
There are 4 opportunities to enter a Japanese language school every year, which month is the best time to enroll?

author:Little fish reads

Those who are planning to study in Japan will know that Japanese language schools have four enrollment times a year, namely January, April, July and October, and most people will recommend that it is better to go in April.

There are 4 opportunities to enter a Japanese language school every year, which month is the best time to enroll?

So. What is the difference between the 4 chances of admission to a Japanese language school? In this article, I will introduce to you the differences between enrollment in different months, and you can share it with those who need it.

There are 4 opportunities to enter a Japanese language school every year, which month is the best time to enroll?

January students

Since the visa is only 1 year and 3 months, and there are only 2 opportunities to take the entrance examination and the on-campus examination, you need to concentrate on preparing for the exam. Time is tight and tasks are heavy, so it is more suitable for students who have a good foundation in Japanese before entering the school and want to go to Japan as soon as possible!

There are 4 opportunities to enter a Japanese language school every year, which month is the best time to enroll?

April students

April students are more suitable for students who have a weak foundation in Japanese and need time to learn Japanese, and arrange their course study planning according to their actual situation. In addition, students can take the international student exam up to four times at the language school, which greatly increases the chances of students entering the school of their dreams!

There are 4 opportunities to enter a Japanese language school every year, which month is the best time to enroll?

Born in July

July students and graduation are seamless, and the opportunities for further studies are not much different from those of April students. You can take up to 3 international student examinations and 3 full graduate school entrance examinations or graduate entrance examinations.

There are 4 opportunities to enter a Japanese language school every year, which month is the best time to enroll?


October is second only to April in terms of importance, and it is also a very suitable enrollment period in general. The one-and-a-half-year duration is not a waste of time and gives students ample opportunity to take exams. You can take up to 3 international student examinations and 3 full graduate school entrance examinations or graduate entrance examinations.

There are 4 opportunities to enter a Japanese language school every year, which month is the best time to enroll?

Through the understanding of the enrollment in different months, everyone should be clear. The basic difference is in the preparation time and the opportunity to take the exam.

For those with strong ability, they can naturally choose the fastest time, while those with relatively weak ability can choose the month with sufficient time and more opportunities for exams.

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