
The thug who slashed the Japanese mother and son is by no means a hero!

author:New Insights 2022

On June 25, a Japanese mother and son were slashed in Suzhou, and a Chinese woman was seriously injured.

The thug who slashed the Japanese mother and son is by no means a hero!

This incident quickly aroused the attention of public opinion.

Because some time ago there was an incident in which Americans were attacked in Jilin, and here in Suzhou, there was another incident of a Japanese mother and child being slashed with knives, it is easy for people to wonder whether there is an extreme "national sentiment" permeating society.

But in fact, this incident has little to do with "national sentiment".

Officials have already said that this is an accidental incident, and it is not some xenophobic incident against the Japanese.

The thug who slashed the Japanese mother and son is by no means a hero!

Public opinion on this matter is very hot, and large and small media are reporting it.

But I wonder why so many multimedia are only staring at the "Japanese mother and son" and making a fuss, and there are "suspects who attacked Japanese mothers and children are arrested" everywhere, but they don't mention the woman who bravely stood up and is still rescuing.

She was seriously injured and is still lying in the hospital where her fate is uncertain.

Could it be that compared to the pair of "Japanese mother and son", the life and death of this Chinese woman seem so insignificant?

The thug who slashed the Japanese mother and son is by no means a hero!

This Chinese woman should be thanked and praised.

Compared to the perpetrator who slashed people with a knife, she is the real brave.

Because her courage at the scene reflects the kindness of the vast majority of Chinese and our collective attitude towards any murder.

I wish her a speedy recovery!

She's the hero who needs the media's attention!

The thug who slashed the Japanese mother and son is by no means a hero!

After this incident, all kinds of strange remarks emerged one after another, and many of them exuded abnormal feelings of hatred against Japan.

Not only did some people applaud the perpetrators, but some even said that "the Japanese mother and son were cut off," just like the soldiers who lost at the Lugou Bridge in those years, it was a conspiracy and trickery of the Japanese to deliberately provoke the incident.

These claims are not worth refuting and do not have basic reason and common sense.

Through this case, we also have to reflect on a question again:

How should we look at the current complex Sino-Japanese relations?

It's actually quite simple, the main line is there.

Chairman Mao said a long time ago:

The Chinese people are the same as the Japanese people, and there is only one enemy, that is, Japanese imperialism and the national scum of China!

The thug who slashed the Japanese mother and son is by no means a hero!

So it was then, and it is still so!

Those who wield knives against civilians are not only criminals, but also fools!

In 1940, in the tragic Battle of the Hundred Regiments, Nie Shuai still rescued two Japanese little girls from the war, and arranged for special people to take care of them, risking them to be sent to the Japanese stronghold in Jingcheng City.

On July 14, 1980, the girl, who was already a mother of three, overcame all kinds of difficulties to come to China to express her deep gratitude to Nie Shuai in person.

This scene touched the whole world and made people cry.

The thug who slashed the Japanese mother and son is by no means a hero!

This is not only the morality of human nature, but also the embodiment of a person's pattern.

Now, it is really unbelievable that someone on the Internet has started singing praises for the hurters.

These words encouraging murder are anti-intellectual and stupid.

Because, they simply don't know where the enemy is!

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