
Accelerate the construction of a new energy system and improve the ability to guarantee the security of energy resources

author:Seeking truth

Accelerate the construction of a new energy system and improve the ability to guarantee the security of energy resources

Party Group of the National Energy Administration of the Communist Party of China

  Energy is an important material foundation and power source for economic and social development, and is related to the national economy, people's livelihood and national security. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has attached great importance to energy work, made a series of important instructions and instructions on promoting energy development, and creatively put forward a new energy security strategy of "four revolutions and one cooperation" in June 2014, which provides a fundamental basis for promoting the high-quality development of energy in the new era. We must conscientiously study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches and important instructions, adhere to the party's overall leadership over energy work, base ourselves on the national conditions of energy, anchor the goal of strengthening the country, take the acceleration of the construction of a new energy system as the traction, adhere to the principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability, promoting stability through progress, and establishing first and then breaking down, better coordinate high-quality development and high-level security, comprehensively improve the ability to ensure the security of energy resources, and contribute energy strength to Chinese-style modernization.

  1. The practice of energy development in the new era has laid a solid foundation for the construction of a new energy system

  Since the new era, especially in the 10 years since the new energy security strategy was proposed, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, the national energy industry has gone all out to ensure energy security, persistently promoted energy transformation and reform, actively promoted a series of strategic measures and transformative practices, and successively achieved a series of breakthroughs and landmark achievements, promoting the development of the energy industry to achieve new achievements and create a new situation. The mainland's energy security has been effectively guaranteed, major achievements have been made in the construction of energy infrastructure, and major achievements have been made in nuclear power technology and new energy technology.

  Promote the revolution of energy consumption, and the path of ecological priority, green and low-carbon development is getting wider and wider. We have thoroughly implemented the new development concept, fully implemented the "dual carbon" goals and tasks, actively changed the mode of energy consumption, greatly improved energy efficiency, and supported the average annual growth of more than 6% with an average annual energy consumption growth of about 3.3%. At present, the proportion of clean energy consumption in the mainland has reached 26.4%, the proportion of coal consumption has dropped from 68.5% in 2012 to 55.3% in 2023, the mainland has contributed more than 40% to the growth of global non-fossil energy consumption, and the energy consumption per unit of gross domestic product (GDP) has fallen by more than twice the world average in the same period, and more than half of the world's new renewable energy power generation capacity in 2023 will be in China. Practice has inspired us that to accelerate the construction of a new energy system, we must completely, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, persistently promote the energy consumption revolution, accelerate the formation of an industrial structure, production mode, lifestyle and spatial pattern that conserves resources and protects the environment, and unswervingly follow the development path of ecological priority and green and low-carbon.

  Promote the revolution of energy supply, and the job bowl of energy has always been firmly in your own hands. Based on the national conditions of energy, the mainland has comprehensively promoted supply-side structural reforms, vigorously enhanced domestic resource production and guarantee capabilities, and continued to increase high-quality and effective supply. We have implemented a series of strategic measures such as releasing advanced coal production capacity, vigorously improving oil and gas exploration and development, and building a new power system, and completed and put into operation a number of world-leading century projects such as Baihetan Hydropower Station and "Hualong No. 1" Nuclear Power Plant, which have historically solved the problem of electricity consumption for the population without electricity, led the world in the development of non-fossil energy, achieved remarkable results in the clean and efficient utilization of fossil energy, further consolidated and improved the diversified supply system of coal, oil, gas, new energy and renewable energy, and continuously improved the level of safe production. It has not only withstood the severe test of the new crown epidemic and major natural disasters, but also effectively coped with the transmission impact of international energy price fluctuations, providing safe and reliable power support for the sustainable and healthy development of the economy and society. Practice has inspired us to accelerate the construction of a new energy system, to keep in mind the basic national condition that China is the world's largest developing country, with a sense of responsibility and mission for the energy security of more than 1.4 billion people, unswervingly promote the energy supply revolution, go all out to ensure energy security, take multiple measures to expand effective supply, unswervingly do their own things, and resolutely hold the energy job bowl firmly in their own hands.

