
No wonder the woodcutter didn't worship Bodhi as a teacher, it wasn't that Bodhi didn't accept him, Senior Brother Fang Cunshan hid the truth in his words

author:Academy of Literature and History

As the mentor of Sun Wukong, how strong is the strength of Bodhi Patriarch? Before answering this question, we might as well take a look at Sun Wukong's strength.

In the fifth chapter of the original work, when he learned that Sun Wukong was making trouble in the Heavenly Palace, the Jade Emperor was furious and ordered Li Jing, the king of Tota, to command 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals to suppress it.

These 100,000 Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals are not 100,000 temporary patchwork miscellaneous troops, but an elite division with an all-star lineup, bringing together Li Tianwang, the Four Heavenly Kings, Nezha, the Twenty-Eight Stars, the Nine Yao Xingjun, the Twelve Yuanchen and other famous gods, even the most ordinary heavenly generals, are also immortals with heads and faces like the universal stars.

With such a luxurious lineup of 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals, how strong is the combat effectiveness? Take Kui Mu Wolf, one of the 28 constellations, as an example, he once went to the Boyue Cave to be a demon in the lower realm, and became a generation of demon kings in yellow robes. The two brothers are not his opponents, and it is even written in the book that if there was no Dharma Protector to help each other secretly, even the twenty Bajie and Sha Seng would not be the opponents of Kui Mu Wolf.

No wonder the woodcutter didn't worship Bodhi as a teacher, it wasn't that Bodhi didn't accept him, Senior Brother Fang Cunshan hid the truth in his words

A Kui Timber Wolf is still so powerful, and the combat effectiveness of 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals can be seen. But as you know, such a powerful 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals were killed by Sun Wukong.

However, Sun Wukong, who can defeat 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals, is like a powerless war scum in front of the Bodhi Patriarch. Bodhi Patriarch can clean up as much as he wants, and he can even make him unable to turn over.

In the second episode of the original work, Sun Wukong was reprimanded by the Bodhi Patriarch for showing off his spells because of his transformation into a pine tree, and the Bodhi Patriarch was angry and decided to drive Sun Wukong down the mountain, but he was worried that he would get into trouble under his own banner after going down the mountain, so he sternly warned him not to reveal the master's name, and mentioned during the period: "If you say half a word, I will know it, and you will be skinned and filed, and your soul will be reduced to the land of the Nine Shadows, so that you will not be able to turn over." ”

Since the Bodhi Patriarch is so powerful, the natural Three Realms immortal cultivators are the object of apprenticeship, but it is worth mentioning that there is a woodcutter who chops wood for a living in Lingtai Fangcun Mountain, but he is unwilling to worship the Bodhi Patriarch as a teacher.

In the first episode of the original work, Sun Wukong traveled all over the world to find famous teachers to learn art, came to Lingtai Fangcun Mountain, and met a woodcutter who was chopping wood. The woodcutter told Sun Wukong that there was an old god with boundless power nearby who could worship him as a teacher, and pointed out the way to the residence of the Bodhi Patriarch.

No wonder the woodcutter didn't worship Bodhi as a teacher, it wasn't that Bodhi didn't accept him, Senior Brother Fang Cunshan hid the truth in his words

Out of gratitude, Sun Wukong wanted to invite the woodcutter to apprentice with him, but he was rejected by the woodcutter, saying: "You man, you are very changeable." I just told you like this, and you're still unconscious? And if I went with you, and did not miss my business? Who is the old mother? I'm going to chop wood, you go, go by yourself! ”

So, why is the woodcutter reluctant to worship Patriarch Bodhi as a teacher?

At first glance, it seems that it is because he needs to take care of his old mother, but if you think about it carefully, this statement is unreasonable, because he and Patriarch Bodhi are neighbors, and he does not need to leave his hometown, and he can do both apprenticeship and care for his mother.

Some people believe that the reason why the woodcutter did not apprentice to Bodhi Patriarch is not because he doesn't want to, but because his talent for cultivating immortals is too mediocre, and Bodhi Patriarch will not accept him as an apprentice at all.

But in fact, the woodcutter did not worship Bodhi as a teacher, and it is not that Bodhi will not accept him, the real reason, we can see the clues from the words of Senior Brother Fang Cunshan.

In the second chapter of the original work, the Bodhi Patriarch saw that Sun Wukong could not use the method of soaring clouds and fog, but would only "climb the clouds" slowly, so he decided to teach him somersault clouds, which means a somersault of 108,000 miles. When Senior Brother Fang Cunshan heard this, he said to Sun Wukong with envy: "Wukong has created! If you know this method, you can pawn shop soldiers with others, deliver documents, hand over reports, and find food no matter where you are! ”

No wonder the woodcutter didn't worship Bodhi as a teacher, it wasn't that Bodhi didn't accept him, Senior Brother Fang Cunshan hid the truth in his words

Senior Brother Fang Cunshan not only expressed envy of Sun Wukong's sealed somersault cloud, but also said that after learning somersault cloud, he could send documents and hand over reports, what does this mean? They hadn't learned advanced flying skills like somersault clouds, otherwise they wouldn't be so envious, and they wouldn't have been ignorant of the role of somersault clouds, and regarded them as paperwork skills.

And Sun Wukong was able to receive somersault clouds, but Senior Brother Fang Cunshan, who had higher qualifications, had no chance to learn, what does this mean? Bodhi Patriarch is a person who teaches according to his aptitude, how talented the disciple is, he will teach him what kind of spells, Sun Wukong is talented, so Bodhi Patriarch taught him top spells such as somersault clouds; The senior brothers were mediocre in talent, so Patriarch Bodhi taught ordinary spells.

It is not difficult to understand why the woodcutter did not worship the Bodhi Patriarch as a teacher, because his talent is more mediocre than that of Fang Cunshan, if he is placed under the Bodhi Patriarch, the Bodhi Patriarch may only pass on some fists and feet to him, and this will not improve his life, but will delay the work of chopping wood, in this case, he might as well be a woodcutter with peace of mind and take care of the old mother. What do you think?