
Chen Qiyuan Village, Hedao Town, Huanxian County, held a theme activity of "Scholarly June 1st Love Full of Children's Heart".

author:Huanxian financial media

On June 1, the village-based team of Chen Qiyuan Village, Hedao Town, and the two committees of Chen Qiyuan Village jointly held a celebration of "June 1st" with the theme of "Scholarly June 1st Love Full of Children's Heart", and invited more than 30 children from Chen Qiyuan who went to school outside to return to their hometown to celebrate the collective June 1st Children's Day accompanied by their families.

Chen Qiyuan Village, Hedao Town, Huanxian County, held a theme activity of "Scholarly June 1st Love Full of Children's Heart".

At the event, the children gathered together to celebrate this festival that belongs to them. Caring people from all walks of life and enterprises have also sent schoolbags and school supplies to the children. The children also wore red scarves for the guests, and sang the Chinese Youth Pioneers song "We Are the Successors of Communism" with their immature voices. The guests cut the festival cake for the children.

Chen Qiyuan Village, Hedao Town, Huanxian County, held a theme activity of "Scholarly June 1st Love Full of Children's Heart".

It is said that "the tree is tall and does not forget the roots", and the purpose of holding this activity in Chen Qiyuan Village is to let the children go to school outside and also cherish their hometown, and when they grow up, they will remember to contribute to their hometown.

Chen Qiyuan Village, Hedao Town, Huanxian County, held a theme activity of "Scholarly June 1st Love Full of Children's Heart".

In recent years, Huanxian Taikang Eye Hospital has been concerned about the eye health of teenagers, and actively carried out free clinic activities for teenagers during Children's Day, taking the initiative to assume corporate social responsibility.

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