
"Bringing Fresh Thoughts to Life"

author:Seeking truth

  Lingnan in summer, the tide surging the Pearl River. In order to further do a good job in the study, publicity and interpretation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the research team of Qiushi Magazine came to Guangdong to have in-depth discussions with experts, scholars and media practitioners on the propaganda, ideological and cultural front, and conducted field research in Nanfang Press Media Group to explore how to promote the party's innovative theoretical propaganda and interpretation.

  As the vanguard, pioneer and experimental area of reform and opening up, Guangdong has depicted a magnificent picture of the times with rich practice and experience exploration. Since the beginning of the new era, the party's theoretical and practical innovations have been very vivid. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that theoretical propaganda should "earnestly make fresh ideas vivid, thoroughly explain theories, and vigorously promote the party's innovative theories to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people." "In recent years, Nanfang Press Media Group has carried out useful explorations around the Guangdong practice of publicizing and interpreting Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era." Liu Qiyu, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Nanfang Press Media Group, guided the research team into the group building while introducing.

  As soon as I entered the door, I saw a painting of ink and blue, red cotton warm, green banyan tenacity, mountains and mountains, and a sea of clouds, with the book "The Wind Rises in the South". Ahead of the trend of reform and opening up, Guangdong has continued to deepen reform in an all-round way, expanded high-level opening-up in the new era, and strived to be at the forefront of promoting Chinese-style modernization. Looking inside, a large electronic screen dynamically displays ranking data such as reading, distribution, hot articles, and hot spots, constituting a "cloud map of all-media communication data of the Southern Newspaper Industry".

  "Guangdong is 'a window', and 'South +' wants to build Guangdong's 'a window in the palm of your hand'." Huang Can, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and editor-in-chief of the Southern Press Media Group, put one of the keys to this "window construction" in the network dissemination of problem-breaking theory propaganda, "sliding your finger on the 'Nanfang +' APP, you can understand Guangdong's wonderful reform stories and fresh development experience."

  The "Nanfang+" client is a new mainstream media platform created by Nanfang Press Media Group. Search for "Ten Questions about Guangdong's Economy" in "South+", and a stack of exquisite posters appears on the screen of the mobile phone. Each poster features a question printed against the backdrop of a Guangdong cityscape in a bold font. "Guangdong provokes the beam, how to act?" "How to rebuild Guangdong on the sea?" "How to coordinate scientific and technological innovation in the Bay Area?" …… Click on the poster, and the in-depth reports jointly planned and produced by Nanfang Daily and "Nanfang+" show the Guangdong practice of the party's innovation theory around high-quality development and Chinese-style modernization. The reporters who participated in the report told the research team that they explored the path of integrated content planning, integrated production of different media forms, and integrated media communication, from content to form, from topic selection to production to push, all around how to attract netizens' attention to theoretical issues, how to explain the theoretical logic behind the problem in simple terms, and finally realize that the theory can be explained openly and loudly on the Internet.

"Bringing Fresh Thoughts to Life"
  •   The picture shows the "Ten Questions on Guangdong's Economy", "Let's Talk about the High-quality Development Live Room", "'New Quality Productivity' Study Manual" and other financial media reports launched by "South+", which promote the party's innovation theory to be talked about on the Internet. Photo courtesy of Southern Press Media Group

  To talk about theoretical issues well, whether online or offline, the core is inseparable from taking root in practice to grasp the "live fish", and showing the process from theoretical problem solving to practical advancement.

