
45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, the maintenance was so good, and he didn't recognize who his father was in the same frame with his son for a while

author:Fun facts about the world of sports


Hey, friends, have you ever wondered what it would be like if one day, our familiar faces suddenly appeared on the other side of the world, and they were still wearing the aura of immortality?

No, our diving prince Tian Liang staged a good show of "time reversal" on the streets of the UK, which made countless netizens exclaim again and again, exclaiming: "Which fairy freezing technique is this?" ”

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, the maintenance was so good, and he didn't recognize who his father was in the same frame with his son for a while

Tian Liang, for many people, this name is not only the champion with a strong posture on the platform, but also a friendly big brother in front of the TV screen.

After retiring from the diving platform, he was active in the entertainment industry as a public figure, and his affinity and positive energy made him plant a deep memory in the hearts of fans.

And recently, Tian Liang's unexpected appearance in the UK seems to have pressed the backward button of the time machine, and people can't help but sigh, has this guy forgotten him?

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, the maintenance was so good, and he didn't recognize who his father was in the same frame with his son for a while

On the streets of London, or in the alleys of Cambridge, suddenly, a familiar figure broke into sight - yes, it was Tian Liang, who was smiling and sunny, accompanied by a pair of tall and handsome young boys and girls, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, who would have believed that this "reverse growth" father was 45 years old?

From the café in the early morning light to the bank of the Thames at sunset, the British travel account of Tian Liang's family has become a hot topic on social media.

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, the maintenance was so good, and he didn't recognize who his father was in the same frame with his son for a while

Speaking of which, Tian Liang's freshness cheats are really curious.

45 years old sounds like a middle-aged number, but on his face, there seems to be no trace of time.

Could it be that he really drinks fairy dew and eats elixir every day?

Of course not, if you dig deeper, you will find that Tian Liang's lifestyle is the real "rejuvenation technique" - a balanced diet, consistent exercise, and that optimistic attitude, each of which is his secret weapon to maintain his youthful vitality.

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, the maintenance was so good, and he didn't recognize who his father was in the same frame with his son for a while

Looking at his tight face, and comparing it with those peers around him, I have to admit that proper maintenance can really make people "ten years younger".

And what makes netizens play the game of "finding differences" the most is the picture of Tian Liang standing with a pair of children.

Sendie and Liangzai, the little guys who inherited the excellent genes of their parents, are not only close to their father's height, but even the charm between their eyebrows and eyes seems to be copied and pasted.

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, the maintenance was so good, and he didn't recognize who his father was in the same frame with his son for a while

Netizens ridiculed: "Is this hereditary strength, or did Tian Liang eat preservatives?" Especially when they are wearing casual clothes and walking down the street as a family, the warm and slightly confusing scene makes passers-by can't help but take a few more glances and guess who the real "frozen age dad" is.

Speaking of Sendie, this child is simply a promising model at a young age.

On the tennis court, she is like a miniature version of the tennis elf, with a swing of the racket, not only the accuracy of the shot, but also the concentration and passion that make people look away.

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, the maintenance was so good, and he didn't recognize who his father was in the same frame with his son for a while

Even in the scorching summer, the temperature soared to 40 degrees, 8 hours of continuous high-intensity training, she was not inferior, persisted like a clear stream in the summer, this perseverance and innate talent, really people can't help but want to give her a big thumbs up, by the way: "Children, are you going to be with the rhythm of the sun?" ”

And when she transforms from a young athlete on the court, her fingers touch the keys, at that moment, time seems to stand still.

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, the maintenance was so good, and he didn't recognize who his father was in the same frame with his son for a while

The melodious sound of the piano slowly flowed from her fingers, and each note seemed to be given life, jumping to tell their own story.

Where is playing the piano, it is clearly weaving dreams with musical notes, showing the world her extraordinary understanding of art and affectionate embrace.

People can't help but ask, Sendie, Sendie, did you secretly borrow some inspiration from Mozart?

Obviously, Tian Liang's education plan is to make this little princess into an omnipotent "little superman".

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, the maintenance was so good, and he didn't recognize who his father was in the same frame with his son for a while

From sports to music, from sweat to melody, every step is both steady and creative, which makes people have to sigh that this is not only the success of family education, but also a living "all-round children's training guide".

It seems that in the future, whether it is the changes on the tennis court or the gorgeous performance in the music hall, Sendie is ready to write her own colorful chapter in her unique way.

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, the maintenance was so good, and he didn't recognize who his father was in the same frame with his son for a while

Tian Liang's trip to the UK seems to have quietly laid a well-planned chess piece on Sendie's life chessboard.

Cambridge, the glittering temple of learning, is not only a beacon of wisdom, but also a place where dreams set sail.

Imagine Sen Die walking lightly through the corridors of the historic library, the agarwood of ancient books intertwined with her exuberant energy, and then leaping to the forefront of futuristic technology, dancing with science in those modern laboratories that shimmer with silver light.

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, the maintenance was so good, and he didn't recognize who his father was in the same frame with his son for a while

This scene is simply a living "growth story of a scholar", which makes people laugh at the same time, and at the same time, they also imagine the rainbow-like future of Sendie.

Whether she chooses to continue to sweat on the green field and become the next bright star in the sports world; Or decided to spread his wings and soar in the vast universe of art, using brushes or musical notes to paint the landscape of the soul; Even bravely crossing the border to become an adventurer exploring uncharted territory, Sen Die's small wings have gathered strong winds that are strong enough for her to soar into the sky.

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, the maintenance was so good, and he didn't recognize who his father was in the same frame with his son for a while

In her bag, she has not only the solid backing given by her parents, but also her own accumulated strength and courage.

This trip to the UK may be a wonderful preview of her legendary story!

Of course, behind all this, it is inseparable from the careful cultivation of Tian Liang and Ye Yiqian, the model parents.

They use their own actions to interpret what is the education of love, encouragement, guidance, and companionship, and every moment of growth is full of the warmth of home.

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, the maintenance was so good, and he didn't recognize who his father was in the same frame with his son for a while

In such an environment, every progress of Sendie is the best feedback to parents.

Take a look at the second generation of stars around her, such as Wang Shiling's international style and Tiantian's modeling potential, Sendie is unique among them, and she interprets what "star-studded" is in her own way.

While netizens are envious, they are also full of expectations that Tian Liang and his wife can share some parenting experiences, after all, who doesn't want their children to be as good as Sendie?

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, the maintenance was so good, and he didn't recognize who his father was in the same frame with his son for a while


Tian Liang's trip to the UK is not only a happy trip for families, but also an in-depth discussion about growth, education and the future.

We look forward to this loving family continuing to write their own wonderful story, and Sendie will undoubtedly be the most dazzling chapter in this story.

Let us bless them together, may time be gentle, and let happiness and achievement always accompany Tian Liang's family!

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