
【Doorstep Series of Activities丨Medical Health】"Pay attention to urinary health, walk hand in hand for love"

author:Jiangsu cable vision interconnection

——Baiziting Community and Provincial Cancer Hospital carried out the theme activity of "medical" health free clinic at the doorstep

In order to help residents in the jurisdiction establish a correct medical concept and scientific and standardized health awareness, the Party Committee of Baiziting Community actively responded to the health needs of residents, and cooperated with Jiangsu Provincial Cancer Hospital to carry out the "Pay Attention to Urinary Health, Hand in Hand for Love" on June 26 - the "medical" free clinic at the doorstep of the "medical" by popular science.

【Doorstep Series of Activities丨Medical Health】"Pay attention to urinary health, walk hand in hand for love"
【Doorstep Series of Activities丨Medical Health】"Pay attention to urinary health, walk hand in hand for love"

In this event, Xu Zicheng, deputy director of the Department of Urology of the Provincial Cancer Hospital, was invited to give a lecture on the theme of "Early Diagnosis, Early Treatment and Treatment Options for Prostate Cancer" for residents. In the lecture, Director Xu used vivid pictures and examples to popularize the importance of early diagnosis, early treatment and treatment of prostate cancer for middle-aged and elderly male residents. To give residents a more comprehensive understanding of prostate health and the importance of standardized treatment and self-monitoring.

【Doorstep Series of Activities丨Medical Health】"Pay attention to urinary health, walk hand in hand for love"
【Doorstep Series of Activities丨Medical Health】"Pay attention to urinary health, walk hand in hand for love"

After the lecture, the expert team of Jiangsu Provincial Cancer Hospital carried out free health clinics for the residents. By asking the residents in detail about their living habits and understanding their physical condition, we gave professional diagnosis and treatment suggestions according to each person's own situation. At the same time, the experts patiently popularized the knowledge of prevention and treatment of common and frequent diseases to the residents, emphasized the importance of regular physical examinations, and encouraged them to establish a positive and optimistic attitude towards life and develop healthy living habits. Uncle Wei, who participated in the free clinic today, said: "We elderly people have inconvenient legs and feet, and going to the hospital is always a headache. Well, now that the community has brought experts to our doorstep, it has really solved our big problem. ”

【Doorstep Series of Activities丨Medical Health】"Pay attention to urinary health, walk hand in hand for love"

This free health clinic activity links the resources of medical units in the jurisdiction through the community party committee, so that residents can enjoy professional medical services without leaving the community, and shortens the distance between the community, the district unit and the residents. The community will continue to integrate the superior resources in the jurisdiction, actively carry out civilized practice activities in the new era, provide more personalized and professional high-quality services for community residents, and carry out various forms of health volunteer services, so that every resident can feel the care and warmth from the community, and truly make health a solid "medical" support for residents' lives.

Correspondent: Xu Xin

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