
Don't let the mindset overwhelm you, stick to certainty, it's not that hard to make a profit

author:Simplified Futures Probability Poker


Don't do it if your mentality collapses, but how many people can bear it? Trading is inherently anti-human, who is not greedy to do the transaction? If you want to succeed, you have to control human nature, which ......

The core point of view: the collapse of the mentality often comes from greed and fear, unsystematic, and disappointed in the system, the former is a psychological problem, what you need is to leave first and then recover, the middle is the basic trading common sense, the latter is the cost of questioning, it is best to let your doubts grow in the virtual space (simulation).

Don't let the mindset overwhelm you, stick to certainty, it's not that hard to make a profit


Three friends said that the mentality of doing trading has exploded, and they made an appointment to go to a friend's house on the weekend, and he urgently needs psychological counseling and find someone to help him review. But if you stick to your own consciousness and strategy, what role can other people's words play for you?

Let's introduce their mentality explosion road respectively:

1. Professional stock speculation, and gold, I have not missed a single time in stock speculation before, only do long-term value investment, only do the stocks that I can understand, and the number of ten fingers can be counted. After the huge loss of Ping An last year, the mentality is not good, and this year there has been a state of disunity between knowledge and action, chasing the rise and killing the fall. Even sent me a message at three or four o'clock in the middle of the night, physically and mentally exhausted, saying that there were many secondary rests, but I couldn't help but watch the market, and my mentality was broken.

In fact, there are two problems exposed when I was safe before, one is that there is no diversification, you can "bet right" for many years, but if you are wrong once, it will collapse, and the other problem is that there are too few investment targets, not that I can't operate this stock without experiencing the company's products, and only do 8 stocks in my life, what if they are all junk stocks? Most of us can't do field research, and your obsession may have bound you to your "ideal circle".

He is now very optimistic about some of the high-performing stocks in real estate, and I always feel that there is no need to buy the sectors that are on the top of the limelight. He told me in the morning that the subjective logic and the policy would definitely support it, and in the afternoon he changed his words to return to the fundamentals, and if it rose by 2%, it was said that it was a big rise.

2. Intraday short-term traders, sell and fly backhand, increase positions at floating losses, and make profits even, repeating within the day. This situation shows that it will take a long time to mature because the operation is unfounded and greatly affected by emotions. He himself said that it was easy to get started, but he couldn't control his hands, and the temptation to trade this thing was too great.

Don't do it if your mentality collapses, but how many people can bear it? Trading is inherently anti-human, who is not greedy to do the transaction? If you want to succeed, you have to control human nature, which ......

To do trading is to be normal, don't easily try to invest your life, use your life to fight, few full-time traders can survive.

The traders who can live well in the market are nothing more than those who have been liberated mentally, which are generally divided into three categories:

(1) Rich. I have accumulated at least one million funds, invest a small part to trade, and the loss will not affect my life;

(2) Have a job. Part-time trading, because there is a salary to support the cost of living and make up the principal, the sustainability of trial and error is relatively high;

(3) There is an "accelerator". This accelerator is a tool to shorten your trial-and-error cycle, maybe a mentor, or a programmatic system that can be backtested historically. But the evolution of mindset and cognition does not happen overnight.

In general, the basis of the "emancipation mentality" is money, have you ever seen a master who rises from the ground? What we need to do is not to fantasize, liberate the mentality within the comfort threshold, reduce the cost of trial and error, and shorten the trial and error cycle.

The specific approach is to do a good job in fund management, optimize the strategy and stick to it.

3. A full-time veteran of futures, he made a lot of money in the first half of last year, and after withdrawing, he reached the liquidation line last week and rested. Because I am a veteran, I know how to withdraw profits and liquidate rest, which in itself is a great improvement. But after he was liquidated, he said a phrase that everyone often says: "If you do more wrong, you still have to reduce the number of operations." ”

This statement itself is false. The number of trades is determined by the strategy, not by man! If you stick to a good strategy, there is no relationship between the number of trades and the profit or loss. Because it is impossible to judge whether your strategy is suitable for the current market, your timing is a random subjective behavior that is detached from the strategy, which is meaningless.

If you lose a lot, it is likely that there is a problem with the strategy or money management, don't find the reason in the number of transactions, a good strategy will only make you more and more profitable, unless you get out of the strategy and do it randomly, if this is the case, your mentality will collapse, end it as soon as possible to accept psychological counseling!

Of course, everyone should have gone through a stage, the "questioning strategy" stage, and it is very fatal to want to optimize or even redesign the strategy as soon as you lose money. If it is a normal strategy (long-term profit or small loss), as long as you stick to it, your life cycle is still relatively long, but the loss caused by changing the strategy will account for the vast majority of the total loss, and you can't easily launch your new strategy.

Therefore, it is best to stick to the previous strategy when changing and optimizing the strategy, and if the previous strategy makes you liquidate, it means that there is a problem and you can stop. New or optimized strategies are used for historical backtesting statistics or experiments with mock disks.

Don't let the mindset overwhelm you, stick to certainty, it's not that hard to make a profit

The life cycle of constantly changing policies

Don't let the mindset overwhelm you, stick to certainty, it's not that hard to make a profit

Lifecycle of the same strategy (lack of money management)

Don't let the mindset overwhelm you, stick to certainty, it's not that hard to make a profit

Lifecycle of the same strategy (good money management)

Don't let the mindset overwhelm you, stick to certainty, it's not that hard to make a profit

Lifecycle of the same high-quality strategy (lack of money management)

Don't let the mindset overwhelm you, stick to certainty, it's not that hard to make a profit

Lifecycle of the same good strategy (good money management)

If you want to make a stable profit, a positive system is essential, there is no need to be obsessed with it before determining its profitability, if you have a set of master strategies, willing to be persistent for it, no problem, but don't easily question it, put optimization and replacement into the simulation, you will reduce the loss due to trial and error by more than half.

In addition, do a good job of fund management to extend the life of the system.

Mental collapse often comes from greed and fear, unsystematic, and disillusionment with the system, the former is a psychological problem, what you need is to leave first and then recover, the middle is basic trading common sense, the latter is the cost of questioning, it is best to let your doubts grow in the virtual space (simulation).

Large losses or multiple consecutive losses are the direct cause of mentality problems, which hit trading confidence, questioning oneself, questioning the system, and even questioning the market. First of all, we must think about whether we insist on the operation of the system, after eliminating this problem, we can use the maximum liquidation line to judge the effect of the system, if it is liquidated, it means that the system cannot withstand the drawdown, and it can be optimized.

Stick to a positive system, and spend three months repairing and simulating when the loss reaches 30%. If you can control the demons of greed and fear, you are just one step away from making a profit.