  The person in charge of the "South+" media center said with emotion, "Since it wants to become a window, there must be real scenery in the window." During his inspection, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that Guangdong should "solve the problem of unbalanced regional development". Why did the General Secretary ask this question? What problems have different cities in Guangdong encountered in implementing the important instructions of the General Secretary? How do they rise to the challenge? To understand the reasoning, we need to return to the specific reality of the Pearl River Delta, northern Guangdong, eastern Guangdong, western Guangdong and other places. The series of financial media reports of "South+" "21 Cities, 21 Questions - Micro Research Report on Guangdong Cities" focused on the problems restricting the high-quality development of Guangdong, conducted in-depth interviews and field research, and strived to give the "Longzhong pair" of high-quality development of various cities in Guangdong. In-depth report "Meizhou, are you really conservative? Through the factual basis, it shows that "Meizhou is not only not conservative, but also has the gene of a general"; "Maoming, how to "start a second business"? comprehensively analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the transformation of new and old kinetic energy in Maoming's manufacturing industry. Summarizing the practical experience of in-depth reporting, the main creative team talked about their experience: "Practice is the source of theory and the source of propaganda. Only by accurately displaying the economic and social outlook and depicting the details of practice can we fully present the vivid and key points of the theory in its implementation and flowering. ”

"Bringing Fresh Thoughts to Life"
  •   In the propaganda and reporting, Nanfang Press Media Group pays attention to taking root in practice, and uses a variety of means to show the process from theoretical breakthrough to practical advancement. The picture on the left shows reporters filming and recording the tribute film "Ode to the Heart" in a virtual studio; The picture on the right shows that during the interview and production of the series of videos of "Revitalized @ Thousands of Towns and Villages in 100 Counties of Guangdong", the reporter went to Raoping County, Chaozhou City to shoot and interview the local lion-headed goose breeding. Photo courtesy of Southern Press Media Group

  "The validity of the role of theory depends on the depth of theory in practice", General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that theory is combined with practice, not a simple superposition of theory and practice. Closely combining theory and practice, and allowing reasoning and storytelling to promote each other, Nanfang magazine summarized it as "both action and thinking".

  Nanfang Magazine is the organ of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and the party journal of Nanfang Press Media Group. When the research team came to Nanfang Magazine, the news documentary "Jiang Wang" was being broadcast. There is a river in the Chaoshan area of Guangdong, called Lianjiang. Lianjiang used to be so polluted that people along the river used to say that "it can't be cured in a hundred years". What no one dared to imagine was that a new era would bring an ancient river back to life. As one of the main creators of the team, Chen Haiyan talked about a retired old teacher in the documentary, who once led reporters to find Lian Jiangyuan. After trekking through slippery waterways, over hanging cliffs, and finally photographing the glistening silver water in the spring, Chen Haiyan learned that the old teacher who led the way had just finished chemotherapy. "Even if you play hard, you decide to lead the way, so that people can see the most beautiful appearance of Lianjiang. This is because he is grateful for Lianjiang's current governance. Chen Haiyan told the research team that Lianjiang is the mother river of her hometown. In the past few years, I have witnessed how Lianjiang has changed from black and smelly to clear and clear, and spent 3 years recording with the lens of "looking for the source of Lianjiang", "living by Lianjiang" and other vivid characters and stories, taking the truth that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets as the spiritual core of the narrative. Using vivid stories to tell fresh thoughts is the most touching background of this documentary.

  "Storytelling is to tell facts, images, emotions, and reasoning", General Secretary Xi Jinping elaborated on the connotation of the three words "storytelling", pointing out that "only by telling facts can we convince people, only by telling images can we move people, only by telling emotions can we infect people, and only by telling reason can we influence people". In order to tell a good story in theoretical propaganda, it is necessary to tell a good story with thoughts and thoroughly explain ideas with stories.

"Bringing Fresh Thoughts to Life"
  •   The picture shows the reporters of "Southern" magazine in order to complete the news documentary "Jiang Wang", squatting on research, in-depth interviews, and going over the mountains and seas. Photo courtesy of Southern Press Media Group

  The tide of the Pearl River is wide on both sides, and the south wind is strong and hanging. Guangdong is a hot land for practice and a rich mine for theoretical propaganda. The comrades of the Theory Department of the Propaganda Department of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee said that they will continue to excavate and display the vivid practice of the party's innovative theories in Guangdong, tell the stories of Guangdong in the new era and the reasoning and philosophy behind the stories, and strive to convince people with reason, move people with emotion, and enter the brain and heart.

  (Written by: Liu Mingmei Review: Li Yanling)