
Haiyin exploded, more than 40,000 investors lost one million per capita, where did the 70 billion huge money go?

author:Singularity talks about finance
Haiyin exploded, more than 40,000 investors lost one million per capita, where did the 70 billion huge money go?

Haiyin Wealth, the third-largest financial management company in China, exploded.

Recently, the official media went directly to the scene, and the fraud essence of Haiyin Wealth was hammered, with a total scale of more than 71.6 billion yuan, and more than 460 financial products, all of which are fakes, and they are fake from beginning to end.

More than 40,000 investors across the country have entered the pit, with an average loss of more than one million yuan per capita.

But even so, Hywin Wealth has maintained it for 18 years, and even achieved the third position in the industry.

Why is Hywin Fortune thundering? Where is the $70 billion it raised?

Today we will talk about these problems, it is not easy to code words, welcome to like, forward, and collect.

Haiyin exploded, more than 40,000 investors lost one million per capita, where did the 70 billion huge money go?

Haiyin thunderstorm

Haiyin's wealth is 70 billion, how to play the capital routine?

In fact, the truth is very simple, it is still a Ponzi scheme, but unfortunately human nature is very complicated, whenever a similar sickle is swung, it can always cut bundles of leeks.

The first step of Haiyin is to register 22 shell companies, on the surface, the registered capital of these companies is more than 100 million, and the strength is proper.

But in fact, the largest paid-in capital of these companies is 10,000 yuan, and many companies can't even find a registered address.

Subsequently, Haiyin relied on these 22 shell companies to fabricate hundreds of non-existent underlying assets and projects, and then packaged these fake projects and issued 465 asset management products layer by layer.

Haiyin exploded, more than 40,000 investors lost one million per capita, where did the 70 billion huge money go?

Now that the "goods" are available, how do you sell them?

Should I say it or not, Haiyin Wealth is an absolute expert in this regard, and after a series of consecutive moves, ordinary people can't stand it at all.

On the one hand, Haiyin has to hold various activities, forums, and press conferences every three or five times, and all kinds of heavyweight media are not left behind, and there are a bunch of industry leaders who come out of the platform, which makes people feel that there are only two words left to buy other financial products - reliable;

On the other hand, Haiyin is also good at "selling and boasting" to build momentum for itself.

For example, it claims to be the third largest wealth management company in China after Noah and Zhongzhi, with more than 2,500 employees and providing professional services to more than 146,000 high-net-worth individuals and institutions.

Another example is that on the company's official website, it boldly marked various heavyweight awards issued by a number of authoritative media in a prominent position as its own merit book.

Haiyin exploded, more than 40,000 investors lost one million per capita, where did the 70 billion huge money go?

It's just a pity that no matter how well packaged it is, it can't hide the essence of its Ponzi scheme.

After raising a large amount of funds through 22 shell companies, Hywin has established a huge pool of funds, and the money in these pools has hardly been invested in any underlying assets, but is used to repay the interest and principal of investors, constantly borrowing new to repay the old, and then borrowing more and more, the snowball rolls bigger and bigger, until today, 18 years later, the snowball finally can't roll.

Now more than 40,000 investors of more than 70 billion funds have long been missing, Hywin Wealth has been completely thundered, it once put on a gorgeous coat for itself, but in the end there is not even a fig leaf left.

There were early signs

The thunderstorm of Haiyin's wealth is not surprising at all.

As early as December last year, Hywin Wealth announced that it would stop exchanging all wealth management products with almost no warning.

If you don't give money, isn't this a thunderstorm?

Just when the customers of Hywin Wealth fell into a panic and were about to come to the door to ask for an explanation, the senior management of Hywin Wealth took the initiative to stand up:

Don't worry, the real estate industry is down, and the projects we invest in have also deferred repayment, but everyone be kind, the money is still good, and it will definitely be given in the future!

Haiyin exploded, more than 40,000 investors lost one million per capita, where did the 70 billion huge money go?

There was no evidence, Hywin Wealth gave such a statement, of course the customer did not accept it, so it didn't take long for Hywin Wealth to propose a new "exchange plan".

Sometimes I really have to sigh, if people can earn more than 70 billion, such a "genius" exchange plan, how can ordinary people have such a brain?

Haiyin Wealth has launched a total of 3 debt schemes, namely real estate + liquor + health management 3 packages, and Wall Street capital has to bow and worship after seeing it, called Haiyin Ancestor.

For example, for example, Haiyin Fortune owes you 1 million, and the other party says that he has no cash in hand now and can't afford to pay it back, but we still have a health treatment package worth 1.5 million here, do you want to know about it?

If you are ready to buy, then you only need to transfer another 500,000 to us, and the other 1 million will be used as a debt!

If Haiyin Wealth owes you a lot of money, such as 20 million, it doesn't matter, our boss still has a mansion worth 40 million in his hand, as long as he makes up another 20 million, you can move into the boss's mansion worth 40 million and enjoy the happiness of being the boss.

Although Hywin Wealth is still flickering, the vast majority of investors have already wondered at this time:

Good guy, isn't this just that you didn't cut enough once, and you plan to harvest it again?

It's just that what investors think, Haiyin Wealth may no longer care, anyway, it has now been thunderstormed, and there is no need to worry about more debts, all casually.

Haiyin exploded, more than 40,000 investors lost one million per capita, where did the 70 billion huge money go?

Where does the money go?

Now back to the most important questions for everyone:

Haiyin's wealth is more than 70 billion, where did all this money go? How much money can investors get back if they want to cry without tears?

Unlike the previous thunderstorm, the plant system and Noah were insolvent at that time, mainly due to the downturn in the real estate industry, and there were a lot of bad debts, and Noah was cheated by people, and he was cheated out of 30 billion just by relying on the two radish chapters.

Despite this, these two companies at least took the money to really invest in the project, and Hywin Wealth was bad from beginning to end - it was a "Ponzi scheme" from the beginning, with only one goal, that is, to make money from investors.

On the issue of the whereabouts of the 70 billion funds, there are rumors on the Internet that they have already been transferred overseas, but frankly speaking, although some of the money will definitely be transferred out, but in the case of foreign exchange control, it is impossible to transfer all of them out with such a huge amount of funds.

As a Ponzi scheme, a considerable part of the 70 billion funds must be used to repay the debts and interest of former investors, and ultimately have the effect of borrowing new to repay the old.

At the same time, more than 1,800 financial advisors across the country have worked hard to sell these "landmines", and the commission part is also indispensable.

Coupled with the company's overall operating expenses, the more than 70 billion funds were finally carved up.

So the key question is, can the money be returned?

It's hard, I'm afraid.

Needless to say, the part that has been transferred out is estimated to be suspended, and the financial advisor can indeed repay part of it after eating the oil and water in the stomach and then spitting it out, but the amount cannot be too large, and finally the funds that can be recovered in the capital pool, because it is a bunch of shell companies, it should not be optimistic.

In the final analysis, more than 40,000 investors paid in the end, and the money was all wasted.

Haiyin exploded, more than 40,000 investors lost one million per capita, where did the 70 billion huge money go?

Write at the end:

Finally, a miraculous thing, in fact, as early as many years ago, when the P2P concentrated thunderstorm, the P2P platform "Haiyin Club" under Haiyin Fortune had a scandal, but it didn't seem to have caused much damage to it.

Relying on considerable yields and superb packaging capabilities, Hywin Wealth once again recruited a large number of investors and completed another harvest.

But it's a pity that sooner or later you have to pay it back, and of course Haiyin Fortune can't run.

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