
Urgent warning! Be vigilant against →

author:Liaoyang Chang'an

The 2024 college entrance examination is approaching, and the majority of candidates are actively adjusting their status and preparing for the exam in a calm and orderly manner, while some criminals are driven by economic interests to spread false information related to the exam, sell and create anxiety, and even commit fraud and induce candidates to cheat in the exam, seriously disrupting the order of exam enrollment. To this end, the Ministry of Education, in conjunction with relevant departments, has sorted out some typical cases that have appeared in recent years, and solemnly reminds the majority of candidates and parents to be vigilant, beware of being deceived, and take the exam in good faith.

Organize cheating in college entrance exams

Can't escape the resumption of justice

【Case】Before the 2023 college entrance examination, some criminals promised candidates through QQ groups and other channels that they would pass the answers to candidates during the college entrance examination, and candidates only needed to bring electronic devices in and send the questions back. After the joint rapid investigation by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Public Security and other relevant departments, the relevant criminal gangs were successfully smashed before the examination.

The Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China clearly stipulates that in the national examinations prescribed by law, it is illegal to "organize cheating" and "provide test questions and answers to candidates". The "Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in Handling Criminal Cases such as Cheating in Organizational Examinations" clearly states that anyone who organizes cheating in national educational examinations such as entrance examinations for ordinary institutions of higher learning and graduate admissions examinations shall be found to be "serious circumstances" and shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years and shall also be fined.

In recent years, local public security organs, in conjunction with the education departments, have continued to maintain a high-pressure and strict crackdown on all kinds of illegal and criminal activities related to examinations. Remind the majority of candidates that they must enhance their legal awareness, know the law and abide by the law, and do not be confused for a while and regret it for life.

"Li Ghost" will eventually become "Li Kui"

It is not feasible to defy the law

【Case】In the 2020 unified examination for art and design majors in ordinary colleges and universities in a province, two "examination assistants" intermediaries found a college student to take a substitute exam for a candidate, and were arrested by the police. Two people who organized exam cheating were sentenced to 3 years and 8 months in prison and 3 years and 2 months in prison respectively; The substitute college student was sentenced to five months' detention with a one-year probation.

The Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China clearly stipulates that in the national examinations prescribed by law, it is illegal to "organize cheating" and "substitute others or let others take the examination on their behalf".

In recent years, some new technologies have been gradually used in the management of national education examinations to strictly prevent fraud such as substitute examinations. Although the results of the college entrance examination are important, the quality of integrity is related to the development of a person's life. Don't believe in the demagogy of criminals, let alone take the test for others or let others take the exam on your behalf, because you will eventually "reap the consequences" if you try the law.

Avoid security strip "gear"

Attempted cheating ruins the future

【Case】During the 2022 college entrance examination, a candidate avoided the entrance security check, brought a mobile phone into the examination room in violation of regulations, and took a test paper after the exam and sent it to the QQ group for answers, but to no avail, and was seized by the public security organs in accordance with the law as soon as possible. In accordance with the relevant regulations, the candidates who violated the rules were severely dealt with.

The college entrance examination is a national education examination prescribed by law. The Measures for Handling Violations in National Educational Examinations clearly stipulate that anyone who carries a device with the function of sending or receiving information shall be deemed to have cheated on the examination, and the results of all stages and subjects for which he or she has registered shall be invalid. The "Education Law of the People's Republic of China" clearly stipulates that if a candidate carries or uses cheating equipment or materials in the national education examination, and the circumstances are serious, the administrative department of education shall order him to stop participating in the relevant national education examination for not less than one year but not more than three years; where a violation of the administration of public security is constituted, the public security organ shall give a public security administrative sanction in accordance with law; where a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility is pursued in accordance with law.

In recent years, the Ministry of Education, in conjunction with relevant departments, has deployed a special governance of mobile phone cheating in the college entrance examination, and resolutely prevented the use of mobile phones and other high-tech equipment to cheat by strengthening the entry and invigilation gates. During the test, all candidates will take the test in a standardized test room and under full video surveillance; After the test, the video recording of the examination room will also be reviewed in a centralized manner. Candidates should consciously abide by the requirements of the rules of the examination room, obey the management of the examination staff, refuse to carry mobile phones and other illegal and prohibited items, and abide by the examination discipline. It doesn't matter if you lose an exam, you lose your life and you don't lose more than you lose.


There are no "pies" and "traps"

【Case】A parent in a province received a text message from an unknown number, and then received a message from her "daughter" who lived in the school saying that she wanted to sign up for a training course offered by a well-known university. Parents love their daughters very much, and they have established contact with a "Teacher Zhang" who is responsible for training matters, and "Teacher Zhang" said that he can "guarantee" this famous school by paying 300,000 yuan. After that, "daughter" and "teacher Zhang" attacked from both sides, urging them to pay money for various reasons, and defrauded a total of 180,000 yuan.

【Reminder】There is a strict process for college admissions. There is no so-called "internal enrollment" or "spending money to guarantee" in the college entrance examination admission process. Candidates and parents should be highly vigilant against such deception under the guise of "spending money to buy university places" and "admission through special channels". It is necessary to understand and confirm the examination enrollment policy and information from formal channels. False propaganda for some unscrupulous training institutions and criminals. Candidates and parents should not be gullible enough to be deceived, resulting in property loss and loss of valuable revision time.

The college entrance examination volunteer has been tampered with

Be vigilant against information leakage

【Case】A candidate in a certain province used his classmate's admission ticket number to illegally tamper with the college entrance examination application due to a bad relationship with his classmates, causing his classmates to be affected. The public security organs imposed a penalty of five days of administrative detention on the candidate, and the provincial recruitment office decided to let the victim fill in the volunteer again to maintain the fairness and justice of the college entrance examination.

Reminder: The college entrance examination is an important exam in the candidate's life, and it is very important to protect the security of personal information. Candidates should carefully keep their personal admission ticket number, login password and other important information, and always be vigilant to avoid leaking personal information to others, and prevent criminals from illegally using information and infringing on personal rights and interests.

"Occupy the pit post" as a gimmick to attract attention

Don't touch the "pranks" involved

【Case】After the 2023 college entrance examination mathematics subject test, some tutoring institutions and some netizens posted pictures of some test papers, claiming to be "betting on the test questions before the exam", and they were suspected of leaking the test questions. After investigation by the public security organs, it was found that it was a malicious edit of the "occupation of the pit post". Before the test, he published an irrelevant post on the relevant platform to occupy a place, and then replaced the original content with the content of the test paper after the test, and the time of the post was still displayed as before the test, creating the false impression that the questions were leaked before the test.

Lawyers and experts remind that if candidates maliciously publish such information, in addition to violating the examination discipline, they are also suspected of violating the law, and if the circumstances are serious, it will constitute a crime. If a training institution or other personnel, for the purpose of illegal possession, fabricates information that can obtain test questions or "real questions in betting" before the test, and defrauds a relatively large amount of public or private property, it is suspected of constituting the crime of fraud. Candidates must not "fool" themselves in order to entertain others.

Source | Ministry of Education website, Liaoning Politics and Law