
Ministry of National Defense: Lai Qingde and his ilk will inevitably be judged by history and severely punished by law

author:Chinese military horn

Source: Ministry of National Defense Network • China Military Trumpet

Ministry of National Defense: Lai Qingde and his ilk will inevitably be judged by history and severely punished by law

Ministry of National Defense: Lai Ching-te and His Like Will be Condemned by History and Punished by Law

On the afternoon of 27 June, the Ministry of National Defense held a regular press conference, at which Senior Colonel Wu Qian, director of the Information Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense and spokesman of the Ministry of National Defense, answered reporters' questions.

Ministry of National Defense: Lai Qingde and his ilk will inevitably be judged by history and severely punished by law

Reporter: During the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Whampoa Military Academy on the island, Taiwan regional leader Lai Ching-te said that he would not accept "the first battle is the final war," saying that the biggest challenge facing the Taiwan military is Chinese mainland's intention to "annex Taiwan and eliminate the Republic of China." In addition, Lai Qingde has also advocated on many occasions the fallacy of "Taiwan independence" such as "the two sides of the strait are not subordinate to each other." Do you have any comment?

Question: At the centennial celebrations for the Whampoa Military Academy in Taiwan, Lai Ching-te, leader of the Taiwan region, claimed that he does not accept the idea of “the first battle is the final battle”, and the biggest challenge for Taiwan’s troops is the Chinese mainland aiming for “Taiwan’s annexation and the elimination of the Republic of China”. He also touted on many occasions absurd narratives in support of “Taiwan independence” such as “the two sides of the Taiwan Strait are not subordinate to each other.” What’s your comment, please?

Wu Qian: The Whampoa Military Academy is the historical memory of all Chinese and records the bloody course of national rejuvenation. The spirit of Whampoa is the spirit of "patriotism and revolution". Huangpu students have always had the glorious history and fine traditions of the patriotic revolution and are an important force in promoting the reunification of the motherland and the rejuvenation of the nation. Lai Qingde and his ilk vainly attempt to tamper with history and split the country will inevitably be judged by history and severely punished by law.

Wu Qian: The Whampoa Military Academy is a historical memory in the heart of all Chinese people and a witness to the arduous journey of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Guided by the patriotic and revolutionary Whampoa Spirit, graduates of the academy have a glorious tradition of dedicating themselves to patriotism and revolution, and are an important force for national reunification and rejuvenation. Lai Ching-te and his like who attempt to falsify history and split our nation will surely be condemned by history and punished by law.

There is only one China in the world, Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory, the Government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legitimate government representing the whole of China, and the one-China principle is the universal consensus of the international community. No matter how distorted and denied by the DPP authorities, they will not be able to change this basic fact, and they will not sever the blood ties of the compatriots on both sides of the strait. What needs to be emphasized is that once the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces provoke us, our countermeasures will be pushed one step further, and this is a progressive and prelude to the final settlement of the Taiwan issue. In smashing the "Taiwan independence" forces, the PLA has always been a turtle in an urn and a man of arms.

There is but one China in the world and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory. The government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China. The one-China principle is a prevailing consensus in the international community. No matter how the DPP authorities try to distort or deny it, this basic fact will not change, nor will the family bonds between compatriots on the two sides of the Taiwan Strait be severed. It needs to be emphasized that each time “Taiwan independence” separatists make provocations, they will be responded with stronger countermeasures from the PLA. These responses will pave the way for the resolution of the Taiwan question. For the PLA , defeating military elements of the “Taiwan independence” separatist forces is like shooting fish in a barrel.

(Produced by the Ministry of National Defense Network and China's military number)

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