
Apple's WWDC annual conference revealed a new AI feature: Siri gets a blockbuster upgrade

Apple's WWDC annual conference revealed a new AI feature: Siri gets a blockbuster upgrade

Zhongguancun Online

2024-06-03 23:02Posted on Beijing Zhongguancun Online Official Account

Apple's upcoming new operating system will be incorporated into its internal project, codenamed "Greymatter," which aims to bring users an unprecedented experience through a series of AI-powered feature upgrades. At the upcoming WWDC Annual Developers Conference, Apple is expected to showcase these eye-catching new features.

Apple's WWDC annual conference revealed a new AI feature: Siri gets a blockbuster upgrade

According to internal sources, a notification aggregation feature called "Greymatter Catch Up" is being tested in the latest preview system. This feature is deeply integrated with Siri, allowing users to get and hear a summary of recent notifications through Siri, greatly simplifying the information management process.

Siri, the iconic smart assistant for Apple devices, will also receive a significant upgrade. It is reported that the upgraded Siri will introduce an intelligent response framework and integrate LLM (large language model) technology running on Apple devices, which will significantly improve its response generation capabilities. In the future, Siri will be able to comprehensively consider multiple factors such as people's names, company information, calendar events, places, and times when generating replies and summaries, making human-computer interaction more relevant to the actual situation and providing users with more personalized services.

Previously, foreign media have reported on the update plan of Safari 18, Ajax LLM and voice memo apps, which mentioned that Apple will use AI technology to add text summarization and transcription functions to native apps. According to the latest news, these intelligent functions will also be integrated into Siri to bring users a more comprehensive and convenient intelligent experience.

According to the analysis of industry experts, Apple's deep integration of AI technology into the operating system and Siri not only improves the intelligence level of the device, but also brings users a more convenient and efficient experience. As the WWDC annual developer conference approaches, more details about Apple's new AI features will be revealed one by one.


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  • Apple's WWDC annual conference revealed a new AI feature: Siri gets a blockbuster upgrade

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