
So crazy? No wonder she can't be popular...

author:Fun Garden Miscellaneous Talk

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The personality collision in "Sister Lang 4": the sparks and controversies between He Jie and Shang Wenjie

On the stage of the entertainment industry, every subtle action and every inadvertent word may become the focus of heated discussions among the audience and netizens. Especially in highly competitive variety shows, such as the "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" (referred to as "Sister Lang") series, every grouping and every cooperation is like throwing a stone into a calm lake, causing ripples. In "Sister Lang 4", the conflict between He Jie and Shang Wenjie is such a stone, which aroused heated discussions and deep thinking among the audience and netizens.

So crazy? No wonder she can't be popular...

The story begins with a simple grouping. He Jie, the female singer who once won countless fans with her sweet voice and straightforward personality, and Shang Wenjie, the female singer who has a place in the music world with her unique voice and introverted personality, were unexpectedly placed in the same group. The first contact between the two did not seem to go well. He Jie took the initiative to show favor and invited Shang Wenjie to live in the same room, but was politely rejected by Shang Wenjie. Shang Wenjie's reason is very simple, she is not familiar with He Jie and needs some private space. This was an understandable answer, but in He Jie's opinion, it was like being poured a basin of cold water.

So crazy? No wonder she can't be popular...

As the practice deepened, the contradictions between the two gradually escalated. In the process of assigning lyrics, He Jie once again invited Shang Wenjie, hoping that the two could sing the most important part of the song together. However, Shang Wenjie rejected He Jie again, she thought that her voice was more compatible with Guo Biting, while He Jie's voice was too bright. Such an answer undoubtedly touched He Jie's sensitive nerves again. She began to question Shang Wenjie's decision, and even her ability. When the captain Sa Dingding had agreed to Shang Wenjie's suggestion and was about to start practicing, He Jie suddenly became angry and loudly accused Shang Wenjie, thinking that she was deliberately targeting herself.

So crazy? No wonder she can't be popular...

In the face of He Jie's accusation, Shang Wenjie did not choose to fight back, but patiently explained her decision. She tried to tell He Jie that it was just a musical suggestion and didn't mean anything about her. However, He Jie didn't listen to these explanations, she thought that Shang Wenjie was evading responsibility and deliberately embarrassing her. She even said defiantly: "If you're afraid of me, it's okay to cooperate with Zhu Dan." Such remarks undoubtedly pushed the relationship between the two to a more tense level.

So crazy? No wonder she can't be popular...

What's even more unexpected is that in full view of everyone, He Jie actually chose to leave. She yelled for a "change of scene" and left the practice room without looking back. Such an act shocked everyone present. It is really incomprehensible that a female artist who has been in the entertainment industry for many years would choose to leave the scene because of a trivial matter during the recording of the show.

In this heated discussion, netizens stood in line and expressed their opinions, making this conflict, which originally only existed on the stage of "Sister Lang 4", quickly spread to every corner of social media.

So crazy? No wonder she can't be popular...

Netizens who support Shang Wenjie believe that the calmness and rationality she shows when dealing with team affairs are something that every team member should learn. They believe that in the pursuit of individual dreams and team success, it is necessary to have a big-picture view and team spirit. Shang Wenjie's choice is based on the consideration of the whole team and the stage effect, rather than simple personal preferences or emotions. In their opinion, He Jie's behavior is obviously too impulsive and selfish, and she only thinks about her own interests and emotional needs, but ignores the interests of the team as a whole.

Netizens who support He Jie have different opinions. They believe that He Jie's straightforward and sincere personality is her greatest charm. In the highly competitive entertainment industry, people who dare to express their ideas are often more likely to gain the respect and recognition of others. He Jie's firmness and courage in the conflict are her persistence and persistence in her musical pursuit as a musician. They believe that Shang Wenjie is too cold and selfish and unwilling to give He Jie a chance, which is not advisable in teamwork.

So crazy? No wonder she can't be popular...

This discussion is not only about the personal feud between He Jie and Shang Wenjie, but also about teamwork and personal character. In the competitive and challenging environment of the entertainment industry, every team member needs to have the corresponding qualities and qualities in order to gain a foothold in the team and succeed.

Some people will say that Shang Wenjie's calmness and sanity are the key to her foothold in the entertainment industry, but some people think that this calmness is too indifferent and lacks human touch. Although He Jie's straightforwardness and sincerity have won the support of some people, some people believe that her impulsiveness and selfishness will affect the harmony and stability of the whole team.

This conflict has shown us the importance of teamwork and individual character in the entertainment industry. In the days to come, I hope that every artist can learn from this conflict, better handle the relationship between the individual and the team, and bring more excellent works and performances to the audience.

So crazy? No wonder she can't be popular...

In my opinion, this conflict is not simply a matter of right or wrong. It is more a reflection of the differences in the personalities and ways of doing things between the two players. He Jie is a direct and enthusiastic person, and what she pursues is the realization of personal value and emotional satisfaction. She hopes to show her strength on stage and win the recognition and love of the audience. Shang Wenjie, on the other hand, is a reserved and calm person, who pays more attention to the overall interests of the team and the integrity of the music. She wants to be able to play to her strengths in the team and contribute to the success of the whole team.

There is no right or wrong between these two personalities, they are just suitable for different environments and occasions. However, on a stage like "Sister Lang", a show that requires teamwork and tacit understanding, Shang Wenjie's calmness and consideration are more admired as a whole. She is able to put herself in the shoes of the team and contribute to the success of the whole team. He Jie's behavior seems to be too impulsive and selfish, she only thinks about her own interests and emotional needs, and ignores the overall interests of the team.

So crazy? No wonder she can't be popular...

Nor can we completely deny He Jie's value and contributions. As an excellent singer and entertainer, she has her own unique charm and talent. However, in this conflict, her actions are indeed disappointing and regrettable. She should learn to control her emotions and demeanor, and respect the interests of others and the team as a whole. Only in this way can she go further and more steadily in the competitive and challenging environment of the entertainment industry.

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