
On the wedding night, Guo Moruo saw that the bride was too ugly and refused to have sex with her. Suddenly, the bride grabbed him by the sleeve and humbly pleaded, "Please, come to me!" Guo Moruo glanced back at his wife

author:Character Entertainment

On the wedding night, Guo Moruo saw that the bride was too ugly and refused to have sex with her. Suddenly, the bride grabbed him by the sleeve and humbly pleaded, "Please, come to me!" Guo Moruo glanced back at his wife and shook the door away......

In the long history of China, the social background and cultural environment of the early 20th century have had a profound impact on the fate of individuals, especially in the concepts of marriage and love.

The marriage story of Guo Moruo and Zhang Qionghua is a product of the background of this era, reflecting the various contradictions and conflicts in the society at that time.

Guo Moruo was a literati who had been trained in new ideas, and his ideas ran counter to most traditional ideas.

He resented the arranged marriage system that was prevalent at the time, believing that it suppressed the free will of the individual and prevented two strangers from truly establishing an emotional connection.

However, despite his deep rebellion, social and family pressures eventually forced him to succumb.

Zhang Qionghua is a typical traditional woman, and her fate is ruthlessly arranged under the framework of her parents' orders and the words of the matchmaker.

Her appearance does not conform to Guo Moruo's aesthetics, coupled with her traditional concepts, which makes Guo Moruo lack the most basic emotional connection with her.

On the wedding day, Guo Moruo's dislike for her was undisguised, and Zhang Qionghua's three-inch golden lotus became a symbol of Guo Moruo's disgust.

Life after marriage was full of hardships for Zhang Qionghua, in that era when men were superior to women, women had almost no freedom to choose marriage, let alone oppose it.

Although Guo Moruo's mentality and behavior made her suffer a lot, and she also tried to save the relationship by becoming pregnant, Guo Moruo refused to have sex with her even the most basic husband and wife relationship, which was undoubtedly a huge humiliation and blow to Zhang Qionghua.

Faced with constant family pressure and personal dissatisfaction, Guo Moruo chose to escape.

He decided to study abroad, looked for new life possibilities, and married a nurse in Japan, Tomiko Sato, to start a new life, completely ignoring Zhang Qionghua, who stayed in China.

After Guo Moruo left, Zhang Qionghua took on the responsibility of taking care of her in-laws, and in this long lonely time, she has been facing the hardships of life alone, and Guo Moruo has never looked back.

Even when Guo Moruo's parents died, he hurriedly returned to China, simply thanked Zhang Qionghua for his selfless efforts over the years, and then left again.

Zhang Qionghua's story is a microcosm of many women of that era, who lived extremely difficult lives in feudal bondage and social expectations, with little power to choose themselves.

Even in an extremely unhappy marriage, they can only choose patience and sacrifice, hoping that through their own efforts, they can exchange family harmony and their husband's change of heart.

Although Guo Moruo is to some extent a representative of rebellion against tradition, in his marriage to Zhang Qionghua, he also shows the self-centeredness of men at that time and the expectation of traditional female roles.

His life choices, whether studying abroad or having an extramarital affair, reflect his quest for personal freedom, which has come at the expense of Zhang Qionghua's happiness.

Zhang Qionghua's life is a profound embodiment of the tragedy of women in that era, and if she had been born in a more open and equal society, her fate might have been completely different.

But the wheels of history have run over, and she can only find the meaning of existence in her own time. Although her story is full of sadness and helplessness, her tenacity and patience have also moved future generations.


Information sources:

"Guo Moruo and Zhang Qionghua, who is the victim of the old ritual system? Cover News

On the wedding night, Guo Moruo saw that the bride was too ugly and refused to have sex with her. Suddenly, the bride grabbed him by the sleeve and humbly pleaded, "Please, come to me!" Guo Moruo glanced back at his wife
On the wedding night, Guo Moruo saw that the bride was too ugly and refused to have sex with her. Suddenly, the bride grabbed him by the sleeve and humbly pleaded, "Please, come to me!" Guo Moruo glanced back at his wife
On the wedding night, Guo Moruo saw that the bride was too ugly and refused to have sex with her. Suddenly, the bride grabbed him by the sleeve and humbly pleaded, "Please, come to me!" Guo Moruo glanced back at his wife

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