
Remember not to blister the fungus directly and teach you the correct way to do it

author:I'm Qiu Tian

Black fungus is no stranger to our daily dining table, it is both nutritious and delicious. Usually we buy dried fungus, when it is necessary to eat, it is enough to soak it in advance. When it comes to soaking fungus, many friends just put it in a container, then add cold water and wait for the fungus to bubble out, but this process often takes a long time. Moreover, there are many folds on the surface of the fungus, which causes some bacteria, insect eggs, etc. to be hidden inside. If the fungus is not cleaned thoroughly, it is easy to cause gastrointestinal discomfort. Today, I will share with you a method about quickly soaking fungus and cleaning the fungus, let's take a look!

Remember not to blister the fungus directly and teach you the correct way to do it

One: Tips for choosing black fungus.

Before soaking the fungus, let's talk about the method of selecting the fungus. Some unscrupulous merchants will use magnesium sulfate to soak in order to make the fungus more pressed and have a better appearance, which is not beneficial to the body, so when buying fungus, we have to choose carefully. High-quality fungus, its front is dark brown or jet black, while the back is gray or off-white, the color of the two sides is not the same, and the fungus also looks shiny, showing a natural curl feeling. Not only that, but when we break the fungus with our hands, it can easily be broken into two sections. On the contrary, if the fungus looks black all over, and it feels heavy and not easy to break, then it is likely that magnesium sulfate has been used to soak such fungus, or it has deteriorated, so it is better not to buy it.

Remember not to blister the fungus directly and teach you the correct way to do it

2: Rapid soaking and cleaning of fungus.

In fact, if we want the fungus to soak quickly, we only need to use a few common items at home: sugar, baking soda and flour. We first prepare an appropriate amount of fungus, and simply rinse the fungus with running water to wash away some impurities on the surface. Then place it in a container with a lid and pour in more warm water. Many friends use cold water directly to soak fungus, but it takes a long time to soak it; Some friends will use boiling water, although boiling water can help the fungus soak quickly, but the water temperature is too high, which will make the fungus soak soft and rotten, and the nutrients will also be lost. If you use warm water, that is, the water temperature that is almost not hot, it can not only speed up the soaking speed, but also will not affect the nutrition and taste of the fungus.

Remember not to blister the fungus directly and teach you the correct way to do it

Once the water is added, we pour a small spoonful of baking soda and a little sugar and flour into the fungus. Baking soda is weakly alkaline and has a strong cleaning effect, which can help to clean the fungus more cleanly; White sugar can accelerate the water absorption capacity of the fungus, so that the fungus can quickly expand and reduce the time of soaking; The flour has a good adsorption effect, which can adsorb the eggs and dust hidden in the folds of the fungus into the water, making the fungus cleaner and cleaner.

Remember not to blister the fungus directly and teach you the correct way to do it

Next, we close the lid of the container and hold the container in our hands and shake it constantly. In the process of shaking, the movement of water molecules can be accelerated, which will accelerate the water absorption of the fungus, and it can also make the fungus soak quickly. Moreover, when shaking, the fungus will always collide with the inner wall, which can also help to clean the fungus more cleanly.

Remember not to blister the fungus directly and teach you the correct way to do it

After about three ~ four minutes of shaking, we will open the lid of the container. At this time, you can see that the fungus is soaked, big and soft. And because of the cleaning effect of baking soda and flour, the dirt on the surface of the fungus is also cleaned. Finally, we rinse the fungus several times with running water to rinse the residue and rinse it, so that the fungus is ready for cooking.

Remember not to blister the fungus directly and teach you the correct way to do it

Three: Some precautions about fungus.

1. Soaking time: fungus is a kind of fungus food, not suitable for long-term soaking, if the soaking time is too long, it will not only cause the loss of nutrients, but also cause the breeding of bacteria. Such fungus can be harmful to the body when eaten. Therefore, every time we soak the fungus, we had better eat as much as we soak, and eat it in time when the soak is good. If the soaked fungus is not consumed, even if it is stored in the refrigerator, it should not exceed 8 hours.

2. Avoid pinching: There are various cooking methods for fungus, such as cold dressing, stir-frying, stewed soup, etc. However, it should be noted that the fungus must be cooked before it can be eaten, otherwise it can easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

3. Avoid excessive consumption: Although fungus is rich in nutrients, it should not be consumed excessively. Excessive consumption of fungus may cause problems such as indigestion, diarrhea, etc. If today's article is helpful to you, then click a follow, a like, and thank you for your support.

Remember not to blister the fungus directly and teach you the correct way to do it