
Fengjie County People's Hospital: Health science popularization into the campus, "dry goods" full of escort health

author:Chongqing Health Pass

In recent years, how to improve the health literacy of the whole population has become the focus of public attention. In order to deepen the public's understanding and application of health science knowledge, we will strive to build a brand of "Healthy China Bayu Tour" theme publicity activities. On June 27, Fengjie County People's Hospital Health Science Popularization entered the first stop of large-scale public welfare activities of enterprises (institutions) and schools - Changlong Middle School Station in Fair Town, bringing "dry goods" full of health knowledge to teachers and students.

Fengjie County People's Hospital: Health science popularization into the campus, "dry goods" full of escort health
Fengjie County People's Hospital: Health science popularization into the campus, "dry goods" full of escort health

At the ceremony, Zheng Wei, vice principal of Changlong Middle School, first delivered a welcome speech; Xiong Chunlin, vice president of Fengjie County People's Hospital, introduced the basic situation of the hospital and the purpose of the activity, Changlong Middle School is the first township middle school of the hospital's health science popularization action, and it is also the first stop, which will actively promote the implementation of health science knowledge promotion and medical service sinking.

Fengjie County People's Hospital: Health science popularization into the campus, "dry goods" full of escort health

In the popularization of health science, experts explained professional knowledge in detail and provided health consultation through the combination of theory and practice with the titles of "How to Prevent Tuberculosis", "Myopia Prevention and Control Lecture", "Stress and Emotion Management - From Pressure to Motivation, Guarding the Soul of Youth" and "Reasonable Diet and Healthy Growth - Nutrition Knowledge for Middle School Students". At the same time, reasonable suggestions and health guidance are given to many teachers due to heavy work burden, high psychological pressure, long-term stomach discomfort, neck, shoulder, waist and leg pain, insomnia, dizziness, dizziness and other problems.

"This activity is not only a training for students, but also a training for our teachers' health education work, and has built a scientific and professional platform for our school's health education work." Zheng Wei, vice principal of Changlong Middle School, said.

For a long time, the county people's hospital has regarded health science popularization and health education as one of the important tasks of the hospital, and put it in the same important position as medical treatment and scientific research. The hospital also carries out diversified cooperation with official media on multiple platforms through various online platforms such as WeChat official account, video account, and Douyin, and continues to output high-quality popular science content.

Next, the hospital will continue to carry out large-scale public welfare activities to popularize health science into enterprises (institutions) and schools, so that more people can understand health knowledge and be the first responsible person for their own health. (Wang Lingjun)


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