
"Three Kingdoms: Conquering the World" Open Beta Preview: Analysis of innovative SLG multi-class gameplay

author:The head chef is also Reiner

On June 13th, the war strategy mobile game "Three Kingdoms: Conquering the World", which is exclusively distributed by Bilibili Games, will officially open the public beta. As the first SLG mobile game featuring multi-class gameplay, the game experience of "Three Kingdoms: Conquering the World" is still quite unique, and every newcomer to the game needs to choose one of the six major professions of "Qizuo" with unparalleled wisdom, "Zhenjun" with courage and good fighting, "Shenxing" with surprising victory, "Qing Bag" with superb medical skills, "Sicang" with Tuntian development, and "Tiangong" with great ingenuity.

"Three Kingdoms: Conquering the World" Open Beta Preview: Analysis of innovative SLG multi-class gameplay

Each of these six classes is equipped with unique strategic skills and class characteristics, which clearly divide the strategic orientation of attack, support, harassment, and defense, which greatly enriches the playability and strategic depth of the game. Therefore, it is very important for the rookie boss to choose a happy profession that he likes and can play at the beginning of the season.

Wisdom is unparalleled - Chizo

In "Three Kingdoms: Plotting the World", the spokesperson of Qizuo's profession is Guo Jia, the most famous strategist of the Cao Group, although he died young, his strategic ability is not underestimated. As a Chizo, the player can develop the military, business, and economy of the power through three policies: military training, taxation, and business; You can also use the three strategy skills of "Fire Meter", "Fire Extinguishing" and "Trap" to determine the outcome of a game on the battlefield; can also use true and false talents to hide the world and the sea on the battlefield, and defeat the false way, highlighting a strategic strategy and winning thousands of miles away.

"Three Kingdoms: Conquering the World" Open Beta Preview: Analysis of innovative SLG multi-class gameplay

Surprisingly winning - Godwalking

Good at plundering and raiding, the elusive god on the battlefield is the outlaw army on the battlefield, and its three talents are all born for war. The lord can carry out high-mobility operations behind enemy lines through the three talents of fighting to nourish the war, concealed marching and regrouping, plundering, raiding, and ambushing are all his forte, if the loss of troops is too large, he can only use the regrouping talent to be reborn in situ with full blood, and obtain the power to fight again, and the sub-talent attached to the profession can also make Shenxing occupy the plot faster, which has a unique advantage in the siege area.

"Three Kingdoms: Conquering the World" Open Beta Preview: Analysis of innovative SLG multi-class gameplay

Bogu Tongjin - Heavenly Craft

In ancient times, when productivity was scarce, it was not easy to ensure the supply of equipment for the army, and it was also a key factor that could determine success or failure. Tiangong is the organ of "Three Kingdoms: Conquering the World", and is good at the construction of strong city defenses and the design of exquisite machinery and equipment, so Tiangong can not only stabilize the rear of the battlefield, but also provide assistance for the siege of the city, and can be said to be the soul of the alliance.

"Three Kingdoms: Conquering the World" Open Beta Preview: Analysis of innovative SLG multi-class gameplay

Hanging pot to help the world - green sac

Qing Bao in "Three Kingdoms: Conquering the World" has become the league's favorite with his unique medical talent. Its alchemy talent has miraculous effects at all levels, alchemy restores the physical strength of the general, and the sub-talent strengthens the medicinal effect, accelerates the expansion of the lord and the acquisition of resources, and can give back food according to the loss of soldiers during the attack, ensuring that the logistics are worry-free.

The healing talent shows the benevolence of the healer, converts the fallen soldiers into reserves, greatly reduces the loss of war, and motivates allies to be fearless of losses. The Resurrection Talent is paired with the sub-talent [First Aid], which can reduce the mortality rate by up to 120%, shorten the recovery time from serious injuries, and greatly improve the battlefield survival and combat ability.

"Three Kingdoms: Conquering the World" Open Beta Preview: Analysis of innovative SLG multi-class gameplay

Gao Zhucheng accumulates grain - Sicang

Every game has peaceful players who don't like competitive gameplay, SLG games are no exception, Sicang's gameplay positioning is more casual and assistive, and its talent is Juntun, grain harvest, and production baggage, which can allow the lords to get good development while happily farming, and provide important team and alliance support, and even if they really fight, they have food in their hands and do not panic.

"Three Kingdoms: Conquering the World" Open Beta Preview: Analysis of innovative SLG multi-class gameplay

Brave and good at fighting - the town army

As the name suggests, the "town army" is the most enthusiastic profession in "Three Kingdoms: Conquering the World", talent emergency mobilization, strong assaults, and overwhelming are all for the purpose of conquest of the battlefield and the destruction of the city, and the lord of this profession can even persuade the enemy to surrender the damaged soldiers after defeating the enemy, which can be said to be the core of the frontal battlefield that is more and more brave and stronger.

"Three Kingdoms: Conquering the World" Open Beta Preview: Analysis of innovative SLG multi-class gameplay

After reading the above six professions, I wonder if the lords have their favorite choices? On June 13th, the open beta of "Three Kingdoms: Conquering the World" will begin, waiting for you to fight!

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