
When the nanny came back, she cooked red rice, which was rare and unprecedented, and Brother Jin almost didn't dare to eat it

author:The day after tomorrow, I walked around

Original article, first published on the whole network, it is strictly forbidden to carry it, and it is necessary to protect rights when moving. This article is a micro-novel, the plot is fictional, please read it rationally.

Brother Jin stood in front of the window, looking at the traffic outside the window, feeling a burst of emptiness and loss in his heart. He had just experienced the double whammy of unemployment and divorce, and life had become meaningless to him. He used to be a successful sales manager with a happy family, but it all came crashing down in just a few months. His wife left him, taking their only son with them, and his job was terminated by the company's layoffs.

In order to take care of his daily life, Jin Ge had to hire a nanny from the countryside, Ah Xiang. Ah Xiang is a hardworking and simple woman, she comes from a remote rural area, left her two children at home, and came to the city to work. She is curious about everything in the city, and she also hopes to make life better for her children through this job.

When the nanny came back, she cooked red rice, which was rare and unprecedented, and Brother Jin almost didn't dare to eat it

"Brother Jin, breakfast is ready, come and eat." Ah Xiang's voice came from the kitchen, interrupting Brother Jin's musings.

Brother Jin came back to his senses, walked into the restaurant, and saw a few simple but delicious home-cooked dishes on the table. He sat down, picked up his chopsticks, and began to eat slowly, but his heart still felt empty.

One day, Ah Xiang came back from her hometown and brought a kind of red rice called "red rice". She excitedly showed the red rice to Brother Jin and said, "Brother Jin, this is a specialty of our hometown, and the nutrition is very good, I will cook you a red rice meal today to taste." ”

Brother Jin looked at the red rice and frowned slightly, "What kind of rice is this?" How is it red? Can you eat it? ”

When the nanny came back, she cooked red rice, which was rare and unprecedented, and Brother Jin almost didn't dare to eat it

Ah Xiang smiled and said, "Brother Jin, don't worry, this is pure natural red rice, it is very common in our hometown, everyone eats this, it tastes good, nutritious and rich." ”

Brother Jin was still a little skeptical, but it was not easy to refuse, so he had to nod, "Then you cook it, I'll try it." ”

At dinner time, Ah Xiang served a pot of steaming red rice, and the aroma of rice filled the room. Brother Jin looked at the red rice, hesitated a little in his heart, and couldn't help asking, "Ah Xiang, can this rice really be eaten?" I've never seen this kind of rice. ”

Ah Xiang smiled and said: "Brother Jin, you can eat with confidence, this is a specialty of our hometown, with high nutritional value and is particularly good for the body." ”

When the nanny came back, she cooked red rice, which was rare and unprecedented, and Brother Jin almost didn't dare to eat it

Brother Jin hesitated for a moment, and finally picked up a small mouthful of red rice and put it in his mouth. He chewed it carefully and felt that it tasted really good, and there was a unique fragrance. He looked at Ah Xiang in surprise, "Well, this rice tastes good, it's really delicious." ”

Ah Xiang smiled, revealing a mouthful of neat white teeth, "Brother Jin, I'll just say it, this rice is nutritious and delicious, you can eat more in the future, it's good for your body." ”

From that day on, Jin Ge became interested in the red rice brought by Ah Xiang, and asked about the red rice every time he ate. Ah Xiang is also happy to share the story of her hometown with him, and the two gradually become familiar.

One night, Brother Jin and Ah Xiang were sitting at the dining table, and Brother Jin couldn't help but ask, "Ah Xiang, is this red rice really a specialty of your hometown?" Why haven't I heard of it before? ”

When the nanny came back, she cooked red rice, which was rare and unprecedented, and Brother Jin almost didn't dare to eat it

Ah Xiang nodded and said, "Yes, Brother Jin, this red rice is a specialty of ours, and it can only be grown in our small village." Actually, there is a legend about this red rice. ”

Brother Jin became interested, "What legend?" Tell me about it. ”

Ah Xiang put down her chopsticks and said mysteriously: "Legend has it that a long time ago, there was a fairy who passed by our village and saw that the villagers were living a hard life, so he scattered a handful of red rice seeds in the field, and since then, our village has this kind of red rice." It is said that this red rice is not only nutritious, but also healing and healthy. ”

Brother Jin smiled, "It sounds like a myth, but this rice is really delicious, and I really believe it." ”

When the nanny came back, she cooked red rice, which was rare and unprecedented, and Brother Jin almost didn't dare to eat it

The two looked at each other and smiled, and the atmosphere became relaxed. Brother Jin gradually came out of the shadow of unemployment and divorce, and began to rekindle hope in life. And Ah Xiang also found warmth and a sense of belonging in this strange city.