Accelerate the construction of a new energy system and improve the ability to guarantee the security of energy resources
  •   The mainland continues to promote the adjustment of industrial structure and energy structure, laying a solid foundation for the green and low-carbon transformation of energy and power. The picture shows the Yuntaihuang Wind Farm in Zigui County, Yichang City, Hubei Province, taken on January 24, 2024. People's photo by Lei Yong/photo

  Promote the energy technology revolution and make great progress in innovation and development. The mainland has thoroughly implemented the innovation-driven development strategy, given full play to the advantages of the new national system, promoted independent technological innovation and localization of major equipment by category, carried out key technical equipment research, and actively promoted the development of emerging industries such as new energy storage and hydrogen energy. It has played an important role in maintaining the safety and stability of the industrial chain and supply chain and promoting the enhancement of national strategic scientific and technological strength. In particular, after continuous research and accumulation, the mainland has taken the lead in the world in a number of new energy technologies and equipment manufacturing, built the world's largest clean power supply system, and completed the road of upgrading the quality of refined oil in developed countries for nearly 30 years in less than 10 years, becoming an important promoter of the world's energy development transformation and climate change. To accelerate the construction of a new energy system, we must always firmly grasp the lifeline of science and technology in our own hands, unswervingly promote the energy technology revolution, and effectively put the strategic basis of development on scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance.

  Promote the revolution of the energy system, and the fast lane of energy development has been fully opened. Focusing on the goal of promoting the modernization of the governance system and governance capacity, the mainland adheres to the orientation of market-oriented reform, adheres to the organic combination of effective market and promising government, continuously strengthens the top-level design and major layout of energy development and reform, promotes the implementation of a new round of power system reform and oil and gas system reform, continues to strengthen the construction of planning, policy, supervision, rule of law and credit and other fields, and accelerates the construction of a unified national power market system. A number of major reform achievements such as green power certificates have been implemented, the reform dividends have benefited the majority of enterprises and consumers, and the governance and development mode of the energy industry have undergone major changes, which have also provided experience for deepening the reform in key areas. Practice has inspired us to accelerate the construction of a new energy system, we must firmly grasp the characteristics of the times of promoting reform and innovation, focus on solving the problems encountered in development through reform methods, constantly break down the institutional and institutional obstacles that restrict development, and strive to stimulate the endogenous power and market vitality to promote development, and effectively transform institutional advantages into governance efficiency.

  We have strengthened international cooperation in energy in all directions, and opened up to the outside world at a high level. The mainland adheres to the better combination of bringing in and going out, makes overall use of domestic and international markets and resources, pragmatically promotes energy cooperation among major countries, promotes the establishment of a number of cooperation and exchange platforms such as the Sino-Russian Energy Business Forum, the "Belt and Road" Energy Ministers' Meeting, and the International Energy Transformation Forum, and creates a number of major export achievements such as nuclear power, ultra-high voltage transmission, hydropower, and new energy, and further consolidates and improves the strategic channel for oil and gas imports and international oil and gas cooperation blocks, and greatly enhances the mainland's discourse power and influence in the international energy arena. Under the condition of opening up, the level of national energy security has been further improved, which has played an important role in serving and promoting the construction of a new development pattern. Practice has inspired us that to accelerate the construction of a new energy system, we must always adhere to the basic principles of keeping the world in mind, actively comply with the trend of economic globalization, deepen and expand the "Belt and Road" energy cooperation, pragmatically promote high-level opening up, strive to expand win-win cooperation with other countries in the world, and effectively ensure national energy security under open conditions.

  2. Deeply grasp the characteristics and requirements of accelerating the construction of a new energy system

  High-quality economic and social development requires high-quality development of the energy industry, and building a modern and powerful country is inseparable from stable energy security. We must continue to deepen our understanding of the regularity of the construction of a new energy system, deeply grasp the new characteristics and new requirements, earnestly adhere to the principles that must be adhered to, improve the measures that should be improved, solve the problems that need to be solved thoroughly, and strive to promote the high-quality development of energy at the forefront of Chinese-style modernization.

