
The last side becomes extravagant? Death row prisoners are reunited with their families before their executions, and the tenderness of the law is restored

author:Guo Xiaofat


In the streets and alleys of the Northeast, there is a mysterious name - "Liu Feng". He is not only a well-known hotel chef, but also a "food legend" in the mouth of people in Changchun City. But who would have thought that this master with superb cooking skills would be a murderer who had been absconding for eleven years? What is the truth behind this? Today, let's unveil this mystery together and explore Zhu Chaoyang, oh no, now he should be called Liu Feng, the secret life behind this legendary chef.

The last side becomes extravagant? Death row prisoners are reunited with their families before their executions, and the tenderness of the law is restored

1. A legend in the world of gastronomy

Speaking of Liu Feng, Changchun people all gave a thumbs up. His cooking skills are exquisite, and he controls the selection of ingredients and the heat of cooking just right. His signature dish "Braised Lion's Head" is even more memorable and unforgettable. Not only that, but he also often innovates, combined with the authentic flavors of the Northeast, and developed a variety of new dishes, which attracted countless diners to come and taste.

However, such an acclaimed chef hides an untold secret. Behind the glamorous is his eleven years of fugitive life and inner fear and uneasiness. In the dead of night, he would always recall the night that changed his fate, and the sound of that gunshot turned him from an ordinary person into an outlaw.

The last side becomes extravagant? Death row prisoners are reunited with their families before their executions, and the tenderness of the law is restored

2. The hardships of the escape

Eleven years ago, Zhu Chaoyang was forced to flee his hometown because of a conflict. He changed his name and began the long and arduous journey of escape. He travels from city to city, constantly on the run to survive. In the strange city of Changchun, he found a job with his good cooking skills and gradually integrated into the life of the city.

However, the days of the fugitive were not easy. He has to live in fear every day, for fear of being discovered by the police. He didn't dare to have deep friendships with people, let alone reveal his true identity. This loneliness and depression made him feel tormented, but he could not get out of this predicament.

The last side becomes extravagant? Death row prisoners are reunited with their families before their executions, and the tenderness of the law is restored

3. The illusion of happiness

In the days of Changchun, Liu Feng met the kind girl Liu Fang. The two met and fell in love, and soon entered the palace of marriage. A year later, their son was born, and the little family seemed happy. However, behind this illusion of happiness lies Zhu Chaoyang's deep fear and uneasiness.

He was afraid that his crimes would be revealed, and that he would lose this hard-won peaceful life. Therefore, he lived cautiously every day, for fear that his identity would be revealed. He tried to play the role of a good husband and father, but the fear in his heart prevented him from truly enjoying this happiness.

The last side becomes extravagant? Death row prisoners are reunited with their families before their executions, and the tenderness of the law is restored

Fourth, the moment when the truth is revealed

However, the French Open has been restored. The police finally locked down Zhu Chaoyang's hiding place and launched an arrest operation. During the arrest, Liu Feng asked the police to see his wife and children, but the police refused him for safety reasons. When Liu Fang learned her husband's true identity and crime, she was shocked and couldn't accept this cruel truth. She couldn't imagine that the man she once loved dearly turned out to be a murderer. The blow almost broke her, but she was strong enough to face the reality and actively cooperate with the police investigation.

During the interrogation, Zhu Chaoyang confessed to his crimes and expressed his guilt and longing for his family. He is well aware that he has made an irreparable mistake and is willing to accept the punishment of the law. But he also expressed hope for the future, hoping to start his life again and bring happiness and peace to his family.

5. In-depth analysis and reflection

Zhu Chaoyang's story is a tragedy, but it is also a profound reflection. First of all, it shows us the justice and majesty of the law, and any criminal act will be punished by the law. Second, it also makes us think about the complexity and diversity of human nature, and people make different choices even when faced with difficult situations. Finally, it also made us think about the importance of family and the responsibility and responsibility for it.

The last side becomes extravagant? Death row prisoners are reunited with their families before their executions, and the tenderness of the law is restored

Although Zhu Chaoyang is a criminal, he is also a flesh-and-blood person. He has his own dreams and pursuits, as well as a deep attachment to his family. However, due to impulsiveness and wrong choices, he embarked on the path of crime, which eventually led to tragedy. This story tells us that we should cherish the people in front of us and not make irreparable mistakes because of the impulse. At the same time, we must also learn to be tolerant and understanding, and for those who have made mistakes, we should give them the opportunity to mend their ways, instead of blindly blaming and insulting.


Although Zhu Chaoyang's story is over, his legendary life will remain in people's memories forever. He has conquered the taste buds of countless diners with his cooking skills, and has also brought us profound reflections and inspirations with his own experience. Let us remember this story, cherish the present, look forward to the future, and use our actions to create a better tomorrow!


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