Since Brother Jin tried the red rice brought by Ah Xiang, his life has changed significantly. Every day at dinner, the two of them would talk about various topics about red rice. Brother Jin gradually discovered that Ah Xiang is not only hardworking, but also very intelligent and full of enthusiasm for life. This enthusiasm gradually infected Brother Jin, allowing him to regain his hope and motivation for life.

One day, Brother Jin proposed: "Ah Xiang, why don't we go to your hometown together, I also want to see the growth environment of this red rice in person, and I can relax by the way." ”

When the nanny came back, she cooked red rice, which was rare and unprecedented, and Brother Jin almost didn't dare to eat it

Ah Xiang heard this, and said with some excitement: "Brother Jin, is it really? I'm worried that you're not used to life in the countryside. ”

Brother Jin smiled, "It's okay, I just want to change the environment and relax." ”

In this way, Jin Ge and Ah Xiang took her two children and embarked on a journey to the countryside together. Along the way, Ah Xiang kept introducing the scenery and customs of his hometown to Brother Jin, and the relationship between the two became closer unconsciously.

When he arrived at Ah Xiang's hometown, Jin Ge was shocked by the scene in front of him. The mountains and rivers here are beautiful, the green rice in the fields is swaying in the wind, and the air is filled with a faint fragrance of rice. He took a deep breath and felt his whole body relax.

When the nanny came back, she cooked red rice, which was rare and unprecedented, and Brother Jin almost didn't dare to eat it

Ah Xiang's family received them warmly, especially Ah Xiang's two children, who threw themselves into her arms excitedly when they saw their mother return. Brother Jin looked at this scene and felt a burst of warmth in his heart.

A few days later, Jin Ge and Ah Xiang walked around the village, and Jin Ge asked, "Ah Xiang, your hometown is so beautiful, I have never seen such a beautiful place before." ”

Ah Xiang smiled and said, "Brother Jin, I knew you would like it here." Actually, I've always loved life here, but I had to work for the sake of my children's future. ”

Brother Jin nodded, "I understand you." Actually, I also want to rethink my life this time. ”

When the nanny came back, she cooked red rice, which was rare and unprecedented, and Brother Jin almost didn't dare to eat it

Ah Xiang asked curiously, "Then have you thought of something?" ”

Brother Jin sighed and said, "Actually, I've been running away from my own problems. Unemployment and divorce have made me lose the direction of my life, but with you during this time, I have found that there are still many good things in life. I thought maybe I should start over and give myself a chance. ”

Ah Xiang listened, her heart was a little touched, she gently patted Brother Jin's shoulder, "Brother Jin, I believe you will be able to stand up again." ”

After returning to the city, Jin Ge's life slowly got on track. He found a new job and started his career again. And Ah Xiang also continues to work in his house and take care of his daily life. The relationship between the two has become more intimate, like family.

When the nanny came back, she cooked red rice, which was rare and unprecedented, and Brother Jin almost didn't dare to eat it

One night, Brother Jin suddenly said to Ah Xiang: "Ah Xiang, I have something I want to discuss with you. ”

Ah Xiang looked at him suspiciously, "What's the matter, Brother Jin?" ”

Brother Jin took a deep breath and said, "I would like to invite you and your children to move into my house to live together. The place where you live is too small now, I have a lot of rooms here, and the children can have a better environment. ”

When Ah Xiang heard this, her eyes were red with emotion, and she choked up and said, "Brother Jin, do you really think so?" I don't want to trouble you. ”

When the nanny came back, she cooked red rice, which was rare and unprecedented, and Brother Jin almost didn't dare to eat it

Brother Jin said firmly: "Ah Xiang, you have always taken care of me and made me regain hope in life. Now, I hope to help you and your children as well. Isn't it better for us to live together? ”

Ah Xiang finally nodded and shed tears of emotion.

In this way, Ah Xiang moved to Brother Jin's house with her two children. The family lived a happy and warm life. Brother Kim's life is full of laughter and warmth, he has found a new job, and his career is thriving. And Ah Xiang also continued to work in his home, and the children grew up happily in their new environment.

One night, as the family sat around the dining table, Ah Xiang cooked a pot of red rice. Brother Jin picked up the bowl, looked at Ah Xiang and the children affectionately, and said, "Let's toast together and celebrate our new life." ”

When the nanny came back, she cooked red rice, which was rare and unprecedented, and Brother Jin almost didn't dare to eat it

The children cheered and lifted the bowl, and Ah Xiang also raised the bowl with a smile. Brother Jin looked at this scene, and his heart was full of satisfaction and happiness.

"Here, cheers!" Brother Jin said with a smile.

"Cheers!" Everyone responded in unison, and laughter echoed in the warmth of home.

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