
The 7 kinds of wild grasses that make poisonous snakes scared are all recognized as "poisonous snake busters", how many do you know?

author:Three small hairs

Nature is so magical, as the so-called "one thing descends one thing", which is also one of the laws of nature, don't look at poisonous snakes make countless people born with a sense of fear, but poisonous snakes also have natural enemies, and even some plants can make poisonous snakes afraid.

In the mainland, there are seven species of plants that are recognized as the natural nemesis of poisonous snakes, and they have become the natural enemies of poisonous snakes with their unique biological characteristics. How many of these seven kinds of "snake repellent grass" in folklore do you know? You might as well understand that it can really save your life when it matters most.

1. Heavy Building, the famous "Seven Leaves and One Flower"

Speaking of Chonglou plant, I remember that when I was very young, my grandfather told me a local proverb: know the seven leaves and a flower, the deep mountains are my home, carbuncle is like a hand. ”

The 7 kinds of wild grasses that make poisonous snakes scared are all recognized as "poisonous snake busters", how many do you know?

This proverb comes from the "Compendium of Materia Medica" by the Ming Dynasty medical scientist Li Shizhen, and the seven leaves and one branch of the flower here are talking about the Chinese medicinal material Chonglou.

Because the plant of Chonglou is very special, its leaves are clustered, layer by layer, and there are no branches, much like the ancient pagoda, and most of them are still seven leaves clustered, so in order to facilitate everyone's memory, according to this characteristic named to the leaf a branch of flowers.

The seven-leaf flower is not only good-looking, has a high ornamental value, but also in the ancient folk of the mainland is regarded as a snake medicine to deal with poisonous snake bites, in the past many places have this saying, said that it can deal with poisonous snake bites.

The 7 kinds of wild grasses that make poisonous snakes scared are all recognized as "poisonous snake busters", how many do you know?

It can also be seen from the previous proverb that with it, you are not afraid of heaven and earth in the deep mountains, and you can treat the mountains as your home, which also highlights its medicinal value.

Second, the snake manager, the scientific name is white-flowered snake tongue grass.

There is also a proverb about the white-flowered snaketongue grass, which has been circulated in many places in the past: "If you recognize the white-flowered snaketongue grass, the snake with a thick barrel can also be fished", which also highlights the power of this plant.

The 7 kinds of wild grasses that make poisonous snakes scared are all recognized as "poisonous snake busters", how many do you know?

In fact, a plant can be named "snake manager", which means that it is specialized in managing snakes, and it is the boss of snakes, which is enough to see its specialness.

The white-flowered snake tongue grass is also a recognized poisonous snake nemesis in the mainland folk, and the characteristics of this plant are also obvious, its leaves are slender like the tongue of a snake, and the flowers are small and white, hence the name.

The 7 kinds of wild grasses that make poisonous snakes scared are all recognized as "poisonous snake busters", how many do you know?

In some places, it is also called snake tongue grass, snake tongue grass, snake needle grass, sharp knife grass, nail fierce grass, agave, snake tongue grass, crane tongue grass and so on. In the folk, people often use it to decoction water for internal administration or external application to the affected area, in order to achieve the effect of detoxification and snake repellent.

3. Touching the flowers, the famous "impatiens".

It is a flower that was often picked in the countryside in the past to dye nails, and it used to be a very common ornamental plant in the mainland, and its scientific name was impatiens.

Nowadays, many people also plant it in the garden, because it is not only beautiful, but also can repel mosquitoes and snakes.

The 7 kinds of wild grasses that make poisonous snakes scared are all recognized as "poisonous snake busters", how many do you know?

It is said that the reason why impatiens can repel snakes and mosquitoes is that its roots emit a smell similar to sulfur, which is exactly what poisonous snakes hate.

In the mainland, there is a tradition of using sulfur to repel snakes, so impatiens also have the effect of repelling insects and snakes, and planting it around the courtyard or house can achieve the purpose of repelling snakes.

The 7 kinds of wild grasses that make poisonous snakes scared are all recognized as "poisonous snake busters", how many do you know?

For this reason, the roots of impatiens secrete toxic substances when planting, so it is not suitable to plant vegetables, fruits and other crops near this plant, and it is very dangerous to eat vegetables and fruits planted in the soil for a long time.

Fourth, the snake goes backwards, and the snake must "walk backwards" when encountered.

In fact, it is not only the snake that has to walk backwards when it sees this plant, but many times people and animals can only walk backwards when they see it, otherwise they will regret it.

The 7 kinds of wild grasses that make poisonous snakes scared are all recognized as "poisonous snake busters", how many do you know?

The snake backwards, also known as the bar, is a wild plant that grows on hillsides and roadsides. The plant appears to be harmless to humans and animals, but its vines are well developed and have sparse inverted skin spines along the edges.

When humans and animals pass by it, they will be injured by its barbs. But it can also be used as medicine, and it also has a certain effect on poisonous snake bites.

Fifth, the snake destroys the door, and the prestige of the wild cassia is known.

This is probably the most domineering name I've ever heard. The snake extinguishing gate, also known as wild cassia, is a wild plant that grows in the mountains and wilderness. This plant grows beautifully, the flowers are also golden yellow, and they bloom luxuriantly.

The 7 kinds of wild grasses that make poisonous snakes scared are all recognized as "poisonous snake busters", how many do you know?

But the reason why it is named "snake extinguishing door" is not because of how poisonous it is, but mainly because of its snake repellent effect. When the snake destroys the door in bloom, its flower fragrance has a repellent effect on poisonous snakes, which can make poisonous snakes smell it and run away. It is also a snake repellent plant often planted by mainland folks.

6. Lobelia, a plant that blooms only half of its side.

As the old saying goes, "Recognize lobelia, dare to sleep with a snake." This proverb vividly depicts the wonderful relationship between lobelia and the viper.

As its name suggests, its flowers resemble lotus flowers, but it is very peculiar in that the flowers are only half sided, hence the name.

The 7 kinds of wild grasses that make poisonous snakes scared are all recognized as "poisonous snake busters", how many do you know?

Lobelia is a plant that grows near water or wetlands, and is more common in rural rice fields, ditches, and small rivers. In the folk, lobelia is also recognized as a "snake medicine" and has a high value.

7. Octagonal lotus: the natural enemy of snakes in the mountains.

There is also a classic saying that is closely related to it: "Dare to sleep with snakes when you cherish the star anise", which means that if you hold the star anise lotus, then even if you sleep with poisonous snakes, there is no problem.

Of course, this is also an exaggeration, the purpose is to warn future generations that this plant is very valuable to the bite of a snake's parents, who would be stupid enough to take a plant and a snake to sleep?

The 7 kinds of wild grasses that make poisonous snakes scared are all recognized as "poisonous snake busters", how many do you know?

The star anise is a rare plant that grows in the mountains, and it is named because its leaves are mostly octagonal. This plant is considered the nemesis of snakes in folklore, and its rhizome is rich in alkaloids and flavonoids, which have a significant anti-venom effect.

However, it should be noted that since the star anise is now a protected plant, we cannot dig it up or destroy its ecological environment at will.

The above are the seven kinds of wild grasses recognized by the folk as "poisonous snake nemesis", which not only have unique biological characteristics and medicinal value, but also have rich legends and stories among the people.

How many do you know? What other similar plants do you know? You are also welcome to leave a message to communicate. #头条创作挑战赛#