  The pressure on energy demand is huge, and we must insist on seeking progress while maintaining stability, promoting stability with progress, and securing the energy job bowl with higher standards. Energy security is an overall and strategic issue related to the country's economic and social development, and is crucial to the country's prosperity and development, the improvement of people's lives, and the long-term peace and stability of society. General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly stressed that the job bowl of energy must be firmly in his own hands. At present, the mainland's total energy production accounts for about 1/5 of the world, the total consumption accounts for about 1/4 of the world, and the per capita energy consumption is only about 2/3 of the average level of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries. In recent years, although the world economic growth is sluggish, the mainland economy still maintains a medium-high growth trend, and the mainland's energy development is facing the challenge of huge demand pressure. In addition to the problem of total guarantee, there is also the problem of peak and valley regulation, which is prominently reflected in the peak summer and winter. The period of economic recovery and development is also a period of strong energy demand, and as the mainland economy continues to pick up, energy demand will continue to grow. To shoulder the major responsibility of safety and security, we must secure the energy job with higher standards and provide more safe and reliable energy security for high-quality development.

  The task of green and low-carbon transformation is arduous, and we must adhere to the principle of establishing first and then breaking down, making overall plans, and vigorously developing clean energy at a firmer pace. Actively developing clean energy and promoting the green and low-carbon transformation of the economy and society have become a general consensus of the international community in addressing climate change. To promote green and low-carbon development and ensure safe and stable supply, we must vigorously develop clean energy and accelerate the solution of problems in terms of development environment and factor guarantee. This is a requirement for the implementation of the "dual carbon" goal and task. To increase the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption, for example, according to the 2030 target of 25%, it is estimated that the average annual growth rate of about 1 percentage point will be maintained before 2030, and the "double high" characteristics of high proportion of renewable energy and high proportion of power electronic equipment access in the power system will be further highlighted. To this end, it is necessary not only for the power system to have a stronger anti-risk ability and more flexible adjustment ability, but also for the market to provide a broader consumption space and a more perfect guarantee mechanism. At the same time, it is also necessary to cope with the external environment. At present, the international community is increasingly fierce around climate change, and the constraints on energy activities are becoming tighter, and the essence behind the fierce game is more related to the trade-off between development rights and emission rights. As the largest developing country in the world, we must unswervingly promote carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion and growth, promote the construction of a beautiful China, and build a community with a shared future in harmony between man and nature. It is also necessary to adhere to the principles of fairness, common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, coordinate the development of new energy and national energy security, earnestly promote the high-quality development of new energy, strive to provide safe and reliable energy security for China's modernization, and make greater contributions to building a clean and beautiful world.

  As the international energy market becomes more volatile, we must adhere to the principle of keeping the world in mind, cooperation and openness, and strengthen international cooperation with a stronger sense of risk. Promoting high-quality energy development is inseparable from high-level opening-up. At present, the mainland has established bilateral and multilateral cooperation mechanisms with more than 90 countries (regions) and international organizations, invested more than 40% of the total investment in energy projects in the Belt and Road countries, and carried out green energy project cooperation with more than 100 countries and regions. In particular, new energy vehicles, lithium batteries and photovoltaic products are well received by the international market, with exports increasing by nearly 30% in 2023, providing high-quality and efficient new energy equipment and products for the international community. However, it should also be noted that the world today is not peaceful, and there are great variables in the price trend of energy commodities. The more we face the turbulent and changing world, the more we must be aware of risks in times of peace, take precautions, and strengthen international cooperation. We are willing to work with our counterparts around the world to further strengthen fair cooperation, strive to seek the greatest common divisor for mutual benefit and win-win results, and jointly share the new opportunities and dividends brought by China's modernization and world development and progress to the energy industry.

