
"Celebrating More Than Years 2": What is the most important thing in your life?

author:Thousand understandings and degrees
"Celebrating More Than Years 2": What is the most important thing in your life?

Since its inception, "Celebrating More Than Years 2" has been so popular that it has no friends!

The twists and turns of each character's fate are very similar to you, me and him in life.

Fan Xian's choice, Lin Waner's tenderness, Chen Pingping's resourcefulness... Every step they take makes people reflect.

On the chessboard of life, how should we fall?

The drama is not only a costume drama, but also a mirror, reflecting the life choices and destiny of each of us.

Life is in a hurry, how should we spend it? Is it the company of family, the acquaintance of friends, or the realization of self-worth?

Knowing what we live for will make us feel calmer and firmer, and this peace and firmness will be our shield against external interference.

Loving and being loved is the greatest treasure in life

"Celebrating More Than Years 2": What is the most important thing in your life?
"Celebrating More Than Years 2": What is the most important thing in your life?

"No one in this world is born to be good to you, except Dad" - this sentence, did it instantly poke your tears?

Behind the Game of Thrones, Lin Ruofu, a scheming prime minister, holds the wind and clouds in his hands and hides the ravines in his heart.

But in the face of his family, he is just an ordinary father, and in the most simple way, he interprets the true meaning of "home is a safe haven".

Although his son is ignorant of the world and his daughter is frail and sickly, they will always be the brightest stars in his eyes.

In contrast, Emperor Qing's world seems to lack this purity and warmth, which makes people sigh that the emperor's house is so rare!

This also makes us more aware that true love is not necessarily related to identity, status, and means, but comes from the most sincere emotions in the heart.

We must learn to cherish the people in front of us, run our own families well, and enjoy the process of loving and being loved, which is the greatest wealth in our lives.

If the original intention does not change, it must always be

In a corner of this world, the original intention and hope are the inextinguishable beacon in the depths of everyone's soul.

Fan Xian has always adhered to his original intention, and even in the face of many difficulties, he has never given up his determination to change the fate of ordinary people.

Chunfu has a long history of fraud, and when he was the chief examiner, he declared that he wanted to give justice to students all over the world.

He resolutely returned all the notes of related households, and he broke the unspoken rules of obfuscation and transcription one by one, and released cruel words, and whoever dared to cheat would be held accountable to the end.

Candidate Yang Wanli was impersonated, he withstood heavy pressure, sent troops to surround the examination room, begged to see the emperor, successfully deposed the Ministry of Rites, and finally returned the place to Yang Wanli.

This session may be called the fairest Spring Festival.

Looking at the old man with a lot of hair and finally winning the lift, looking at the poor scholar who was gnawing on the steamed bun and shouting about the lift, in their lifetime, they finally got a fair chance and were finally able to change their fate.

Fan Xian always adheres to his original intention and ideals, and wants to change the fate of ordinary people so that they will not die like dust. This is also his charm, which can make people want to help him unconsciously.

"Half-lifed, may you and I still be teenagers when we return."

This sentence is a wish to all those who stick to their original aspirations and dreams.

I hope that after the baptism of the years, we can still maintain a young heart and stick to our dreams and pursuits.

If you are not sincere, you can't move people's hearts

"The true one is sincere, and if he is not sincere, he cannot be moved." - "Zhuangzi, The Fisherman"

People's hearts change hearts, if you are sincere, I will be sincere.

The most advanced way to interact with people is to use them skillfully without skill.

If you keep your heart sincere, you will have someone to support you in times of hardship and someone to be there for you in times of pain.

When Lin Xiang told the old man to return to his hometown, Emperor Qing sent a black horse to intercept and kill. Fan Xian hurried to the rescue, and happened to meet the eldest prince who went out of the city to train his troops. The eldest prince resolutely led the forbidden army to confront the black horsemen, thus successfully rescuing Lin Xiang.

Fighting against the black knight was almost resistant, and Fan Xian took the initiative to take all the blame and clear the eldest prince from it.

The eldest prince entered the palace and played right, and the emperor asked why the eldest prince wanted to help Fan Xian, and the eldest prince bluntly said: Fan Xian values love and righteousness, and there are many differences from the hundred officials in Kyoto.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2": What is the most important thing in your life?

The sincere and kind Fan Xian received the assistance of the eldest prince at a critical moment because of his love and righteousness, which also fully demonstrated the great power contained in sincerity and kindness.

When you first entered "Celebrating More Than Years", did you mistakenly think that this was just another court drama of deceit?

But the deeper you fall, you will find that this drama is like a jar of old wine, the more you taste it, the more flavorful it becomes~

What I pursue in my life is not only a high position, but the purity of not forgetting my original intention, and the courage to choose kindness no matter how cold the world is.

Life is short, we should not be bound by fame, fortune and shackles, but should maintain a warm and sincere heart to experience every beauty in life.