
The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge has recently exploded in India, Indian netizens: It's not compared with China, India is not worthy!

author:Fun facts about the world of sports


Have you ever tried to almost drop your jaw to the ground just by looking at a photo? Well, this has recently played out on Indian social media – the protagonist? It must be China's Shenzhong Bridge!

Imagine, a bridge that crosses the sea and connects two prosperous cities, Indian netizens are not calm, and they have incarnated as ministers of the "Shock Ministry", full of "Wow" and "Awesome my brother".

In the screenshot, those likes, retweets, and comments are densely packed, as if everyone's hearts have crossed the mountains and the sea with this bridge.

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge has recently exploded in India, Indian netizens: It's not compared with China, India is not worthy!

To tell the truth, the Shenzhong Bridge is a well-known existence in the "bridge circle", the total length of 1666 meters, it is not a joke, take a trip, ensure that the cover of your WeChat movement is proper, and the "step by step" in the circle of friends is none other than you.

What's even more jaw-dropping is that the huge extent of this project, which lasted for 8 years, is like filming a realistic version of the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, and the investment - 46 billion yuan, this amount is enough to make the economic construction of a small country take off from scratch.

The bridge we are talking about, it goes beyond the bridge itself, it is a spark collision of perseverance and wisdom, coupled with the "magic" of the RMB, a miracle conceived together!

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge has recently exploded in India, Indian netizens: It's not compared with China, India is not worthy!

To build such a bridge, those engineers must have superhuman genes, right? In the face of the wild sea breeze and the intricate rock maze at the bottom of the sea, every challenge is like a boss battle in the game, but people rely on top technology and brain-opening solutions to conquer these "roadblock monsters" one by one.

As a result, the bridge is as stable as an old pine tree, and I will not move it even if the wind and waves blow, and the durability feels like it will last for generations.

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge has recently exploded in India, Indian netizens: It's not compared with China, India is not worthy!

On the day of the official opening of traffic, the distance from Shenzhen to Zhongshan has been shortened from the original grinding 2.5 hours by car to half an hour.

The reaction of Indian netizens is called a wonderful one.

Some shouted, "You can't compare with China, you can't compare!" Some sighed, "When will India have such a bridge?"

In front of the screen, you can feel their envy and loss, just like watching other people's children win awards and their own children are still playing with mud.

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge has recently exploded in India, Indian netizens: It's not compared with China, India is not worthy!

When it comes to India's infrastructure, hey, it's too beautiful to look at.

Potholed roads and cluttered toll booths are simply "third world version of the feature".

In contrast, the sourness in the hearts of Indian netizens is like eating an unripe lemon.

But they also began to seriously reflect on the efficiency of the government and the level of management, these issues are like eye-catching scars, reminding India of the need for change.

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge has recently exploded in India, Indian netizens: It's not compared with China, India is not worthy!

When it comes to China's infrastructure construction, it is simply a living "dream space" drama.

The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, like a dragon leaping over the sea, connects not only the geographical distance of the three places, but also the deep integration of economy and culture.

The Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway, it is not only a high-speed track, it is the speed and passion of "flying close to the ground", which makes people really feel what is the modern version of "a thousand miles of Jiangling in one day".

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge has recently exploded in India, Indian netizens: It's not compared with China, India is not worthy!

These super projects are not just as simple as the lines on the map, they are the strong pulse of China's development, so that the domestic transportation network extends in all directions like blood vessels, laying a solid runway for the rapid running of the economy, and the development of urbanization seems to be equipped with wings, soaring into the sky, which makes people sigh that the speed of development is simply playing at twice the speed.

Let's talk about our manufacturing strength, let's take tires as an example, the quality is really leveraged, wear-resistant, safe and reliable, even if it is an internationally renowned brand, you have to secretly praise it, thinking in your heart: "This cost performance, absolutely amazing!" Especially after letting Indian friends experience it, they directly became "word-of-mouth ambassadors", shouting: "This wave of operations, it's really fragrant warning!" ”

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge has recently exploded in India, Indian netizens: It's not compared with China, India is not worthy!

In the field of science and technology, China is like opening a "future accelerator", 5G, AI, cloud computing...... China is not only a participant in these cutting-edge technologies, but also a leader.

It feels like China has secretly studied the "cheats" of the science and technology tree, and it has been racing all the way on the track of scientific and technological development.

The popularization of these black technologies not only makes our daily life intelligent and convenient, but also allows the world to see the rise of a scientific and technological power, and China's figure on the international stage is becoming more and more upright, just like putting on "scientific and technological combat boots", and every step is confident and firm.

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge has recently exploded in India, Indian netizens: It's not compared with China, India is not worthy!

The development model of China and India is like that of two old neighbors who decide to renovate their homes.

China's neighbor, with blueprints clear to the bottom of every brick, and the workers resemble an orchestration of superheroes, with uniform movements and incredible efficiency, as if they could lift tall buildings from the ground overnight.

The Indian neighbors, on the other hand, are holding a never-ending family meeting, where the color of each tile and the function of each room are discussed, and although the progress is slow, it fully reflects the voice of each member.

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge has recently exploded in India, Indian netizens: It's not compared with China, India is not worthy!

This difference, one is like the speed and strength of the Flash, and the other is the meticulousness and thoughtfulness of the detective.

The voices of self-reflection that resound from time to time in Indian society are more like trailers full of hope for the future, revealing a desire to move forward faster.

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge has recently exploded in India, Indian netizens: It's not compared with China, India is not worthy!

Speaking of the future, can China and India join hands to draw a magnificent new chapter in Asia?

Imagine that the cooperation between the two countries in infrastructure construction is like building a bridge of friendship across the Himalayas, and technological exchanges are a spark of wisdom that is rekindled on the ancient Silk Road, which is not only a collaboration of engineering, but also a cross-millennial meeting of ideas between two ancient civilizations.

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge has recently exploded in India, Indian netizens: It's not compared with China, India is not worthy!

What we envision is not just a physical bridge, but a deep connection between the heart and the mind.

Imagine the tenacity of the Great Wall and the softness of the Taj Mahal, which is not only a closer geographical space, but also a mutual inspiration of cultural and innovative inspiration, adding unprecedented brilliance to the planet.

If the two Asian giants can stand shoulder to shoulder, it will not only be the progress of the two countries, but also a big step towards a more brilliant future for all mankind.

This picture, just thinking about it, is enough to make people's blood boil and full of anticipation.

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge has recently exploded in India, Indian netizens: It's not compared with China, India is not worthy!


The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge is not just a bridge, it is a bridge between dreams and reality, a showcase of China's strength, and a catalyst for deep reflection among Indian friends.

Behind this bridge are the different understandings and pursuits of development between the two countries.

In the future, there may be more such "bridges" between China and India, which not only connect geographical distances, but also connect hearts and minds, promote understanding, promote cooperation, and jointly write a new chapter of prosperity in Asia and the world.

After all, the world is so big, we can always see different scenery when we walk together.

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