  The attributes of energy work and people's livelihood are prominent, and we must adhere to the supremacy of the people and the priority of people's livelihood, and meet the people's yearning for a better life with better services. On the new journey of achieving common prosperity for all people, the level of energy consumption for people's livelihood not only measures the degree of modernization of a country, but also reflects the happy living standard of the people. Since the beginning of the new era, the mainland has accelerated the construction of energy projects to benefit the people, realized that more than 1.4 billion people have access to electricity, completed 26.36 million kilowatts of photovoltaic poverty alleviation projects, and built a clean heating rate of 76% in the northern region, and built the world's largest network of electric vehicle charging facilities. The energy used for people's livelihood has typical supply-oriented characteristics, and only when the market has supply can the people use it. This requires us to do our best as well as what we can, and we must not be conservative and ambitious. At present, there is still a certain gap between the per capita annual energy consumption of the mainland and that of developed countries, and there is still a lot of work to be done for people's livelihood. In particular, the development of urban and rural areas in the mainland is uneven, and there are large differences in energy consumption methods, quality and services, and the "last mile" of low-voltage distribution networks in some cities is not smooth enough, and the foundation of rural power grids in some places is still relatively weak. Chinese modernization is the modernization of common prosperity for all the people, and the people's yearning for a better life is our goal.

  The driving role of scientific and technological innovation is aggravated, and we must adhere to innovation-driven, self-reliance and self-improvement, and make greater efforts to cultivate and develop new quality productive forces. Since the development of human society, it has experienced two energy transitions from firewood to coal and from coal to oil and gas, which have correspondingly given birth to two industrial revolutions marked by steam engines and internal combustion engines, promoting new leaps in social productivity and human civilization. At present, global energy science and technology innovation has entered an unprecedentedly intensive and active period, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation has accelerated the reconstruction of the global energy map, and new energy technologies and new business forms are emerging. In the face of a new round of innovation, whether we can seize the opportunity to accelerate the pace of scientific and technological innovation and promote the industrial revolution through the energy revolution is the key to the mainland's promotion of new industrialization and overtaking in corners. At present, the strength of mainland energy science and technology has occupied a pivotal position on the world innovation stage, and the right to speak and influence are no longer what they used to be, but there are also some shortcomings and weaknesses that need to be further filled. Promoting scientific and technological innovation is not only a strategic measure to make up for weaknesses and improve the ability of independent security and security, but also an inevitable choice to change the mode and adjust the structure and promote the transformation and reform of development. We must adhere to the core position of innovation in high-quality development, aim at the forefront of the world's energy science and technology, focus on key energy areas and major needs, give full play to the advantages of the new national system, strengthen joint research on key core technologies, and effectively cultivate energy technology and related industries into new growth points that drive the mainland's industrial upgrading.

  3. Solidly promote the implementation of key tasks and tasks for the construction of a new energy system

  On February 29 this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over the 12th collective study of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and delivered an important speech on new energy technology and the mainland's energy security, profoundly pointing out that "the mainland's energy development is still facing a series of challenges such as huge demand pressure, more supply constraints, and arduous tasks for green and low-carbon transformation." To cope with these challenges, the way out is to vigorously develop new energy", which further points out the direction for accelerating the construction of a new energy system and improving the ability to guarantee the security of energy resources. At present, we must focus on several tasks.

Accelerate the construction of a new energy system and improve the ability to guarantee the security of energy resources
  •   Accelerating the development of energy storage technology and industry is of great significance for the construction of a new energy system. The picture shows the 10MW/80MWh carbon dioxide energy storage demonstration system project being connected to the grid in Kushan Village, Fanyang Town, Fanchang District, Wuhu City, Anhui Province, on January 9, 2024. People's photo by Wang Yushi/photo

