors" can achieve remarkable results and contribute to the healthy growth of children. Let's work together to create a better future for our children!

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