
When your child is angry, teach them to be angry

When your child is angry, teach them to be angry

Ting Ma Alan

2024-06-03 15:13Posted in Guangdong parenting field creators

Hello everyone, I'm Ting's mother.

I often see children smiling one moment and crying the next.

In the process of children's growth, happiness, anger, anger, etc. are all unavoidable emotional expressions.

When your child is angry, teach them to be angry

How to properly manage these emotions is crucial for the development of children's mental health and social skills.

As parents, we have a responsibility to teach our children to be "angry" so that they can express anger while also learning to respect others, understand themselves, and find solutions to problems.

1. Understand the value of anger

We need to teach our children that anger is a natural and normal emotional response. It conveys the message that a need is not being met or that a boundary is being violated.

Anger can be a force for change, motivating people to correct injustices or improve the situation.

Therefore, anger should not be suppressed or ignored, but should be understood and expressed appropriately.

2. Recognize the signs of anger

When angry, children may exhibit different behaviors, such as screaming, crying, silence, or aggressive behavior.

When your child is angry, teach them to be angry

We need to learn to recognize these signals and intervene in a timely manner.

By observing your child's body language and listening to their words, we can better understand your child's anger and provide appropriate support.

3. Teach emotion recognition

We can help children learn to identify and name their emotions through role-playing, storytelling, or drawing.

When children are able to articulate "I feel angry because ......" they begin to learn emotional self-management.

This ability is essential for children to resolve conflicts and build good relationships.

4. Provide a safe way to vent

When a child feels angry, they need to find a way to release that emotion.

We can provide safe activities such as hitting a pillow, tearing paper, or drawing hard.

When your child is angry, teach them to be angry

These activities can help children burn off the energy that comes with anger while avoiding harm to others or themselves.

5. Establish a space for dialogue

Communication is the key to resolving anger.

We should encourage children to express their feelings and listen to their concerns.

In this process, we need to be patient and empathetic and avoid immediate criticism or addressing the problem.

Sometimes, a child just needs a listener, not a problem-solver.

6. Set boundaries and consequences

While anger is a normal emotion, inappropriate expressions are unacceptable.

We need to set clear boundaries with our children and let them know the consequences of inappropriate behavior.

When your child is angry, teach them to be angry

These consequences should be consistent and reasonable, designed to help children understand the impact of their actions on others and the environment.

7. Practice the strategy of self-calm

We can teach our children strategies for calming down, such as taking deep breaths, counting down, or leaving intense situations.

These strategies can help children control their emotions before their anger escalates and make more rational choices.

If your child is still young, there are many picture books on emotion management, and we can accompany your child to read them together to help them understand emotions, identify emotions, and find the right way to vent their emotions.

"Fei Fei is Angry" is a picture book that focuses on children's emotional management, and through the story of the protagonist Fei Fei, it can help children understand, recognize and learn to deal with the common emotion of anger.

When your child is angry, teach them to be angry

At the beginning of the picture book, Fei Fei felt very angry for some reason, she felt like a volcano about to erupt, and the state of wanting to erupt, about to erupt, and afraid of eruption made her feel very scared and uneasy.

Driven by angry emotions, Fei Fei chooses to escape, she hides in her own little world, trying to vent her grief and anger by being alone.

As time passed, Fei Fei's mood gradually eased. She began to reflect on her actions and try to find ways to solve the problem.

When your child is angry, teach them to be angry

Eventually, Fifi regained her composure. She learns how to control her emotions and finds the right way to deal with anger.

"Fei Fei is angry" is suitable for children aged 2-6 years old. For children at this age, they are in a critical period of emotional development and need to learn to recognize and deal with various emotions.

By reading this picture book, children can better understand their emotions and learn how to express them correctly, thus promoting their emotional development.


Teaching children to be "angry" doesn't mean encouraging them to vent their emotions freely. Rather, it means helping them build healthy emotion management skills so that they can stay calm and focused in the face of challenges and disappointments.

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I am @婷momalan, a nationally certified nursery teacher, family education lecturer, committed to sharing parenting experience in small stories, welcome to follow me, and accompany children to grow up together.

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  • When your child is angry, teach them to be angry
  • When your child is angry, teach them to be angry
  • When your child is angry, teach them to be angry
  • When your child is angry, teach them to be angry
  • When your child is angry, teach them to be angry
  • When your child is angry, teach them to be angry

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