  Coordinate the development of new energy and national energy security, and make every effort to meet the needs of economic and social development. Adhere to planning first, strengthen top-level design, do a good job of overall planning, and ensure the coordinated advancement of high-quality development and high-level security. It is necessary to deal with the relationship between new energy and traditional energy, give full play to the role of coal as a backstop, speed up the construction of supporting regulatory power sources, increase oil and gas exploration and development, and actively and steadily promote the implementation of major projects such as hydropower and nuclear power to ensure the safety and stability of energy supply. It is necessary to deal with the relationship between the overall situation and the local, study and prepare the "15th Five-Year Plan" energy plan, make overall plans for the optimization of medium and long-term energy and power layout, do a solid job in the early warning and energy security of the balance of power supply and demand in summer and winter, and promote the coordination and balance of energy production and consumption between regions and time periods. It is necessary to handle the relationship between the government and the market, promote the convergence of the medium and long-term, spot and ancillary service markets, improve the medium and long-term trading mechanism of electricity, and expand the scale of the electricity spot market in an orderly manner. Increase the proportion of priority power generation such as new energy and inter-provincial and inter-regional power transmission to participate in market-oriented transactions, and promote the effective connection between inter-provincial and inter-regional transactions and the provincial market.

  Vigorously promote the revolution of energy technology and accelerate the formation of new quality productive forces. We will further implement the innovation-driven development strategy, highlight problem-oriented and demand-oriented, strengthen independent innovation in energy science and technology, and improve the independent and controllable level of the energy industry chain and supply chain. Implement major scientific and technological projects in the energy field and key projects of the national key research and development plan, and actively promote key technology research and engineering demonstration such as renewable energy, energy storage, hydrogen energy, and smart grid. Carry out the declaration and evaluation of the first (set) of major technical equipment in the energy field in the fourth batch, and promote the promotion and application of key technologies. Strengthen the innovation of new low-carbon coal-fired power technology and actively explore low-carbon power generation technologies。 Strengthen the tracking and evaluation of new energy storage pilot demonstration projects, and promote the diversified development of new energy storage. Improve the energy science and technology innovation system, improve the policy system and working mechanism for promoting scientific and technological innovation relying on energy projects, and promote pilot demonstrations such as digitalization and intelligence in unconventional oil and gas exploration and development. Implement the standardization and improvement action of energy carbon peak and carbon neutrality.

  Solidly promote the construction of new energy infrastructure, and strive to accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation and transformation of energy. To meet the needs of energy transition, focus on the "dual carbon" goals and tasks, strive to promote high-quality leapfrog development, and consolidate the foundation of national new energy development and security. We will continue to promote the rapid development of wind power and photovoltaic power generation systems, adhere to the simultaneous development of centralized and distributed wind power and pay equal attention to onshore and offshore, accelerate the construction of large-scale wind power and photovoltaic base projects, actively and steadily promote the development and construction of offshore wind power, compile integrated plans for water, wind and solar power in major river basins across the country, and carry out the "Wind Control Action in Thousands of Towns and Villages" and "Bathing Light Action in Thousands of Households". We should pay close attention to the construction of new power systems, accelerate the innovation and application of ultra-high voltage flexible DC transmission technology, promote the intelligent transformation of power grid infrastructure and the construction of smart microgrids, carry out special actions for the high-quality development of distribution networks, study and improve the level of intelligent power dispatching, and improve the power grid's ability to accept, allocate and regulate clean energy. Select some counties and townships to carry out the construction and application promotion activities of electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

  We will continue to deepen international cooperation in energy and comprehensively enhance our international influence and discourse. Guided by the Belt and Road Initiative, we will make full use of both domestic and international markets and resources to ensure energy security under open conditions. Consolidate and expand the Belt and Road energy partnership, hold the third Belt and Road Energy Ministers' Meeting, and promote high-quality Belt and Road energy cooperation. Coordinate and deepen China-Russia energy cooperation, strengthen China-EU dialogue and cooperation on technological innovation in the fields of hydrogen energy, energy storage, wind power, and smart energy, and pragmatically carry out exchanges between China and the United States in the field of energy. China will compile regional guidelines for global clean energy cooperation, continue to deepen green energy cooperation, continuously strengthen power interconnection with neighboring countries, and promote the construction of a new win-win model for green and low-carbon energy transformation. Deeply participate in the reform of international energy governance, and promote the establishment of a fair, just, balanced and inclusive global energy governance system.

Source: Qiushi 2024/11

Author: Party Group of the National Energy Administration of the Communist Party of China

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