
2 Keywords to Prevent the Spread of Cancer Boost your righteous qi and avoid evil poisons, doing so is depleting your yang energy

author:Professor Liu, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine Oncology

In the world of traditional Chinese medicine, cancer is not only what modern medicine describes, but also a manifestation of an imbalance in the body's internal environment, weakness of righteous qi, and internal abundance of evil poison. Therefore, compared with Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, it has a unique understanding and method of cancer treatment and prevention.

Traditional Chinese medicine regards cancer as the result of a deficiency of righteous qi and the accumulation of evil qi in the body. As the "Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon" says: "Righteousness is stored in the body, and evil cannot be done; Where evil is gathered, its spirit will be empty. "Righteousness is like a guardian of the body, when the righteousness is sufficient, the human body can resist external evils and maintain the normal function of the internal organs and meridians.

2 Keywords to Prevent the Spread of Cancer Boost your righteous qi and avoid evil poisons, doing so is depleting your yang energy

Evil spirits, such as phlegm, blood stasis, and heat poison, are the main culprits that cause the occurrence of diseases. The formation of cancer is caused by the lack of righteous qi and the inability to resist the invasion of evil qi, which has lived in the body for a long time and is stagnant and agglomerate.

Righteousness: Enhance the body's ability to fight cancer

In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, righteousness is the ability of the human body to resist disease and is a barrier against the invasion of external evils. When there is sufficient righteous qi, even if there are cancer cells in the body, they can be removed or controlled in time. Therefore, strengthening righteousness is the key to preventing the spread and metastasis of cancer.

Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes the holistic approach to regulate the internal organs, qi and blood. Through the rational use of traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions, the body's immune function can be enhanced and the ability to resist diseases can be improved. At the same time, pay attention to the regulation of emotions, maintain a comfortable mood, and avoid stagnation of liver qi and damage to healthy qi.

2 Keywords to Prevent the Spread of Cancer Boost your righteous qi and avoid evil poisons, doing so is depleting your yang energy

Avoiding evil poisons: Reduces the chance of cancer cells spreading and metastasizing

In traditional Chinese medicine, evil poison refers to various factors that can cause human diseases, including environmental pollution, bad lifestyle habits, pathogens, etc. Avoiding evil poisons is to reduce the damage of these factors and reduce the risk of cancer cells spreading and metastasizing.

In the treatment, the use of heat and detoxification, blood circulation and stasis, phlegm and knots removal methods to remove evil poisons from the body. In terms of avoiding evil and poison, it is necessary to stay away from pathogenic factors. Avoid contact with harmful substances, such as chemical poisons, radioactive substances, etc.

Be wary of these behaviors, they may be draining your yang energy

Overwork: Overwork can deplete the yang energy in the body and weaken the righteous energy. Patients should rest and recuperate more to avoid overwork.

2 Keywords to Prevent the Spread of Cancer Boost your righteous qi and avoid evil poisons, doing so is depleting your yang energy

Emotional depression: Emotional depression can affect the flow of qi and blood, leading to qi stagnation and blood stasis, increasing the risk of cancer. Therefore, patients should maintain a good mood and avoid depression.

Over-treatment: Over-treatment such as over-surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, etc., can damage the body's positive and yang energy. Cancer patients should choose the appropriate treatment according to their own situation and avoid overtreatment.

In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, the key to preventing the spread and metastasis of cancer is to strengthen the righteous qi and avoid evil poisons. By adjusting the dietary structure, appropriate exercise, and traditional Chinese medicine conditioning, the healthy qi in the body can be enhanced; Stay away from environmental pollution, develop good living habits, and prevent infection. can reduce the harm of evil poison. Only in this way can we better prevent and treat cancer and improve the quality of life.