
When your immunity is weakened, your body will tell you through 5 pathways

author:Minfu Health Care Hall

Immunity, as the "guardian saint" of human health, plays a very important role in resisting the invasion of external viruses, bacteria and other pathogens. However, in today's society, affected by factors such as the accelerated pace of life, aggravated environmental pollution, and bad living habits, people's immunity is often challenged and has a downward trend. When immunity declines, the body tells us through a series of "signals" that are our "warning lights" to protect our health!

1. Frequent colds that do not heal for a long time

The most obvious sign is that colds are frequent and the recovery period is prolonged each time. The common cold, which used to get better in 1 week, can now be delayed for 2 weeks or more. This means that the immune system has become sluggish in its response to the virus and is unable to eliminate pathogens quickly and effectively.

When your immunity is weakened, your body will tell you through 5 pathways

2. Easy fatigue and lack of energy

Feeling tired and struggling with daily activities despite getting enough sleep can mean that your immune system is overworking and fighting a potential threat. Long-term chronic fatigue is one of the obvious signs of weakened immunity.

3. Slow wound healing

After a small bump, I found that the wound healed much slower than before, and it was even more prone to infection. This is because an important responsibility of the immune system is to repair damaged tissue, and a weakened immune system means that this process is slowed down and the wound's ability to heal is weakened.

4. Frequent digestive problems

Recurrent gastrointestinal upset, such as diarrhea, constipation, or indigestion, may be another manifestation of an imbalance in the immune system. The intestinal tract is the largest immune organ in the human body, and a large number of immune cells reside here, and once the immune system has problems, intestinal health will bear the brunt of the impact.

When your immunity is weakened, your body will tell you through 5 pathways

5. Mood swings, easy to anxiety and depression

Don't forget, the immune system is closely connected to the nervous system. Long-term depressed mood, anxiety or depression are not only psychological problems, but may also reflect a decrease in the body's immunity. An imbalance in the immune system can affect the normal functioning of neurotransmitters, leading to mood problems.

How to deal with a weakened immunity?

In the face of the signs of weakened immunity, we should not ignore them, but take proactive measures to rebuild the body's defense system:

1. Eat a balanced diet

Make sure you eat a variety of foods every day, especially foods rich in vitamin C (citrus, strawberries, kiwi), vitamin E (nuts, seeds, spinach), vitamin D (fish, mushrooms), and zinc (meat, legumes, nuts), which are important for maintaining immune system function.

When your immunity is weakened, your body will tell you through 5 pathways

2. Get enough sleep

Quality sleep is the prime time for the immune system to repair and strengthen itself. Adults are recommended to sleep 7-9 hours per night, and teens and children need more. If you often have trouble falling asleep or have disrupted sleep, consider using relaxation techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing, or hot baths, to help relax your body and mind.

3. Exercise appropriately

Regular moderate-intensity exercise, such as brisk walking, cycling, swimming, etc., can help improve blood circulation, increase immune cell activity, and reduce inflammation, but excessive exercise can be counterproductive.

4. Decompress and relax

Long-term stress can suppress the immune system, so it's important to learn to manage stress effectively. Try techniques such as yoga or progressive muscle relaxation to help reduce the mental load and maintain a balance in your immune system.

5. Quit smoking and limit alcohol

Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption have been shown to be harmful to the immune system. The chemicals in tobacco can directly damage immune cells, while alcohol may suppress the immune response and increase the risk of infection. Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol intake are important steps to boost immunity.

When your immunity is weakened, your body will tell you through 5 pathways

Finally, remember to listen to your body and adjust your lifestyle in time to rejuvenate the immune system, the body's "guardian saint". In this marathon with life, strong immunity is our most solid backing!